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Posts posted by NevadasMom

  1. I never thought that the day would come that I would have to write this............... :weep


    Nevada went gently to the Rainbow Bridge at 9:30am this morning. Her poor little body was just tired. She told me this morning that it was time...........


    I so want to celebrate her life, but the hole in my heart is just so big. I miss her so much already. The house is so quiet.


    Please look up at the sky tonight & send my little angel your love.............. :wub:

  2. Actually, I had a brain storm last night........I used a folding card table with a blanket drapped over it. I placed it over her doggie bed. Makes a great looking cave/den. She slept in it last night while I slept on the sofa. Best sleep we have both had in weeks. I wanted to make sure she could get out of it safely. She did fine. :thumbs-up

    Not sure if she used it today, but she was fast asleep when I got home this evening-although she was on the living room carpet. :sleepy


  3. Also maybe a rug on the tile floor would help. Temporary accomodation to help ease her. Sweet, sweet 4 legged one.



    The tile floor has been covered with rugs & runners for a long time now. When she fell 2 weeks ago it was on the one small area that wasn't covered in a rug. Go figure.

    My kitchen floor looks like a rug display for Kohls or Walmart. :lol She also no longer has access to the kitchen unsupervised. She's not happy! :rolleyes: Thanks for the suggestion though.........XXOO

  4. I have share this very sweet moment with you all.............


    Nevada was being a bit restless this afternoon. Back & forth to the water bowl............So I finally took her & layed her in my lap. In about 2 minutes she was sound asleep in my arms. She was dreaming away & I was crying away.


    Even though this time is really getting difficult, I will treasure that moment for a long time. She was my dear sweet puppy once again. God, I love this girl...........

  5. Nevada did well today. I was gone most of the day & I came home to find her just walking around. She seemed calm & happy-no signs of trying to "den".


    Her treat tonight was getting steak hand fed to her............my girlie is NOT spoiled! Her mother is just well trained. :wub:

  6. When Nevada's appetite was bad, my Vet suggested trying some chicken soup. It worked. It started her wanting to eat again. It's all in the nose...........


    Thanks for the great advice...


    As for chicken soup, what do you suggest? Home made or canned is fine too? Rice or pasta? hihi!




    The Vet said that canned was fine. I used Progresso Chicken & Rice. I warmed it up also. I kept her on it for several days & gradually added her regular food back. I still will use the soup if she starts to get pickie.

  7. Thank you for all of your kind thoughts & ideas. We are both certainly feeling the GT love tonight. :wub:

    I think that you are right about her looking for a "den". I'm just not sure if she would use a crate. She's never been crated in her entire life. I don't want to stress the old gal. I think that I'll go to PetsMart tomorrow & look at the soft crates. Can't hurt to look.

    I did a better job this morning of Nevada proofing the house. She did try to get under the sofa table-but the pillows that I stuffed around kept her out. She's being confined to two rooms in the house now while I'm gone-both have carpet in case she falls.

    This odd behavior started after she took a terrible spill 2 weeks ago on the tile floor. She fell & couldn't get up. I didn't come home for several hours. Without going into details.....it was terrible. :weep I want to keep her safe.

    She is such a sweet girl & such a trouper! :kiss2 from both of us..........Carol & Nevada

  8. Nevada is my 15+ year old sweet girlie with Cushings disease. Her health is generally failing & we are basically just keeping her comfortable. She still eats well, although very thin, & still enjoys going for 2x daily walks (very slow).

    Lately she has been doing something very odd. Yesterday I came home from work & found her wedged between my computer table & the bookcase. She was barking & crying to get out. She was stuck. No injuries though thankfully.

    So, this morning I "doggie proofed" the places I thought she could get stuck in. Today I find her between the recliner & the wall- happy as a clam. Again no injuries.

    What the heck is she doing? Trying to hide? Or is this probably part of doggie dementia as I suspect? :unsure



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