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Everything posted by 4greyhounds

  1. It will be 2-years this August that I lost my Champ. I still cry even though I have 4 more, I don't think you ever really get over it. Me and my husband still have a curio that is a tribute to Champ with his ashes and nonething goes into that curio that was not a part or a reminder of him. We go to the curio and have our time with him and cry. We only had him almost 5-years but we miss him so much....... He was my baby........ to you, I know it is very hard.
  2. We keep our dogs muzzled at all times when we are not home and when tyhey play in the yard. So Sorry this happened, but it can happen in a matter of seconds, when we got our other boy we had just came back from playtime let them in the house and heard a noise, they were fighting, thnak god it was not too serious.
  3. We are so sorry that Princess Maggie is not feeling well and we will be praying for her. Give her kisses.......from us and let her mommie know we will be praying for her too and thinking about her.
  4. I am so sorry we are saying lots of prayers!
  5. Loved your introduction, the pictures are adorable.
  6. I am so sorry she is not feeling well, we will shoot up some prayers that she feels better real soon.
  7. I am sorry I just read this, we are praying and hoping for nonething less but the Best! I am so sorry I know you must feel so bad you tried to give a good treat and it went bad, please don't feel bad and know we are all praying!!!!!!
  8. I am so sorry! But know they will be waiting on us when we cross that Bridge! Lenny tell Champ we miss and love him, oh what happy days they are having!`What a beautiful tribute. Run Free Lenny
  9. Please let her know that our prayers and thoughts are with her and her family.
  10. Thanks so much for Fostering, be careful you may fall in love and be a foster failure.
  11. You and Dempsey and your family will be in our thoughts and prayers , please keep us posted.
  12. I am so sorry all our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Run Free Jake
  13. I am so sorry!!!!!! Run Free Curly!
  14. love the pictures, beautiful kids.
  15. I am so sorry! My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Run Free Mohican
  16. 4greyhounds


    I am so sorry! But know she is running free at the rainbow bridge.
  17. Poor Baby, I am so sorry I just saw this!! But I am very happy that all went well and we will continue to pray for Logan, His tongue might hurt too bad to drink, please ask the vet you don,t want him to dyrate!
  18. That sounds AWFUL!!!! I am so sorry you had to go through all that.
  19. It is so funny I have a set of siblings and in one set the girl hardly ever plays but the boy loves to play. In the other set the boy NEVER plays and the girl is always wanting to play.
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