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Everything posted by 3greys2cats

  1. Nope, different vet, different practice... heck, different part of the state entirely! Any news on Juliette, can't stop thinking about her
  2. Emma, is this the same vet that did Abe's neuter surgery? This sounds horrible to me, pale gums, vomiting,low temp, sounds like she had a reaction to the anesthesia. Poor Juliette, she will be in my prayers, I hope she pulls through this, can she be seen by a specialist?
  3. I am so sorry, run free Abe, looks like he got to know love for a short while. to foster mom, so sad Emma.
  4. Welcome from NH, your hounds are beautiful.
  5. I have come back to this thread a few times now and it makes me so sad that I have walked away from the computer and could not respond. I can only offer my sincerest sympathy and pray that Maris & Yogi's souls are @ peace now and that their suffering was minimal. Please know that you have been in my prayers since the 1st day that this thread was opened, God Bless.
  6. Wishing Blu good luck w/dermatologist. My Max had a similar rash that started as an insect bite, he tore,licked it till it was raw and turned into an infection, cephalexin(not sure if I spelled right)is what cured it. Hope he is feeling better soon.
  7. Welcome from Southern,NH, love the pictures esp. of bunny
  8. Don't worry about it until we have taken care of the gallery as it will only be deleted again. Then you will need to upload it and link to it. O.K., thanks, it is in photobucket, I may need help getting it uploaded and linked again once gallery is all set
  9. Hi, My signature is now gone, it was in the gallery, I have it saved elsewhere but am not sure how to add it back so it shows up when I post???
  10. Reading that last week destroyed me, I never should have opened that one, run free precious soul
  11. He is a cutie, looks like a lurcher, where is he from?
  12. Sending prayers for Chick, sorry to hear that she is not well.
  13. Used it for several months on Sara for the big D, she was on several drugs at the time including chemo, it helped firm up the poops and helped me get sleep, no more getting up in the middle of the night and I personally was on it for GI problems last year after a surgery and bad infection, it was one of 3 antibiotics that I was on, so if it helps your older girl, yes I would use it long term if needed.
  14. Welcome to GT and congratulations, Karissa is beautiful, what a story this girl could tell us if she could talk, thanks for telling it for her
  15. 3greys2cats

    Crazy Sahra

    The pictures of your Sahra are beautiful, I am so sorry for your loss.
  16. Emma Princess is so cute, love that picture! Sorry to hear about her diagnosis, no experience, but offering well wishes and prayers for her.
  17. I am sorry to hear about Rocky, no experience but offering hugs and prayers.
  18. I am so sorry Diane. What a great story of compassion, Buddy was lucky to have you in his final years,
  19. Jordan, what a beautiful tribute to Lexi. I am so sorry that your little one has gone to the rainbow bridge, you are in my prayers. Even though I had never met Lexi, sounds like she was your heart and soul dog and you did everything possible to give her the best life, she is free from pain now. _pink
  20. Oh no Jordan, I am sorry to hear that Dandi is having a hard time, maybe the vets can give you some meds, pain meds to calm him, he must be in pain and frightened. I can just imagine w/his fear issues trying to give him ear drops.
  21. 3greys2cats


    My deepest sympathy. You gave Lucky what all greys need, to be loved, beautiful poem, run free Lucky.
  22. Welcome from the Southern NH/border of MA! I do the last potty break @ 11:00 PM and keep to that schedule, that way they usually don't have to get up too early to pee but when I 1st got Max, he would wake me up early, Sara sleeps in
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