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Posts posted by 4My2Greys

  1. I didn't bother with cutting out circles either. I just did squares or rectangles big enough to cover the corn and a bit of the surrounding area.

    I found if you handled the tape too much it wouldn't adhere to the toe.


    I can't even begin to wonder what the hell the adoption group and vet were thinking Pam by doing surgery on all four paws at the same time. Surgery isn't the problem it's idiots that do something like that. Now that I know about corns I will always give duct tape a try first, but I won't rule out surgery if the duct tape happens to not work on a particular corn. And I wouldn't have surgery done on more than one paw at a time. That way they can tripod while the toe heals.

    Duct tape is definitely the way to go though.

  2. I'm not sure how it works, I can only speculate as others have. Perhaps it something in the adhesive along with the corn being covered and perhaps suffocating for lack of oxygen.

    I used the Duck tape Max because I remembered reading somewhere here that the cheap dollar store duck tape wouldn't work. It was hard to get a piece to stick, but I persevered until I got it to adhere and only replaced it when it had come unstuck all around. I would then carefully peel it off and apply another piece. I never tried to pull the corn out even when it was at the stage the picture was taken. I didn't want there be a chance a piece be left behind and start growing again. I came home from work a few days after I took that picture to find both the tape and corn gone from his toe. One time I soaked his foot, which some have mentioned doing another time I applied a 40% solution of salicylic acid. Both times after doing so it took several days before I could get the tape to stick again.

    I hope this is the last corn I deal with, but if not the duck tape method and a little patience will always be the first thing I try. I would encourage others to do the same.

  3. Yes. Although what the vet and I evenutually figured out was that Brandi wasn't so much getting a UTI as UTI-like symptoms because her entire system was inflamed by the kibble. We switched to a raw diet with vitamin B and the problems basically went away.

    This is similar to what I experienced with my Nadir. There were specific foods that he was sensitive to and that would lead to increased urination and UTI like symptoms. It started with rice, but over time he also had these symptoms with many other foods. For me it was a no brainer that the food was the cause because whenever I started eliminating a specific food from his diet the symptoms would resolve within a few days.

  4. This is my experience. Chase was diagnosed with lumbosacral stenosis. I give him Longevity, Fresh Factors, and Joint Health. I do think they benefit him overall, but they are not enough to help with the pain from the LS. For that he also takes tramadol and gabapentin.

    If you are going to try the route of Fresh Factors over Previcox I would also add in Joint Health or preferably use Longeviity. I would also only use them in place of an NSAID if you could keep him painfree with them.

  5. My heart aches following your struggle. It brings back so much of what I went through with Beanie. If your schedule will allow for it I would increase the gabapentin to 3 times a day. Ideally that is how it should be given. You could also increase his tramadol to at least twice a day.

    Praying that you and Kasey make it over this hurdle.

  6. Fish oil when taken on a regular basis depletes the body's store of Vitamin E. The amount of Vitamin E typically found in fish oil is only sufficient for preserving it. You actually need to supplement with Vitamin E when taking or giving fish oil on a regular basis.

    I give Chase 2000 mg (720 EPA/480 DHA ) fish oil from Life Extension along with 200 IU of Vitamin E with mixed tocopherols twice a day.

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