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Everything posted by SIGreyLady

  1. Greetings from NY. Your pup is lovely. I love her name too. I see she has settled in really well .
  2. Greetings from NY. Your Rob looks like my Kelsey. He's very handsome.
  3. SIGreyLady


    You will always be remembered.
  4. Contined prayers and good thoughts to you all.
  5. Greetings from NY to you, Comet and your family. This is a greyt site! Can't wait to see pics of Comet in his pirate costume.
  6. Hello to you and Star from NY. Very sorry to hear about Star but OSU is the best place for greyhound health issues. She sounds like a very special girl.
  7. That's good news! Hoping for good findings on Ella's biopsies
  8. SIGreyLady

    Crazy Sahra

    Very sorry for the loss of your beautiful girl. Run Free sweet angel.
  9. Sending good healing thought and prayers for all of you
  10. Sending good thoughts and prayers for Iceman.
  11. Glad to hear he is doing better. I hope OSU finds out what kind of infection it is and that Drake will be up and about quickly.
  12. Hello from New York. You'll find that this site is addictive
  13. Greetings and Welcome from New York. Very sorry to hear about your girl Bacardi. It must have been devastating for you and your family. I'm sure you'll love this site - lots of good info, fun talks and news about greyt events.
  14. They are absolutely adorable!! Love the long little tails Congratulations!
  15. Keeping you all in my thoughts and praying for good news
  16. Has he been licking or chewing the area?
  17. He is a handsome boy! Love his face. Congratulations
  18. Congrats on your new family member. He is very handsome!!
  19. Hello from Staten Island, NY. Hoping all goes well and will have a hound soon. I know waiting is the worst part of adoption.
  20. Congratulations! She is beautiful. Her collar looks so right for her too.
  21. Congratulations on your new addition. She is beautiful!
  22. Sending healing thoughts to Miles and good wishes for the lottery to you
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