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Everything posted by Brindles

  1. Thanks for the input, guys! I have/had a hunch that a lot of people who push the adoptable special needs dogs aside end up having to deal with temporary or permanent special needs at a later date. I was 10 years old when we got Julio. My mom searched and searched for the right breeder and the right dog to avoid any bad breeding and the issues that come with it. Julio started going blind at 4, got cancer at 7, started going deaf at 8, became hypothyroid at 10, and had allergies the whole time. How's that for some special needs? So I guess this poll makes the special needs dogs seem a lot less needy in the long run.
  2. This is something I've been curious about for a long time, and I'd love to know what the general consensus is. Poll is multiple choice so vote for each of your dogs if you have multiples. (I used the male gender to be generic, not to offend the ladies ) ETA: Oops, I meant to make the last question a multiple choice question. Any way a moderator could fix that? Por favor?
  3. I'm pretty sure it's random. I wouldn't expect her to come into season soon, but if she does, it's best to wait to spay until her hormones are back to normal which usually take about two months after it's over.
  4. No corns, I checked for that and I know Carolyn and Chris did too. Carolyn- Waggin spent most of her time on a bed or on the rug while she stayed with me. She hated going outside because the patio hurt her feet, and the acorns in the yard didn't help her either. Maybe there are corns that are deeply embedded and haven't emerged? It seems to me that the texture of the surface you walk on wouldn't affect arthritis the same way. But I'm no expert. If you want, I can give you my vet's number. She helped me with Echo when she hurt her hip. We've been good friends for years.
  5. Echo ran one schooling race and has more joint issues than she should at 7. Ford and Dazzle ran almost two years (Dazzle even broke a hock), and neither have had any problems whatsoever. Depends on the dog.
  6. thanks zoolady...was about to post that myself... Just thought I'd mention that the above article was written by a fellow greyhound owner. This whole thing is really bothering me. I don't feel comfortable in my own home anymore. Get me out of this city!
  7. Looks like just a reverse sneeze to me. Happens to Echo all the time (usually when she eats or drinks too fast), and it's really nothing to worry about. Reverse Sneezing
  8. Today marks three years since Julio had a malignant thyroid tumor removed. It's the longest my vet has seen a dog go without the cancer coming back. Yay Julio! Day after his surgery: A recent picture
  9. The tumor was benign! Julio is feeling great today!
  10. me too! Isn't he just adorable! Aww, thanks guys. Julio appreciates the thoughts! I think they helped, and I am truly grateful.
  11. Surgery went well! He's home - a bit drunk - but he's napping and comfortable. We'll know if tumor was malignant in about a week.
  12. Crate chewing. Happens mostly when they're right about to race and all excited. Check this out. Ford at 2 years. He'd only been racing a few months. Ford at 4 years. He came back in bad shape after he left Southland. Edit: His front teeth are worn down to his gums. All that is left is the root. Dazzle's and Echo's teeth are also broken, but not as badly. It doesn't hurt them at all.
  13. Julio has a tumor on his neck. It has been almost three years since we removed his malignant thyroid tumor. It is most likely unrelated to his previous thyroid cancer, but it's still in the area and firm, so we're going to go ahead and take it out while it's small. My vet says he's in such good health that this is the best option. He's 10 years old and sensitive to anesthesia. The appointment is next Monday. Thanks for the well wishes for my ole man.
  14. Julio has PRA. It started when he was 4, and fully set in at 9. His was a slow progression. Not sure if it has been posted, but here's some news: According to my opthamologist, dogs with PRA don't go completely blind. Their field of vision goes from full down to about 2 degrees. Just that much makes things a lot easier for him. It's hardly a handicap for Julio.
  15. Here's the first thing I thought of. A very influential person in my life once told me, "These people who are raising their kids without any animals in their house are making a big mistake." Some of my best childhood memories are teaching Julio (see my signature) to do agility when he was just a year or two old. btw, welcome to GT
  16. All three of mine have it. Totally normal. I'm interested to see what a vet says about it, though. I've always just assumed it was due to sun exposure.
  17. He looks so much like my old arab cross that I lost to colic when I was younger. We had to haul Amaretto to Mississippi State when she coliced one night, but she never made it home. It's hard to believe how everything seems fine one day and then they're gone the next. Just today I went over to my mom's house to get all of my old horse stuff out of her house and into mine. I found Amaretto's trunk of stuff. When she went to Mississippi State, they braided and cut her tail hair and forelock and sent it back to us in a box. I found the box today. I feel for you.
  18. If it's a bluish colored patch on the underside of her belly, it's probably just blackheads. This is the only picture I have uploaded that shows what I mean: See the blue spot? (Sorry about the wee wee shot )
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