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Everything posted by MP_the4pack

  1. Do not put her on the Doxy. If it's a bug, it is most probably viral, not bacterial. So Doxy won't work.. Also Doxy is a strong antibiotic, if you do need antibiotics, because it's a bacterial infections, there are much better broad spectrum meds that are not as strong that work better. Think of it as .... why use a 20 ton dumptruck when you just need a 1/2 ton pickup. If the bug's going to go around, it's probably too late and Sage has already been exposed. But if she show's any signs of being sick, withhold her food until she's better. Better to have an empty tummy for a day or two than upset and irritate it. PS. You can give Immodium to help with the diarhea to Roscoe.
  2. What a beautiful ceremony. I can feel your pain.
  3. C;mon baby girl, you can do it. We know you can. You Go Girl! Then when you're all better, I'm going to yell at you for scaring your mom to smitherines!
  4. I'm not sure how steroids would act on a blood clot, but aspirin would have no effect on cartiledge. Giving aspirin in case it was a blood clot stroke instead of FCE would not cause further harm either way. Aspirin interfers with the blood clotting mechanism. Also per Dr. Couto, greyhounds are also prone to idiopathic hypertension (high BP for no reason). So, if Isis recovers, get her BP checked. However, if it's a stroke caused by a hypertensive clot, steroids are bad. They increase blood pressure.
  5. Oh no! Sending lots of prayers in your direction. Pearl had two ministrokes in the last year. One was caused by clots from her hypertension. Her meds were upped and she was fine. The second was caused by clots from her cancer. She recovered from both of those. I hope she's able to have some sort of recovery. Enough for a quality of life.
  6. Jane, you have done so much for so many people who faced what you're going thru now, some of the good has to come back around for you. Joe is not only going to survive the surgery, he's going to break the record for post amp survival. I really don't know how I would have survive Dima's amp and Pearl's surgery without your support and friendship. Opening your home to me and being there......ALL DAY, at the clinic doesn't seem like that much, but it was more important than anything else. You were a Godsend. I pray you'll get some of what you gave out back in the form of longevity for Joejoe. He's such a sweet boy. I loved tossing stuffies in the house (he was so loud when he ran around and pounced on them.) He's a clown.
  7. MP_the4pack


    Each time I had to inform someone that my sisters were gone, I would start bawling. And after 3 and 5 months, I still have to tell some people.
  8. Oh Jane, I'm so sorry. I PM'd you before I read your post. Let us know what Dr. Couto says and your decision. You know we are all with you on this horrid journey. Mary Pat
  9. While I'm not a member of the 7/12 club, I'm still a member of the main club. Diamond. For anyone who is struggling with the choice to amp or not. I just wanted to tell Diamond's story. She was 2 weeks shy of her 12 birthday when I drove her out to OSU from NJ. They did a thorough exam, top to bottom. My biggest concern was could she handle being a tripod. Especially at her age. The conclusion was yes. But she would probably have a longer recovery than a younger hound. Her lungs were clear, so we went ahead with the surgery. She surprised everyone and was up the next day and discharged 4 days later. She basically needed to weeks to recover from the surgery, which really wasn't difficult at all. I used a sling just to make sure she did NOT forget she had only three legs. It was to slow her down, not support her. Once off the pain meds, she was back to her old self. I had a terrific 6 months with her (she outlived her sister Pearl). Her lungs remained clear to the end. It was OS in another leg that took her. But she was happy, and pain free for 6 months. And I could tell that I made the right decision. But it wasn't until after the surgery and I saw how happy she was did I finally realize I made the right decision. I agonized a month about it. (not a recommended way to lose weight). This decision is not right for everyone. But everyone still goes thru the same agonizing choice. Amp may not be right for you, but it was for Diamond and me. Good luck everyone.
  10. I'd take him to the vet and send the bill to the sitter. It could be heat exhaustion even if he temp is normal now. It could be spinal/nerve problems. It could be something he ate or a spider bite. It could also be anything completely unrelated to his stay there. But I don't even want to mention that.
  11. Oh Jane I hope it's nothing. But I know how worried you are. You've seen so many OS dogs, of course you can't help but think it. (Me too) I'm sending all my prayers and white light to you. Mary Pat
  12. My old lady Onyx (15 in Sept) has decided she no longer likes what I offer for breakfast. So I give her Ensure Plus. That's her breakfast. She also has glomerulonephritis. Very high proteinuria. But her blood proteins are stable. At her age, whatever she wants, she gets. ice cream everynight also helps keep the weight on. But if your senior still eats, then Ensure as a bonus should put weight on.
  13. Glomerulonephritis seems to be a little prevelant in greyhounds. That's one cause of protein losing nephropathy. My almost 15 yr old has it. She's on enalapril and 1/4 baby aspirin. Her blood protein is still good, so they said she's still doing well. Pearl had it as well, but it was really secondary to her heart and BP issues. We believe the abscessed tooth caused her GN. Dima passed to the bridge because she was in kidney failure as well as new OS in another bone. But the chemo probably caused that kidney damage.
  14. We didn't do any prep. Dima did very well her for several treatments. They were usually Fridays. By sunday she may have had a drop in appetite. But, I think it did do a lot of damage to her kidneys. 6 months later, she developed a limp in a remaining leg and it was also OS. But she was also in kidney failure. I brought her in primarily because she wasn't eating. (bad sign for her) as well as limping. But I truly thought she'd overdone the running. It never occured to me that she had OS in another leg. her lungs were still clear.
  15. Oh no. I know what you're going thru. While I haven't had a dog with Chase's problem, I've had very sick dogs in ICU, with me sleeping in the waiting room. (sometimes it was a happy ending, sometimes, not) Lots of and
  16. Pearl had heart disease and was supposed to pass from CHF. She was diagnosed at age 5 and given a prognosis of 2-3 yrs. She went on meds and made it to age 12 succombing to cancer. There are a lot of great drugs out there that aren't that harsh on the body and give the hounds many years of quality life. I'm glad you're seeing a cardiologist. I hope he/she can help.
  17. MP_the4pack

    Kiowa Braden

    It's so unfair. He just turned 2.
  18. Jen, you are doing everything you can for Apollo. If he was that out of whack, then in a short amount of time, he should bounce back. If it's mets, there is nothing you can do but make him comfortable. I've had both this year. A dog really out of whack with an atrophied muscle. And a dog with bone mets. It sucks, but we do what we can do. Give Apollo a kiss for me.
  19. A chiropractor will help maximize the ability to improve muscle. My Onyx is going to be 15 in Sept and although a smidge weak, her rear end is still holding up fairly well. She has had regular adjustments every other month for as long as I've had her (10 + yrs). I do swear by chiropractors.
  20. He looks fabulous! Happy. Just be careful because he's going to start tooling around without you, and it'll scare the bejusus out of you when you can't catch him. (My Diamond lost a front leg and just 3 months later she was trying to chase deer thru the woods.)
  21. No matter how old they are, and how 'prepared' we are, it doesn't make losing them any easier. I love the pix of her roaching.
  22. Actually, yes. My Opal was really out of whack last week. We do regular adjustments every 2 months. The chiro did a lot of work to get her rear end back in line. That's when I noticed that one of her butt muscles (the piroformis) was atrophied. She was so out of whack that her muscle had atrophied! Anyway, she's pretty sore now. It's been a week and she's slowly improving. But the chiro said she wanted xrays of her back and pelvis, so Opal's getting xrays thursday. I've had my horse and dogs adjusted regularly since 1990. And on occasions when a lot of ajustments were needed, I did see quite a bit of discomfort afterwards. But only with big adjustments. When my horse had a bad fall, he walked like a boxcar for several days after getting 'put back together'. But otherwise the improvement in his movements was instant. I hope Apollo get's past this and it's only because he was 'stuck'.
  23. Throw my prayers into the basket for your girl too!
  24. Happy Birthday Alan. I hope my 4 Bridgebabies sing for you in four part harmony.
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