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Posts posted by 4My2Greys

  1. Mary - I have thought both about accupuncture and chiropractic adjustment. The problem with this is that the closest certified veterinary accupuncturist is over 2 hours away and to be honest I'm not sure if he could take the stress of the drive. The closest veterinary chiropractor is about 3 hours away.


    Jen - Thanks for mentioning that accupuncture has helped Zuri. Chase's condition is not what I consider bad at this stage so maybe with a little time and conditioning I can get him used to the long drive for accupuncture treatments if they would help him. As far as cold laser is concerned I will look into it, but will probably have to go to another vet's office to have it done. The tech that does the cold laser at the vet's office where I take Chase is the one that was responsible for looking after Nadir the day I had to let him go. She brought him to me in the waiting room unable to breathe handed me his leash, then turned her back and walked away. Another tech had to come out and help.me with him. I swore she would never touch another pet of mine again. Quite frankly I would probably put my hands around that scrawny neck of her's and let her get a feeling of what it feels like to not be able to breathe if I was in the same room again with her.


    Donna, Susan, and Jen, so far Chase seems to be handling the Tramadol well. At least so far I've seen no adverse issues when he has been taking it. I've been lucky in that both Nadir and Chase both seem to tolerate it. I do have quite a bit of both Tramadol and Gabapentin left over from Nadir so I could see if the Gabapentin would benefit him more.

  2. I want to thank everyone for their replies.


    Connie - I have read what Dr. Stack had to say on LS, but thank you for the link anyway.


    Susan - I remember you saying what you said when it came to George's LS and whether or not a definitive diagnosis was worth it if you are not going to pursue surgery and I believe you are right. I have insurance on Chase so it would be within my means to consider the surgery, but I also have to take not only his physical, but also his emotional well being into account when considering surgery. Knowing his fragile emotional state it would be wrong of me to subject him to a procedure like that when the stress from a simple bath at PetSmart induced in him a very severe case of rhabdomyolysis. The urination issues he has been having are related to the rhabdo he suffered 12 weeks ago.


    I will be back to respond to the other replies later.

  3. I've had Chase on Springtime Longevity, Fresh Factors, and Joint Health since about 9 years old. He has also been taking (5) 1,000mg high EPA and DHA capsules daily. I also give him 50mg of ubiqinol for heart health, 200mg of vitamin e for antioxidant benefit, and 540mg of ginger root powder for digestive health twice daily. With the exception of the problems that were brought on by the episode of rhabdomyolysis he has been the picture of health. He will be 11 in August and just last week he was tearing around the yard like a 4 year old. I think the supplements make a big difference.

  4. I took Chase in Friday because not only has he continued to have problems with increased frequency of urination since he suffered from the very bad episode of rhabdomyolysis 12 weeks ago, he has also started panting while at rest and whining when he goes to lay down. I thought that these new problems were also complications resulting from the rhabdo episode. While we are waiting on the bloodwork and urinalysis to try to determine what is going only with his urinary problems the vet was able to observe the problems he was having when trying to lie down. He checked along his spine and when he pressed on the vertebra associated with L S his backend immediately dropped. I realize that this is not a definitive diagnosis and am wondering what steps I should pursue as far as further testing and correction of the problem.. For now he had me start him on Tramadol for the pain but I just heard him start whining a moment ago when he tried to lie down and it has only been 2-1/2 hours since taking his Tramadol this morning.

  5. No, not overly anxious at all. If it was me I would keep your two separated from the new ones when your not there to observe and make sure nothing gets out of hand. Since the other two new ones seem to be okay with crating I would crate them in another room from your two and keep Mr. Rascal in there with them muzzled and babygated in. As you see how the one your intending to keep does with your own greys you can start transitioning him/her to stay in the room with them.

    Whatever you decide you don't want to leave that many new dogs unattended together unmuzzled and uncrated.

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