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Everything posted by Hawthorn

  1. I'm so very sorry . I had been following Smiley's progress in H&M and am so sad that it ended this way .
  2. Hawthorn


    Condolences to all who knew and loved Java .
  3. Hawthorn

    My Sweet Jazz

    I'm so sorry. Beautiful picture - he looks so happy. Rest in peace, Jazz.
  4. She sounds amazing - I'm so sorry you had to say goodbye to her - RIP Emily.
  5. All I can tell you is that when one of my greyhounds had partially ruptured tendons behind his wrist, the very experienced greyhound vet we saw didn't advise wrapping it at all. The only "treatment" he advised was to keep him on a lead, even in the garden, for 6 months and to gently massage the area once a day to improve the blood flow to the area. It certainly worked, and the tendon healed up fine with no further problems.
  6. Hawthorn

    Honey Velvet

    I'm so sorry you had to say goodbye to your beautiful girl.
  7. I'm so sorry for your loss - RIP Bo.
  8. I'm so sorry ... rest in peace, Cheer.
  9. How tragic ... way too young ... RIP Bruiser
  10. I'm so sorry . Your post brings back so many memories of my loss of Teddy three years ago. He was 6 and a half years old, it was the same time of year, and he had that same awful disease. In our case, too, we were initially told it wasn't cancer but it turned out it was and the pain progressed very rapidly until we had to say goodbye much sooner than we hoped. It is utterly devasting and so unfair to lose Tawny so young and so unexpectedly. You will never be the same. Love always changes you. My life changed a lot after I lost Teddy. I ended up leaving a job I had hated for years: after Teddy died I just couldn't do it any more and handed in my notice. Afterwards, I realised it was one of the best decisions I ever made: it is such a waste of life to spend it doing something you don't enjoy. Someone I talked to about it later on suggested that perhaps that was Teddy's gift to me. I don't know, but I do know that since Teddy died I make sure that I make the most of every single day I am given with my beloved dogs. Life and love are both very precious. As for how to cope, there aren't any easy answers but take it one step at a time, be kind to yourself and try not to have any expectations about how you "should" be feeling or when you "should" be feeling better . Rest in peace, Tawny .
  11. I'm so sorry for your loss of Tigger.
  12. This makes me sick to my stomach . Having lost a dog myself in an attack by another dog, I can well imagine the emotional devastation. My thoughts are with the owner. RIP Maris and Yogi.
  13. Hawthorn


    I'm so sorry for your loss of Vixen - those pictures tell the story of a very happy life.
  14. Just wanted to add my belated condolences on your unexpected loss of Bea - she was very pretty.
  15. Hawthorn

    Augie Dogie

    I'm so sorry you had to say goodbye to your big boy - RIP Augie.
  16. I'm so sorry you had to say goodbye to your beautiful Tia.
  17. I'm so sorry for your loss. How lucky Rico was to have such a loving home with you in his final years.
  18. Hawthorn

    Sweet Macy

    Rest in peace Macy.
  19. That's very sad - I'm so sorry - RIP Ace.
  20. Adding my condolences on your loss of Iceman - so sorry you had to say goodbye.
  21. I'm so sorry. What a wonderful long life she had. Rest in peace, Darbee.
  22. That's so sad - rest in peace, Abe .
  23. I am so sorry for your loss of Domino - he has such a sweet face - rest in peace, Domino.
  24. Some dogs are much more noise-sensitive than others. Sunny is very afraid of fireworks and other bangs too and hasn't really improved much with time. We find that putting on some music with a good beat (we use Queen Greatest Hits!) helps quite a lot but we also keep valium in the house for times when there are a lot of fireworks, such as over new year, and give him 10mg if necessary, which takes the edge off his fear. Stress puts a lot of strain on the adrenal glands, and depletes the body of vitamins and minerals (vitamins B and C and magnesium for example) so it's better to avoid it if you can. There are lots of things you can try before resorting to medication, such as valerian and other herbal remedies, rescue remedy, DAP etc. None of these helped Sunny at all, but some people seem to have success with them.
  25. Both of ours occasionally get us up in the early hours but I figure I trained them to let me know if they need to go out so I really can't complain when they do just that - if they need to go they need to go!
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