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Everything posted by Hawthorn

  1. A similar thing happened to me once when I got whacked in the eye by a branch of a tree. I had a cut on the cornea and had double-vision for a while. I got it checked out + had some drops and it got better very quickly - within a day or two I think - so hopefully your girl's will too .
  2. I'd be wondering about a neck problem. Once when one of mine had a neck problem I only found out when someone stroked his head and he yelped. Just a small pressure on the top of his head was enough to cause him pain. Never knew what caused it but he got better in a few days. Hope she's back to normal soon!
  3. Hawthorn

    9 Years

    Loss is never easy, but in my own experience it's especially hard to find peace when the circumstances were so traumatic. I know how distressing those "visions" can be and have often wondered why memories of the relatively brief traumatic times seem so much more vivid than the memories of the many good times which far outnumber the bad. Unfortunately I don't have any answers but I hope the bad visions fade over time and the good memories take over - it certainly sounds like you have plenty of them .
  4. I'm so sorry ... RIP Bluedawg.
  5. So sorry you had to say goodbye to Annie.
  6. Oh no, I am so sorry - rest in peace, Ripple.
  7. I am so sorry ... rest in peace, Leo.
  8. When Sunny had a mystery limp which our regular vet couldn't diagnose it turned out to be a problem in his neck just between his shoulder blades. A second (greyhound) vet diagnosed it in a matter of minutes and we subsequently took him to a chiropractor for treatment.
  9. Hawthorn


    I'm so sorry - rest in peace, Sophie.
  10. Very sad ... condolences to all who loved him - RIP Raymond.
  11. I'm surprised your vet said to lead walk for only 10 days as, certainly in people, broken toes take about 6 weeks to heal. I think if he were mine, I'd lead walk him for at least 6 weeks and build up the length of the walks gradually. As for the zoomies in the garden, can't you just take him in the garden on his lead? As for the pain, from my own experience, broken toes are very painful for the first 2 weeks then not so much, so I wouldn't think you'd need painkillers after the first 2 weeks, unless he does something to make it worse.
  12. Your tribute has me in tears. I'm so sorry you lost Reggie so young and so soon after adopting him. We lost our Teddy (also 6 years old) to OS only 4 months after we adopted him and it was absolutely gut-wrenching. Still, Teddy's short time with us taught us some important lessons, as I'm sure Reggie has you, the most important of which was that EVERY DAY COUNTS. I am sure that Reggie would thank you if he could for every day of happiness you gave him. RIP Reggie.
  13. I've done different things with mine, depending on what feels right. Usually when the ashes first come home, I put them somewhere with a favourite photo and candle and just wait until I know what to do next. Some of Charlie's ashes were scattered on his favourite beach, some on his favourite walk, and the rest we planted in a container with a silver birch tree and a remembrance plaque. Teddy's ashes are buried in the garden with a shrub and a plaque. I always have some sort of remembrance service, which might be a poem I've written, or one that seems appropriate, or just some words. Sometimes I've had several remembrance ceremonies. I think it's important to do what feels right to you and not to feel any pressure to do anything right away. With Charlie's ashes, it took me 2 years before I knew what I wanted to do with them, but with Teddy's I knew very quickly.
  14. I'm so sorry for your loss - rest in peace Jake.
  15. I'm so sorry you had to say goodbye - rest in peace, Mimi.
  16. I'd want to know where the "donor bones" come from. They do this procedure at a hospital local to me and I've always wondered where they get the bones from. My worst fear would be that they get them from "donated" greyhounds.
  17. I'm so sorry ... rest in peace, Iris.
  18. I'm so sorry you had to say goodbye to your beautiful girl.
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