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Everything posted by GeorgeofNE

  1. Unless she's allergic to bees, it's not that big a deal. The Benadryl needn't be given beyond the first dose if nothing happens. If she was going to react, it would have been within 15-30 minutes. How do I know?? George stepped on a bee hive when I first got him. He was stung 3-5 times. I called my vet immediately (after shoving Benedryl in him!), and that's what she said. He didn't even get welts, so I stopped worrying!
  2. I don't see anywhere that he's getting any EXERCISE? Do you walk him, or just open the door? 'Cause in a case like this, you REALLY need to go out with him and see what he's really doing out there. You may even need to take him into the yard on a leash for a while. You really need to start from step one, as if he's a puppy. /And you also have to make sure that you eliminate all traces of his prior urine or he's just going to keep peeing in the spots he's already peed. Believe me, I feel your pain having had some ongoing issues myself! But before I realized my dog's issues are medical, I was really frustrated too! And I also have learned that to George, telling me he has to go out isn't walking to the door and whining--it's trotting around the living room with a stuffy in his mouth--I'm sure that's clear to HIM, but I'm used to a more obvious sign!
  3. I would not just jump to giving her Panacur myself. Tramadol for pain, sure, but straining to poo and scooting sounds more like impacted anal glands to me--not worms. Can you gently press around her rectum and see if you feel any sort of swelling or lumps??
  4. Having had two dogs with allergies at this point, I believe that is ABSOLUTELY scratching. Any chance she got a flea passenger at the meet and greet? Some dogs are actually allergic to fleas, and just one bite sets off a reaction. I'd give her Benadryl and watch her. If it just stops, I'd chalk it up to a bug bite, and try not to worry too much! As we know, Greyhound skin is very fragile. It doesn't take much to get it looking like that, which is why George has to wear a shirt during allergy season, or his "arm pits" would look like that after a day.
  5. Are you leaving her with a Kong?? Is she getting a good LONG walk every morning before you leave her? Both of these things helped my boy tremendously--he had a terrible time adjusting to life out of the track kennel. I also used a DAP diffuser; not sure it worked, but it certainly didn't hurt. I'm in agreement with just about everything said above, including the comment about the behaviorist not being aware that there ARE medications for S.A.
  6. Where on her body is it located, and is it under the skin or on the skin? If it's near her shoulders, you may be feeling her microchip! The first time I stumbled on George's, it freaked me out a bit!
  7. Wanna trade????? I foolishly requested a "high energy" Greyhound, and now when I read about a dog who provides the companionship I need, but is so relaxed and, yes, lazy she just lays around, I wonder what was I thinking!! I can't walk from the living room to my bedroom (I live in an 875 sq. foot condo, mostly open floor plan) without George following me. And I've had him for more than 2 years. You'd think by now he'd realize there isn't a portal to another universe in the condo, and the only exit is actually in the living room area! No matter what the weather, he gets his 2 mile walk every day--he's unbearable without it. He's 8, with lumbar stenosis, and he still wants to do mad butt tuck zoomies on the end of his leash. Greyhounds come in many "flavors," but it sounds to ME as if yours is the more typical. They are notoriously lazy dogs who often happily sleep, and sleep, and sleep! You need to let her be who she is. While it may see "boring" to you to lounge about all day, clearly it's what she enjoys! So, where shall we meet to make the swap?
  8. I am not a fan of harnesses for anything other than greater security with a spook. I HAVE a Wiggles, Wags, and Whiskers harness, and it's terrific. I bought it when George slipped his martingale (don't ask me how, 'cause I keep them rather snug!) when a carnival ride scared him--and he nearly got into a very busy road. I assumed the carnival would be back each year, so I wanted to be prepared (it was set up directly across the street from my condo--there was no way to avoid it). The carnival didn't come back... Anyway, what I find is that George, who doesn't like dogs of other breeds (likes to lure other dogs into a false sense of security then lunge at them), needs to have biting parts contained, not so much his body! The harness leaves the entire neck and face free to roam, so to speak!
  9. You should not take his water away; if he has Cushings or any sort of kidney issue, it's critical he be able to flush his system by drinking.
  10. Interesting! I used to have to give my Kramer (not a greyhound, so no one freak out!) Acepromazine to fly on the 12 seater planes we take to Nantucket. As he got older, the vet said it was no longer appropriate, and he gave me Valium. The dog had never been more upset and vocal! Then the vet told me that Valium tends to loosen a dog's inhibitions, so a dog inclined to vocalize under stress will do it MORE, etc.!
  11. If he were my greyhound, I'd INSIST on x-rays. As to your question, I think any medication has the potential to cause an upset stomach. It all depends on the dog.
  12. I have very fond memories of my whole family (when I was a kid--Mom, Dad, two brothers, me, and our four English Setters) walking to the ice cream parlor on Nantucket and getting cones. All four dogs would sit, drooling, knowing that all but one of us would be surrendering the bottom of the cone with some ice cream in it. They were SO cute! And we used to take the one we showed to McDonalds for a vanilla shake and plain burger after every dog show!
  13. I've known one dog that had any interest in Nylabones. If you elect to get Bully Sticks or other things, although I believe you specifically asked about non-edible chew toys, do not leave them with the dog if you're not supervising. Rope toys are generally great for tug of war, but I don't think most dogs would lay around and chew on rope--other than dogs that will chew most anything! My boy won't chew or play with anything except raw marrow bones. Well, I expect he'd chew any kind of raw bone, but marrow bones is what I get him.
  14. +1 We've had kennel cough go through our pack once. It cleared on it's own, with no meds in about 10 days...Antibiotics for a week? Wow, I'd probably find another vet. Not to mention if the hound really does have kennel cough, and the owner had to pay for a sonogram and lung x-rays I'd be very concerned if a vet didn't recognize simple kennel cough.
  15. As an aside--yogurt gives my dog diarrhea. I've never heard anyone claim it firmed up poo; lots of people believe it helps with gas, but ... many dogs cannot digest dairy. The only time I'd personally feed yogurt is if a dog is on antibiotics to replace the gut bacteria that the antibiotics kill. Pumpkin firms poo!! As do metamucil wafers (so I hear). I agree with Batmom. If your hounds were doing well on Nutro, but 'em back on it and use salmon oil for the dryness!
  16. Totally depends on the dog and the food. My dog seems to eat less than most dogs on Greytalk--he gets one cup twice a day. I don't use a bag of food a month. His food also doesn't COME in 40 pound bags... Don't forget to budget for heartworm treatment, flea/tick treatment, vet care, and of course the hound's wardrobe of clothing and collars!
  17. There's no reason other than once she gets started, you'll have a heck of a time stopping her if it gets to be too much for you! Make sure she doesn't dig so far down there is a hole under your fence. She sure looks proud of herself! As long as you're OK with it, there's no problem! She looks very happy.
  18. I've had two other greyhounds mark when visiting George and me. From now on, I shall request belly bands for all male visitors!!
  19. There is nothing for me to say that I haven't already said. How brave she is and how she hid her pain so well. I will miss her terribly.
  20. This is more than "prey drive." That would imply dogs with high prey drive cannot learn to walk properly on a leash. This is also bad manners and a general lack of training. I'd deal with this big boy like I would any other large adult dog with rotten leash manners! I'd "learn him up"! I assume the name Judd (yours) is a man's name? These days who knows, right? Anyway, teach him to heel. What you REALLY need is a good general training book. When I first got George, it was literally painful walking him. His foster Mom found it difficult walking him, so she kept the walks very short--as someone said, teaching him how to walk nicely will be a huge gift to him, as he's more likely to find a home if he's not a beast on a leash! It'll be a challenge, and while he may never IGNORE distractions, I think he should be manageable with proper training. Good luck!
  21. I hope your friend has an appointment for the vet. A drastic change like that, in my opinion, would be cause for an immediate trip to the vet. Almost all pet supply web sites sell doggy "diaper pants" for male and female dogs, or just use Google. She'll probably need to use a baby diaper inside.
  22. George's creatine is considered "abnormal" for a regular dog, but acceptable for Greyhounds at 1.9. It is always high. His urine concentration is totally normal, however, and his BUN to creatine ratio is fine. My vet didn't believe me, so finally I sent an email to Dr. Couto at OSU and he said the blood and urine results, when considered together, were perfectly fine. Creatine of 3.0 IS high. Even for a Greyhound. My dog Kramer ate K/D the last few years of his life, and it was a big improvement for him. There is another food, I think is Purina Veterinary Formula N/F that he liked in the canned variety. He would not eat the canned K/D. It's disgusting! I didn't blame him.
  23. Gas is certainly not unique to Greyhounds. I'd knock off the yogurt myself, and consider a different food.
  24. I was going to say this--it's flower "essence" in brandy, in point of fact! I found it totally useless on George. You'd have more luck giving him a couple of Benadryl an hour before the trip.
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