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Posts posted by 4My2Greys

  1. Nancy, I hope you know how very special Lydia was to me. I know how hard it was for you and Doug to let her go at the same time knowing you were giving her the ultimate gift. The gift of release from a failing body. How I wish we could turn back those years. I hope you are finding comfort in Evangalina. I know it is what Lydia and Tess would have wanted.




  2. I was reading about the different methods of collection, all off which have their drawbacks. One of the methods is catheterization. The drawback of it is the possibility of introducing bacteria into the urinary tract. That is when it hit meet. He had been catheterized during his rhabdomylosis episode. Vet agreed to start him on antibiotics, which was started Friday a week ago.


  3. Chris,, I am so sorry. My heart sank further than it already had yesterday when I saw her name in Remembrance. She was a very lucky girl to have found her home with you and Dennis. A home that would show her unmeasurable love and patience. One that worked to get her passed her fears. One in which she blossomed in ways that might appear small, but for her they were huge strides.

  4. Nancy, I read your tribute yesterday and was brought to tears, tears that came again and again and again, as I thought of the loss you and Doug were feeling.

    I also find myself crying for the loss I feel knowing a precious soul like her can be held no more.

    I'm so very, very sorry for your tremendous loss of one so loved. :grouphug A loss I feel too after reading your tribute and getting to know who Tessa Noelle was. For me the line from the Jerry Macquire movie, "You had me at hello" comes to mind, but it's a little different, this time it's"You had me at goodbye."


    Farewell, Tessa Noelle. :f_pink

  5. I started off Chase on the Fresh Factors/Joint Health Combo, but have since switched too Longevity. I still give the Fresh Factors and Joint Health because I bought the combo of 1000 each when they had their last sale like this. I got the Longevity as an add on then and have really liked his overall condition since being on it. He was just diagnosed with suspected LS recently but was doing zoomies around the yard like a 3 year old just a week before that, and he'll be 11 the first week of August.

    I also like their Chewable Garlic tablets. I don't use any flea preventative other than that and haven't been bothered by fleas or ticks.

  6. Sale runs through May 26. This is a good time to stock up or try the products if you've been thinking about it.






    Fresh Factors, Joint Health, and Skin & Coat Sampler Pack




    This combo is a good bargain for someone wanting to try the Skin & Coat Oil. The sale price is what you would pay for the FF and Joint Health alone of this quantity, so you essentially are getting the Skin & Coat oil free.


    Fresh Factors 180 ct + Joint Health Chews 180 ct. + 32 oz Skin & Coat Oil

    Sale: $56.00 Regular $70.00

  7. No, not yet. I'm trying to get up with him to get some. Normally, he calls me to discuss test results. When I didn't hear from him by yesterday afternoon I called and found that he was out and had been in the office Tuesday. I couldn't figure out why he hadn't called so I checked the email and in it he sent the following reply concerning the urinalysis.


    " The urine that was a free catch sample could have the contaminant from the prepuce that shows as the WBC's and RBC's and bacteria. It is possible that he has a urinary tract infection, but that is unusual in a male animal."


    Then wrote for me to contact him with any questions.

    I'm sorry, but with all I've been through with Nadir's and now Chase's urinary issues he should know I know how to get a proper urine sample. I told him when the results came back from the previous test that I don't do a catch until he has urinated a good stream washing out any bacteria that might be hanging out around the prepuce.

    Anyway when I called yesterday I told them to make sure he calls me today. My poor boy has gone far too long with this infection, which looks like it started brewing on the last urinalysis, which was back in March.

  8. I got the results of Chase's latest urinalysis and bloodwork back yesterday morning and am waiting to talk to the vet.

    The AST liver enzyme is moving closer to being in the normal range. His creatinine level has creeped up another 1/10th of a point to 1.9 and phosphorus was low at 2.2, should be 2.5-6.0

    Overall bloodwork was pretty good. I can't say the same for the urinalysis, which is both bad and good maybe. Bad that it is not good, but good in that maybe we can figure out why he has to pee so much. Anyway here are the results, comparing previous results to most recent.

    pH: 8.0 now 8.5

    Protein: Trace now 3+

    Blood: Neg now 1+

    WBC: None now 4-10 (should be 0-3)

    RBC: 0-1 now 4-10 (should be 0-3)

    Struvite crystals: 2-3 now 4-10

    Amorphous crystals: 2-3 now 4-10

    Bacteria (Cocci and rods): 25-60 now >100.


    Taking these results in combination with his constant need to urinate pretty much screams UTI to me.

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