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About Susanval

  • Birthday 03/29/1964

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    Hartford, Connecticut

Susanval's Achievements

Grey Pup

Grey Pup (4/9)

  1. Fancy just turning 4 years old is freaking out in storms and has stopped eating. Not great since we live in FL. Thunder shirt does nothing - Benadryl sort of helps. She is afraid of loud trucks too. What drops could I try before going to the vet? Thanks Susan
  2. Edge has been itchy since he adoption over a year ago. He doesn't seem crazy with it but itches from time to time and he chews around his back. We can pull little brown hard specks off that area but have seen no fleas. I have a cat that has no fleas and there are no bites on us. Would a flea bath help him? Is it another skin condition? Anyone know? Thanks.
  3. Thank you everyone. I think you are right and we have nothing to worry about. The cat is definitely the head of the pack!
  4. Hi - I've had my grey for 1 year 4 months and for the first time he killed a rabbit in the backyard. He didn't eat it but tried to bring it back in the house. He left it outside after a bit and came back in. My concern is actually for my indoor cat which has never been a problem. In fact they play a bit -the cat is actually more aggressive than the dog. But now I'm nervous that something bad will happen at night when they are together.
  5. Thank you. I moved the water bowl into the area i want to gate and I will try feeding him in there from now on. Wish me luck!
  6. I live in Hartford, CT and Edge hates his coat. I take him out when its 20 degrees and he's panting!! The few times I've put it on him he's so itchy he rubs against me and we can't even walk properly. Can't put blankets on him either. I figure I just have a "hot" hound!
  7. But then again I'm not sure I trust the cat not to approach him. I wonder if a baby gate would be enough. The cat is really bold and a problem.
  8. My problem is the hound seems fine but the cat is the one to be scared of! The cat jumps on the dog and the dog will run into his crate or another bed if the cat looks at him the wrong way. We have had the dog (Edge) for about 6 months and there have only been a couple of times the dog has growled. In another post I mentioned trying to get rid of my crate but I'm not sure it's safe for either of them if I'm not home (or at night) and the cat approaches the dog. I'm not sure who could get hurt worse because my cat has claws.
  9. I have to give it back to the adoption agency. He does like it so I will see how it goes.
  10. Yes it will fit. No we don't use the door very often. You think I should move it over there?
  11. Edge has been with us for almost six months. He never soils in the house and has been fine alone in the crate for up to 5 hours and he goes in all night too. During the day he will often go in there to sleep on his own with the door open. I would like to take it away and get him used to being in a "safe" area with a baby gate when we are not home so he can drink or eat. He is a very timid dog - yes - a wuss! The safe area is the mud room and it's not near where his crate is. May I also add that we have a domineering cat that he's afraid of most of the time. Would love to make the transition. How??? Advice greatly appreciated.
  12. Hi everyone - second greyhound. 4 days in with Edge who is my two year old foster. Problem is he is so dead tired at night he is asleep by 8:30! I have not been waking him up before bed so he sleeps right through until almost 5am in a crate in the living room. I let him out to pee but he is so excited and hungry that I let him eat and drink a bit. This morning I put him back in the crate and went back upstairs and he howled and barked for another 20 minutes. I poked my head down twice and said, "no". Then when he got mostly quiet I came down - darn I was awake!! So tired but want him to sleep until 6 or so. Am I doing this right? Should I wake him up at 10pm before I go to bed to pee??? Help! Susan
  13. I am in the same boat. 4 days in with Edge. Problem is he is so dead tired at night he is asleep by 8:30! I have not been waking him up before bed so he sleeps right through until almost 5am in a crate in the living room. I let him out to pee but he is so excited and hungry that I let him eat and drink a bit. This morning I put him back in the crate and went back upstairs and he howled and barked for another 20 minutes. I poked my head down twice and said, "no". Then when he got mostly quiet I came down - darn I was awake!! So tired but want him to sleep until 6 or so. Am I doing this right? Should I wake him up at 10pm before I go to bed to pee??? Help!
  14. Another lost to osteo but your love and devotion will never be forgotten. Even though two days have gone by I just found some pee in the dining room you left behind. That is so like you to leave a reminder of yourself. Always full of attitude and demanding attention. Loving to all people, but not so much with boxer dogs. You will be missed forever!
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