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Everything posted by RobinM

  1. I am so sorry for your loss.
  2. When my Polli arrive off the hauler that had been detained an extra 5 hours making her journery 36 hours!!! , I was very concerned about just rushing her into having a spay. She was scheduled for a spay 3 days later but as luck would have it, I was able to bring her home and have MY vet do it (who does all the LI greyhounds) 10 days later. Even still, anethesia was rough for my Polli. Surgery isn't the problem, it's anethesia, just like for humans. I am so sorry to hear about Birdie. Run Free Sweetie.
  3. RobinM

    Y Knot Onyx

    Thank you for loving him. He died loved. God Speed Onyx.
  4. RobinM


    I am so sorry. Run Free Danny Boy.
  5. I'm so sorry Alisha. I'm sure my Sasha, (female Siamese) was there at the bridge to welcome her and show her the way... till we meet again.
  6. Welcome and congrats. Pick up the book Greyhound for dummies when you can. It's a greyt resource too.
  7. Another amazing story and pup. Loads of prayers and wonderful thoughts coming your & Dempsey's way.
  8. I'm so sorry you have to go through this. What works for YOU better? Hugs.
  9. I have no idea about the spitting up. I'd be a lot more concerned if he were throwing up. I would call the vet and ask too.
  10. So sorry to hear about Hannah. Hugs your way.
  11. Ugh. I am soooo sorry to hear this. Sending hugs your way.
  12. I am so sorry, another heartbreaking story. Prayers for you and Chance.
  13. Wonderful news. You have both been in my thoughts and prayers. Keep us updated.
  14. Interesting observation. Nancy and were just discussing this last night. Both Bobbi AND Polli-- littermate sisters have exactly the same diagnosis and are being treated the exact same way. Although Polli started off worse, not eating OR drinking whereas at least Bobbi was drinking and munching on dried chicken tenders, after the "shot" Polli resumed normacy. It can't be something they gave one another as the last time they saw each other was for their 9th birthday 2 weeks ago and none of the other dogs (5 in total ) have it. KNOCK WOOD! it's very strange, at the very least.
  15. Welcome from Tropical South Shore Long Island
  16. I would try the belly band to see if he can actually hold it or if maybe it's beahvorial for one reason or another. Once he pees in it , he normally won't do it again because sitting in pee for 2 or 3 hours isn't fun BUT if it is wet more than once or 2 x wearing it, I would think it is some sort of age incontinence. Sheila makes belly bands.
  17. I'm so sorry to hear about Harley. My prayers are with you both.
  18. Just got back from vet with Polli. She has not eaten or drank ANYTHING since Wednesday night. Right before I left for vet her tummy started sounding like the 4th of July and continued to at the vet. No temp and she was not dehydrated which surprised the vet. She got a shot of a very powerful pedcid type of med and pills as well. IF she does not eat/drink by tomorrow, she will have to be admitted to have 24 hours of IVs. Very upsetting. AS soon as I hit the send button..... OMG-- SHE JUST STARTING EATING AND DRINKING! OH POLLI- POLLI- POLLI!! The vet wasn't kidding, that was a powerful shot! YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY
  19. She just asked me to go out and spent 15 minutes out there (not usual) picking at grass (what's left of it this time of year). I have never seen her eat grass before... The plot thickens...
  20. Poops look good this morning. 2 pees. Tush up, playing with a toy. Polli has just turned 9. A little more vocal this morning than last night. Still, no water. I gave her 1 dropper of Pedialite. Will give her another every 1/2 hour. She is not happy about that! IF she has not taken any water by early afternoon, we're going to the vet.
  21. To clarify better--- Polli HAD been giving me trouble eating, but was eating. Not the way I had hoped, but she was. We had it down to a science. As of yesterday she ate/drank NOTHING. She has not been ill and she has not had any surgery. THis is literally out of left field. I tried to offer her water this morning, she refused. I will make an appointment to see the vet today.
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