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Everything posted by duncan41

  1. You two are so inspiring! This news is just over the top! Congratulations!
  2. Oh, that's just the best news! :confetti :confetti
  3. Sending powerful prayers and healing white light for Roni-man! Hugs for Mom, It just has to be ok!
  4. Don't forget to breathe!!!!!! Have been, presently and will always be praying for beautiful Neyla and her wonderful Mom! (I'll hold my breath for you, if that's ok, until you hear something.) :grouphug :grouphug
  5. duncan41

    Farewell Deimos

    I am so very sorry for your loss.
  6. You would have to know the amount of bioavailable silymarin in each capsule to get the therapeutic effect. The dosage for large dogs of Denamarin contains 35mg of silybin. The following is from the Denamarin website: "Silybin has low bioavailability.8 Denamarin, therefore, has been specially formulated to address this issue. It contains silybin in a complex with soybean phosphatidylcholine, resulting in superior absorption and bioavailability compared to silymarin or silybin administration alone.8-11 A study in dogs showed plasma silybin levels more than four times higher with administration of a silybin-phosphatidylcholine complex (SPC) than the levels obtained with administration of silymarin alone." I have no clue how to determine the dosage for OTC Milk Thistle. Perhaps someone else can chime in.
  7. All the pools at the Bridge have pillows. Happy Birthday Lewis!
  8. duncan41


    She must have known. I am so sorry that Simone had to leave. No more words, just :grouphug
  9. duncan41


    You made the ultimate decision to put Dougie's needs above your own. I am so sorry he had to leave; too young, too soon. Godspeed, Dougie.
  10. My sentiments exactly! It's as much a tribute to your devotion to making sure that she has the best possible shot as much as anything that has brought you to this day to celebrate this anniversary. Congratulations and much love, many prayers and hugs to both of you! :grouphug
  11. Yes, how is he doing? Sending prayers for a speedy recovery.
  12. All of the above. Complete blood work including screening for TBD, "clean catch" urinalysis/culture, fecal exam, abdominal ultrasound, x-rays if something bone related is suspected, dental if maybe something in her mouth is bothering her, acupuncture, chiropractor, reiki, T-touch massage, whatever works., but not necessarily in that order except for the first three. I am sure that you can work with your Vet in a way that makes sense to get a diagnosis for what is going on with Ava. Perhaps a referral to a board certified internist? I hope the dx is quick and easily resolved. Sending prayers for you and Ava.
  13. Regardless of the medical issues, your pups depend on you for everything. While a Vet can provide advice about their physical issues that may force a decision, it sounds as if your struggle is with their quality of life. In another thread sometime ago, someone suggested making a list of the things particular to that dog, going back to their introduction into your home, and list all of the things they have done that make them who they are both as individuals and in your case, as a bonded pair. When you are satisfied that you have captured all of their life experiences, habits and joys, go back over the list and see how many they still enjoy. That may help with your decision. I made that decision based on something I read here on GT: ".............better a day too soon than an hour too late." It's all about the dogs. You know them better than anyone. Regardless of your decision, you have genuine support here. Do what you feel needs to be done and we will be here to help you pick up the pieces.
  14. ...........and if it's "nothing", it's going to "nothing" in two weeks. If it's "something", it's going to be "something" in two weeks. Don't understand the reasoning behind the wait especially with a dog that's in pain and an owner that is extremely anxious, unless it's a monetary concern.
  15. I ordered tee shirts for this winter for all three, but I'm guessing only one will get much wear. Suze lays on the cold tile 18 hrs a day, Anna chooses her bed but she lays flat out, but Fuzz is my sensitive one who gets chilled easily. I'm guessing she will be thrilled to have a sleep tee this winter! Once they get used to those, I'm going to order coats for our morning and evening walks. Last winter we all froze for the month of record breaking cold (in FL!!!) and I felt very badly about not having coats for them.
  16. http://www.soft-gel.com/images/Perluxan_Brochure.pdf Check out page 6.
  18. I am so sorry. Prayers for Flash and all who love him. :hope
  19. Oh, no. I am so sorry! How horrible! Godspeed Driver and send your Mom a sign that you're OK.
  20. I am very sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing your memories of him.
  21. duncan41

    My Dylan....

    I just can't imagine losing two in such a short time. I am so very, very sorry for your loss. :grouphug
  22. She was beautiful! I am so sorry she had to leave too soon. :grouphug
  23. Aw, poor kids! Hope they come to realize very quickly that they are safe. Thank you for taking them. Whatever it was must have been very hard to give them up.
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