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Everything posted by Hawthorn

  1. Mine get their teeth brushed twice a day. With my first greyhound I brushed once a week but he still ended up needing a dental at the age of 6. With my current two, I started out brushing once a day but found that there was still a little build up starting so I went to twice a day and this is working very well. I'm hoping that neither of mine will ever need a dental. What are Ollie's teeth like at the moment? It's possible he may need an initial dental to get them clean but after that regular brushing should maintain them.
  2. I had a similar situation with Sunny a while back. Our vet didn't really know what was causing his pain/limping, but thought it was in his shoulder. We tried rest, painkillers and muscle-relaxants, but although this did improve the symptoms at the time, as soon as he returned to normal activity the symptoms would return. Eventually we took him to see a very experienced greyhound vet, who found that the problem was a slight misalignment of one of the bones at the base of his neck between the shoulder blades. He told me that this injury is very common in greyhounds, often after a fall, and would not usually be visible in an xray. After a few sessions with a chiropractor, Sunny was virtually back to normal, although he does still need occasional treatments. IMO it would be worth getting a second opinion from an experienced greyhound vet and/or a chiropractor. Not everyone agrees about chiropractic, and I was quite apprehensive myself before I took Sunny, but I have to say that I found the chiropractor very knowledgeable and the treatments definitely helped Sunny.
  3. This wearing away of one of the middle nails on one hind leg was one of the first signs I saw in my greyhound who was eventually diagnosed with Degenerative Myelopathy. In his case, though, when I was walking him on pavement, I could hear that every 20 steps or so he would scuff the nails of that foot on the ground. Eventually it started with the same nail on the other hind leg as well. Hopefully it's not DM with your greyhound, but I thought I'd mention it as something to at least bear in mind.
  4. With Sunny it depends on what type of walk it's going to be. He isn't keen to go on walks around the streets where we live; I think he finds it boring and would rather stay on his bed . On the other hand, he LOVES to go on longer walks in the countryside where he can have off-lead time and do some running. He knows what type of walk it's going to be before we leave the house, because I take different stuff with me for the country walks, and if it's a country walk he's really excited and leaping around, but if it's a street walk he just stays on his bed .
  5. That is very sad . Sunny and Sophie's mother died giving birth, too .
  6. It does seem too much of a coincidence that your boy has had seizures every time he's been on a NSAID and even though he's had another seizure since he's been off the painkillers I'd still be highly suspicious that they caused, or at least triggered, them. My boy Sunny had seizures similar to those you describe for 4 days following a Rimadyl injection and I will never allow him to have any NSAID again. The vet was unwilling to attribute the seizures to the Rimadyl, because the first one did not happen until 24 hours after the injection, but I'm not willing to take the risk of giving him any further NSAIDs; if he needs painkillers now he has tramadol. I know this is something you'll be discussing with your vet anyway, so good luck, and yes, do let us know how you get on!
  7. One of my greyhounds once developed a persistent lump behind his wrist with slight lameness and it turned out to be partially ruptured tendons. Our regular vet had no idea what it was, though, and I only found out when I eventually took him to a track vet. After 6 months of lead walking only (including in the garden) he was fine. I can't tell from your pictures if Ossie's is exactly the same, but your description of "slightly firm knot under the skin but kind of squishy too" does sound very familiar.
  8. Hello and welcome . I hope you enjoy GT and you can add me to the list of those who'd love to see pictures of your pack!
  9. Just to add that one of the calming supplements that I sometimes use for my dogs contains L-theanine, so it must be OK for dogs. I've included a link to the supplement so you can see for yourself. Kalm Aid
  10. I was going to suggest neck too. When Sunny had a problem with intermittent lameness after exercise it eventually turned out to be his neck. A chiropractor has helped Sunny a lot.
  11. Something that can work very well with food aggressive dogs is to approach them when they're eating and throw something very tasty into, or near to, their bowl. At first, you throw from quite a distance (you need to be a good shot!), so that they don't feel threatened, and gradually you can get closer before you put the treat in their bowl. Over time this changes the way the dog looks at the situation, so that instead of seeing you approaching as a threat, he begins to see it as a very good thing. I haven't used this technique myself (never had a food aggressive dog) but it was described to me by a dog trainer acquaintance who used to work at a dogs home where the technique was regularly used with good success.
  12. He was a handsome boy - I am so sorry for your loss - RIP Patsy Fagen.
  13. So sorry for your loss - rest in peace, Lily.
  14. So sorry for your loss of sweet little Austin ... my sympathy to you and your son.
  15. I'm very sorry for your loss - rest in peace, Brooke.
  16. That's a very traumatic thing to witness - condolences to Fergie's family.
  17. Sarah was beautiful and I'm very sorry for your loss.
  18. That's what Sunny does when his neck is starting to hurt him again. We don't see any other symptoms at all, just whimpering when he goes to lie down on his bed after a playing session. It's how I know he needs to go back to the chiropractor.
  19. Hawthorn


    I'm so sorry for your sudden loss of your sweet boy - rest in peace, Hotdog.
  20. How heartbreaking to lose her so young and so suddenly. She was very beautiful. My deepest sympathy.
  21. I am so sorry for your loss of Maggie and hope that your memories bring you much peace and comfort.
  22. I am so sorry Chance was taken from you so suddenly. To lose a beloved dog is always heartbreaking but to lose one so unexpectedly is extra hard.
  23. I'm so sorry - to lose one to osteo is heartbreaking enough but to lose two so close together must be beyond devastating. Rest in peace together, Nike and Bacchus. :
  24. Hawthorn


    My condolences to you and to Sunni's owners - rest in peace Sunni.
  25. What a beautiful tribute for your beautiful girl - a real love story - and beautiful pictures too . I am so sorry for your loss . Rest in peace, Piper.
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