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Everything posted by Brindles

  1. Just a thought, but maybe it's the energy coming from the people throwing the ball. People usually get rowdy doing so, and rowdy people can freak anxious dogs out.
  2. My greyhounds have always gotten along famously with other breeds. I have one greyhound right now along with a great pyrenees and an australian shepherd. One of our adopters has a greyhound and a husky and they're best friends. Some friends brought their dogs over a few weeks ago and one of them was a husky:
  3. Tell him to tough it out and just use the hose on him. The best spots to hit are the top and back of the head, the chest, and tummy between the back legs. If he's overheating, you shouldn't concern yourself with whether he likes the water or not.
  4. I had the same thing happen with Dazzle. He does everything required in the test but loses concentration at the test site.
  5. Add Dazzle to the bombproof list. There isn't much he's afraid of!
  6. I just switched mine to Fromm Large Breed Adult because of the recall, too, and they've done really well on it. Mine was $47 for a 35 lb bag. I agree that the limited ingredient varieties (like Salmon Tunalini and Surf and Turf) are WAY too expensive - for me, at least - but the Large Breed Adult variety is definitely worth it in my opinion.
  7. The buttons are big, but I don't have the overlap on mine. Mine is displaying properly as well.
  8. If you click "View new Content" in the upper right, on the results screen you can select "items I follow" from the menu on the left. it's basically a customizable search where you can bounce from difference searches w/o leaving that screen. Thanks! That helps. I still miss having the panel on the side, but this is better than nothing.
  9. Cookies and cache both cleared. I see a "recent topics" gadget on the side but no updates on topics I'm following. Is there a setting where I can turn things in that side panel off and on?
  10. I don't think my avatar changed... I do miss the panel that allowed me to see new content only in threads I've been following. Will that come back? Or is it still here and I'm missing it?
  11. Love the new UI, both mobile and desktop!
  12. Sounds like just a muscle cramp to me. ETA: The triceps are one of the areas where dogs cramp up most, and she doesn't have to be exercising to get a cramp. Sortof like a charlie horse.
  13. Of what? Just interested in your reason. I have no opinion one way or the other but then Annie Bella does not have cancer. If she did, I might try anything. Mostly wondering about the method in which it works and the safety of the procedure. Vaccines work on viruses by inoculating your body with an inactivated (in most cases) strain of the virus which causes your immune system to safely manufacture antibodies against it. This way our bodies are prepared for the real thing when and if we get infected. Cancer isn't a virus at all. It happens when cell growth gets out of control and the body is tricked into thinking it's normal. How is a vaccine going to prevent against that, especially when the dog already has cancer? If it works, that's fantastic! I'm not trying to be a nay-sayer, it's just that I'm always hesitant about new procedures because no one knows what the long-term consequences will be.
  14. Not a floating rib, just part of a normal rib. The floating rib is the last one. That part starts to show up as they lose muscle mass with age. Totally normal.
  15. My pre-adopt, Dewty, does that!
  16. Thunderphobia can absolutely be learned. It can also be unlearned.
  17. Man, when it rains, it pours. I'm so sorry you're having all this trouble with the pups! Hoping they get better very soon.
  18. Check for fleas and flea dirt. Could be a flea allergy.
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