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Everything posted by greysmom

  1. Hi, Everyone! This is my first post on this board and I really need some help and advice! One of my (four!) greyhounds has just been diagnosed with kidney failure. We've got her on a home-cooked diet, an acid reducer, and some dietary supplements on the advice of our internist. Her values are extremely high (as in the vet was astounded Libby was still alive). In doing some web research we/ve run across some holistic supplements at caninekidneyhealth.com (by Five Leaf Pet Pharmacy in Canada) that seems like a miracle cure if you can believe the testimonials. We were wondering if anyone has any experience with this program specifically, and homeopathic treatments in general. We're also investigating acupuncture and other non-traditional medicine. Thanks in advance! I'm looking forward to posting here and talking about my greys! greysmom
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