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Everything posted by RobinM

  1. That's really it in a nutshell. Now we have a baseline and we also did a full TBD panel. She is still not home. DH went to get her at 4:30 and they said she was still wobbley. We should call at 7. SEVEN. It feels like 4ever waiting.
  2. This whole story is just so inspirational. Keep the faith.
  3. Devon- you both are in my thoughts and prayers. Please update.
  4. Just called to find out if I could pick her up and they said she is NO WHERE near ready to be picked up. I should CALL between 4 & 5. i asked if everything was OK and they assured me she was. They said GH take a long time to come out of anethesia. I knew that but still... I WANT HER NOW!
  5. First off, THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR YOUR LOVING WISHES AND PRAYERS FOR MY POLLI GIRL. Vet JUST called and said" are you sure she was limping? We checked her prior to exrays and she wasn't. I assured him that she was limpping severley however did show slight improvement last night and this morning. I told him I was debating taking her because of the improvement and it was voted unamiously on GT to take her!" What's another $1100.00... right? " x-rays came back clear, no lesions. THANK YOU GOD. he is waking her up now, will get her in about 2 hours. Thank you thank you thank you thank you... NOW TEDDY... why are YOU limping?
  6. yes, she has to be knocked out so they can do the neck and shoulder. She had the leg/elbow done last saturday without sedation and it was clear.
  7. Thank you. I really didn't want to and was looking for anything not to have to. She's in and I am waiting, not patiently, but I am waiting.
  8. Polli who has had a severe limp 1 week today has all of a sudden shown a slight improvment. I don;t know if she is on her way to getting better and I should postpone taking her and wait a bit OR take her in an hour. She is NPO so she is ready to go... Don't know what I should do. I know what I want to do. I also don't want to sedate her unnecessarily and stress her out for nothing. What do you think?
  9. Chloe is JUST getting over a limp of close to 3 weeks, but as you know Polli has a very bad limp and is going in for a 2nd set of x-rays tomorrow.... Tonight, Teddy is limping to the point of not wanting to walk (2nd favorite thing to do) and is holding his right front paw up. This is totally ridiculous. I honestly don't know whether to laugh or cry. I'll give it till next weekend before he goes in.
  10. This is waht we just went through. We stopped all supplements. Glucosomine, missing link and vitamins. Then we did a diet of boiled chicken breast and white rice for 2 days. After the 2nd day, I added in 1/2 cup of kibble for 2 days. We kept adding in the kibble and put in less and less rice/ chicken. it worked. Good luck.
  11. That's fantastic. How is she feeling other wise??? Keep eating Tootsie! you are loved.
  12. Have you had a set of x-rays done? would you consider that? Prayers for an uneventful find and easy cure.
  13. While she is out, we will have it all x-rayed so we have a baseline.
  14. DH came home early, took the flashlight and checked the foot. Nodda. We were comfortable with the xrays under the circumstances, no anethesia so yes, we will proceed with another more conclusive round for the neck and shoulder... still praying for a soft tissue injury that will just require more time.
  15. What I was wondering was should we do the panel, wait and then if necessary bring her back for the xrays. Why put her under if possibly not necessary and it gives another few days to clear up. She came from Bohemian farm in KS. She was born there and returned there to be a broodie. Raced at wheeling but no other info. My vet has an ortho there, same guy who fixed Beau's leg in June. She is on .50 mg of dermaxx now.
  16. Should we do the TBD panel FIRST. Not do the xrays and do the panel first? Then if there is nothing there, do the xrays???
  17. and valley fever might be something to check too, if she was ever in the southwest sending prayers She raced in Wheeling. We will exhust every possible possibility and we WILL get to the bottom of it and have her heal. We will. We will. we will.
  18. Polli is STILL limping badly. Very badly. Although she had a set of x-rays last Saturday, she was not anesthetized and so they were limited as to what they could do. The films came up totally clean. She has to go in back in tomorrow, to have another set of her shoulder and neck. Vet said he wants to make sure there is not neck lesion. I asked how that would be treated. He replied: 1) stronger meds or 2) surgery or 3) it's time. # 3 is just not an option. I'm sick over this. She is otherwise happy, playful and the most loving dog I have ever known. Please send prayers for Polli.
  19. I JUST posted pics of Beau on Saturday with a hot spot. I brought him to the vet after I cleaned it with peroxide and them triple antibiotic. Vet put him on Gentocin which is a spray that gets applied 2x a day on a cotton ball. The only reason she did not want the triple antibiotic is that it is goopy and it won't allow the spot to dry out. This just about cleared it up already., Wish you lived closer, we could share!
  20. OK I LIED. I just spoke to Brad, the old owner and she DID race at Wheeling. It is not listed on GH data. So, I will have to investigate that... but The ONLY reason she was retired as a brood was she threw a rear muscle so that explains nothing! He was shocked about her limp and said there was no indication about her left front. It was nice to chat with him though. Back to square one... Magic bullet anyone?
  21. I'm going to call her old owner either tonight or tomorrow. It's just not a "good limp", not that there is such a thing. What I think I mean is that she is literally a tripod and I just don't see any improvement. I'm trying not to panic, but I am starting to. A good limp would be she limped, not avoided using the leg altogher. Maybe she is just smart? I don't know what to think anymore. She WANTs to go for walks which of course we will not allow and she wants to play, which we are limiting. She looks at us as if to ask WHY? Tonight is the 1st time that she is not hanging out in the den in the beds waiting for me to prepare dinner, instead she ran back upstair and really didn't eat. So I think even though she is not complaining, she is hurting. I imagine he is probably an amamzing dog. Her lineage is incredible and I have met a few in her immediate family. All fantastic pups.
  22. All our pups have raised dished and Polli has never jumped into the car, only the bed which we will only do for her now. She is NOT using the leg at all. AT ALL. The left front is constantly raised. But otherwise, you'd never know it. It is very strange and very very frustrating. No, she has not had a tick panel done. I guess that's next.
  23. Batmom- absolutely. We pressed, looked at and between toes, web..all clean. They ex-rayed the leg and shoulder yesterday. Clear.
  24. Sending prayers. It is maddening when you think they are going one way and then all of a sudden they head another way. hugs to you both.
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