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Everything posted by NevadasMom

  1. How did he wind up with this diagnosis!??? No diagnosis......just memories of my poor Nevada & her Cushings disease. Too much cortisol, thus looking like a sausage with legs. Humans often get a "moon-face" from chronic use of steroids.
  2. To me, he looks like a sausage!!!!! He probably looks like a Cushings dog........ Glad to hear that the hard work is paying off!
  3. It probably felt good to get those nasty stitches out......
  4. I'm wondering if there still isn't inflammation around the area where the impingement was. That probably needs to subside.
  5. I agree...Tramadol is easily obtainable at human pharmacies. Nevada was on it for her back pain near, the end of her life, & it made her comfortable.
  6. I think he should have an unlimited supply of donuts.....
  7. I think that he looks remarkably well for having such major surgery only 6 days ago. I hope the rest of his post-operative time goes well.
  8. Pain control is very important to help him have a quality of life. Hugs to you....
  9. I can't help but chuckle... I think if I had my wazoo tucked into a band, I'd be afraid of it too!!
  10. He looks wonderful.....and happy to be home!
  11. The stuff going in and the stuff going out are in good shape.....the rest will follow! Glad he's coming home!
  12. Yes, you will know......somehow we do.
  13. Did the aspirate any of the joints/swollen areas? Wondering if dogs can have septic arthritis.....
  14. Rhabdomyolysis is usually an acute problem, not a chronic condition or due to a prior injury or exercise.....at least in humans anyway.
  15. I know that it's hard not to cry.....enjoy every moment that you have left with him. Love & laugh with him!
  16. Have you check with Pet Health Pharmacy here in Youngtown, AZ. They were very reasonable on Nevada's meds. They are a compounding pharmacy.
  17. How about a doggie antidepressant? At least on a temporary basis.....
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