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Everything posted by MP_the4pack

  1. Well so far, Pearl has handled the 1/2 dose of Pemobendan. Her poo was a little soft over the weekend, and she still doesn't seem to like walks anymore. But she's still playing and eating. Tonight I try the full dose. Keep your fingers crossed that she can handle it. PS.......Ellen!!!! Welcome back. I've missed you!!!
  2. So far she has tolerated two 1/2 doses. (we're starting with half dose to see how she handles it). No vomiting or diarrhea and her appetite hasn't changed. It's still just okay. We'll be doing this for about 5 days then up it another 1/2 dose in the morning. I got Pearl because I lost Topaz. But it took 2 yrs for me to get her, another white/black girl. And she was there for me just 3 weeks later when Brindle died suddenly of hemangio. She's my heart and soul. Even though I have 3 others....she's the one sitting in here with me. The others are scattered about the house. I could be called a one dog household by who keeps me company. She's outlived her prognosis by 3 yrs, but it still doesn't make this any easier. Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers.
  3. How about funnel cake? My Pearl....Little Miss Picky Pants snarfed that down this weekend. I was so surprised at the relish that she went after it that I'm thinking of buying the mix in the supermarket and making it at home if she has trouble eating. Eggnog is good for weightgain.
  4. I checked on the Pepcid and there's a 2 hr lag time needed for that (it's because of the digoxin). And Little Miss Picky Pants doesn't like yogurt. But, maybe I can reintroduce her to yogurt where she may like it. She got used to Bryers ice cream. Who wants yogurt when you can have ice cream?!
  5. We had our bi-annual cardiac checkup with echo and BP check yesterday. Pearl's BP was great. It remained steady. (we lost control last year and she ended up with a TIA in Jan). But the cardiologist said a valve (not mitral) was 50% larger than the last echo. "with a decline in function". There were also other changes too but by then my mind was going numb. And there's no reason for me not to believe her because Pearl has not been able to keep up with our walks and I walk slow to begin with already (I have a girl who's going to be 14 next month). So now we're on yet another med, Pemobendan (this makes 8 different meds, 20 pills a day now). And if that's not bad enough, it's side effect are nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. I know Pearl doesn't tolerate meds well because we have her digoxin below optimum level because it causes her tummy upset. AND.....yes let's add to the list: It needs to be taken an hour before meals. I can do that easily enough in the evening....all I have to do is remember. But the mornings are going to be very tough. The first thing I do is feed them. I can't leave it to the last thing because I can't free feed. I'm not even home and awake a whole hour before I leave for work. I guess I have to get up an hour earlier just to give her a pill now. If she can't handle this med, then she could be gone as early as Christmas. If she does tolerate it, I can have her around for maybe up to 2 years. The vet is almost sure that congestive heart failure, not a heart attack will take her.
  6. Well he definitely looks happy. He might have trouble walking, but if he's in no pain, he looks like he still has a lot of quality of life. You're doing a great job.
  7. What are his teeth like? GN can be caused by bad teeth. Also, if he has GN, check his BP. Pearl's hypertension was caused by GN which was caused by bad teeth.
  8. MP_the4pack

    9 Years

    I so know where you're coming from. 9 1/2 yrs ago I lost my 5 yr old. And I still cry sometimes.
  9. Poor baby. He may like the ice cream the coolness will feel good on his gums, and it's high calorie so he won't lose weight. My Diamond lost 23 teeth in one sitting.............$3000. I feel your pain.
  10. I just looked him up on the database. He and my Topaz had the same grandpa...Wincarnis. He's at peace now.
  11. I've been certified to fit test the N95 masks. Want any of your needle noses fit tested? (I don't think they'll pass) In all seriousness. The bleach bath works. So do those little disposable booties. And if they need to go to the vets, keep them in the car until the last minute if you can.
  12. The dog flu is in the Northeast, one death and 26 sickened at a shelter which had to close Dog Flu
  13. My Pearl has heart disease, but not the same as you stated. She has chronic valvular disease where the mitral valve doesn't close completely. She's on 7 different meds, a total of 18 pills a day. She has outlived her prognosis by several years now and is still playing and running around at age 11. I credit this with keeping regular cardiology appts with her cardiologist. She was diagnosed age 6.
  14. That's what happened to my Brindle. They opened her up and cancer was everywhere. Damn hemangio. to Glenn and Dreama.
  15. I have VPI...but I've had it for 10 yrs now. They were like...the only ones back then. With Pearl's health problems, I doubt anyone would take her now. 11 yrs old, chronic valvular disease, hypertension, glomerulonephritis, history of TIA........... Onyx is almost 14. In good health, but old. I think when those two are gone, I'm going to switch Opal over to another company.(I get multi-pet discounts right now) Heck, VPI put laceration on the pre-existing condition list for her!!!! Lacerations? They get stitched up, heal. All gone.
  16. I thought I saw something like that on Emergency Vets. It was done on a Rottie. Not sure, since it's been a long time since they had new episodes.
  17. He visited with you. Ten years ago I lost Topaz. (and yeah I still cry once in a while). I lost her in December. The following April I called an Animal communicator to ask how Onyx was adjusting and other stuff. I then asked if Topaz was coming back. She said she was with me in the room with the trophy. I couldn't think of what she was talking about. I have a very small house. No fireplace, no mantle, no shelves with trophies or ribbons (I have no kids). She said it was like a dog show trophy. Then it hit me. Just 3 days earlier I was in the basement going thru a bunch of dog stuff looking for something for Onyx. And I came across Topaz's little straw hat that I picked up in Dewey 2 months before she died. I have never bawled that hard before in my life. I cried rivers. After talking with the communicator, I went back down into the basement, and not 6 inches away from the pile of dog stuff was a box of horse show winnings. Sitting right on top of all those ribbons was a horse show trophy. Topaz visited me that day that I cried so hard.
  18. I can't think of anything more heartwrenching........
  19. I almost hate coming into H&M nowadays......there always seems to be another locked thread. (and we all know what they usually mean).
  20. "Forever Autumn" by Justin Hayward.........one of my favorites. and so befitting. Miss you Polli.
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