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Everything posted by 4greyhounds

  1. 4greyhounds


    Holly my heart breaks for you... This is very sad.... :weep I know it has to be hard for you. You are in my thoughts and prayers and know that you were Martins angel. You showed him what it was like to have "TRUE" love. :grouphug Run Free Sweet Martin
  2. We just moved to the Apollo Beach area from Brandon. We have a great vet here in Apollo Beach, but I know that would be too far. I can ask around and see where others take their greys.
  3. I agree I would bring him up stairs with you. I would let him sleep on the bed and I would baby gate the steps. It is a new environment and he wants to be with you. Then you will all be happy and be able to sleep.
  4. God Bless you for taking such good care of Rachael. Showing her there was a soft bed to lay on and food. Bless her heart!!! May you rest in peace Rachael and never have to go hungry again or not have a soft bed to lay on... We know you are no longer in pain and living at the Rainbow Bridge where you will be loved eternally.... Run Free Sweet Rachael.
  5. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
  6. Wow, I guess you are tired that is a lot to have to deal with. Prayers that Opal will be OK... When we lived in Pennsylvania my Bridge baby Champ got 3 skunks and let me tell you that stuff is hard to get off of them and any collars had to be thrown out it would not come out. :grouphug
  7. Congratulations on the new baby, She is Beautiful! I love the picture of Mandy with Courtney! I am happy to see that were able to meet and you were able to get a Great pic, that will always be cherished ! I am so very sorry that Mandy had to go to the Rainbow Bridge the day afterwords!!!!I know this had to have been very hard. Run Free MANDY
  8. I am sorry I am just now seeing this, I am happy that Roscoe has got past the big D and it was not something worse. I know that had to be scary. We will say prayers that he continues to get better and he is back to his self soon!
  9. I am very Happy to hear your surgery went well.... I agree separate food bowls. I have a stand an elder man made me and it is really neat I have room for 3 separate bowls and it it elevated, but when we adopted Pongo we just bought a separate elevated food stand, now they all are separated even though they stand side by side. I walk all 4 of my dogs together at the same time. Two in each hand. Good Luck and we can't wait to see the pictures!
  10. Thank You for the update, and we are sending more prayers for a uneventful recovery... :grouphug
  11. Sending many prayers that there is no side effects....
  12. Sending lots of Prayer and good thoughts. Please keep us updated...
  13. 4greyhounds


    I am very Sorry!
  14. I adopted my first Grey from NGAP, Champ that has now gone to the bridge. This was my group when I lived in Pennsylvania, I helped with Fund Raisers for the facility. I was disappointed when we moved before it opened. But we did use the vet at NGAP before it opened. The vet was excellent, and back then it was only $34.00 for a touch up, and they did a FANTASTIC job so I can only imagine with the new facility. I have been thinking about calling them when we go up for the event in October and visit my dh family and see if I can get my Sophie teeth cleaned. I trust them and I would feel comfortable with them doing her teeth. I am jealous I miss being up there and getting the BEST Vet care. After moving to South Carolina and now Florida, I have not been able to find a vet as good as there are there, to me they are the BEST!!!
  15. I know it is very Hard!!!! My Champ I lost 4 years ago but there is not a day that goes by that we don't think or talk about him. Loved the video, thanks for sharing....
  16. 4greyhounds


    Heather, I am so very Sorry! :grouphug Run Free Brookie
  17. I am so very Sorry!!!!! :grouphug
  18. Claudia, I am so very Sorry! Please tell Dylan he gave Katie the best gift he could have ever given her, a great home even though it was for a short time. Please give him hugs from us.... He is a Very Special boy... Run Free Katie
  19. Welcome to GT, I am very Sorry it is under the terms that you just lost your boy. But we are happy you are here and able to express your sorrow because it there is anyone out there that understands it is the GT family. Leopold sounds like he was a very Special boy, your tribute and poem is Beautiful. He was Gorgeous!!!! :grouphug Run Free Leopold Please stick around and feel free to express anything you may want to talk about, this is a Great Support Group.
  20. 4greyhounds

    Kiowa Braden

    Holly,I don't know how I missed this.... Very Sad... Run Free Braden For Braden
  21. I am sorry I have no advice or suggestions. But we are sending a lot of Hugs and prayers.... :hope :grouphug
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