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Everything posted by galgrey

  1. He's so very handsome! We need more pictures of him.
  2. Looks really good! Hope he's 100% in what seems like no time..
  3. I can feel your pain. I'm so very sorry.
  4. galgrey


    I think I know just how you're feeling. I'm dreading the call about picking up Cruz's ashes.
  5. That's really good news! So happy to see this.
  6. Welcome to GT! Your girls are beautiful! Good luck on number three. I believe Zander's mom is owned by a GT'er.
  7. I'm so sorry for your loss. I lost one this week too, and although I've been down this road many time over the years, it never gets easier and it always feels in the beginning like I'll never be able to bear it. I know now that I will emerge from the terrible darkness I'm feeling now ... that it will simply take time. I never stop loving and missing them, but the sharp pain lessens and the part of them that lives on in my heart becomes more and more of presence and a comfort.
  8. I've had five greyhounds and two galgos. Only two of the greyhounds would I consider reliable on recall: my first one, Frostman, and my current girl, Princess. Excellent recall with both of them. The rest, not so much.
  9. galgrey


    I'm so sorry for your loss.
  10. Did the vet check her kidney function and check for diabetes? I hope you get your answer and it's something that's easily treated. Keep us posted.
  11. It is hard to believe it's been a year. I'm sorry she had to leave you so soon.
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