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Everything posted by RobinM

  1. WOW, if it's not one thing... I'm glad to hear she is eating. It's so unnerving when they don't. I have noticed a slight cloudiness to Polli's eyes from time to time and it;s not always evident. She will be kept in my prayers, please update after the appointment tomorrow.
  2. I am sorry to hear this and really can't offer any words of wisdom other than I have been through the limps on EVRY one of my hounds, some as long as 6 weeks at a time. It's really a wait and see at this point. I hope he is not too much discomfort and prayers that it passes.
  3. Oh man, I am so sorry to see this. Many prayers coming your way for Emmy and you.
  4. No advice, but loads of prayers for you and your girl. I have a 9.5 year old very fiesty "young" girl. I don't know what I would do and I pray to G-D, I never have to make this gut wrenching decsioin. You are both in my thoughts and prayers.
  5. Repost the picture by coping the image link from photobucket. It should have the IMG at the beginning and at the end. I don't know a whole lot about corns but I do know that dogs sure do get them and from what I understand they cause immense pain. Who did the x-ray and was he awake or asleep? the reason I am asking is because if he was awake, they couldn't manipulate him into positions to get various angles. What does the vet think is going on? I agree that I think there is something up. not sure what. Maybe like you said the shoulder and the paw. Poor baby. Hope you get the help you need.
  6. Poops are ok, eating again. Teddy still has his gait off, holding up his right front, but that is what the acupunture is for. I don't expect it to be better until after several passes at the acupunture although it would be nice if it were! Thanks for asking. I certainly learned be lesson, taking them to the picnic in that heat. Even though I kept them under a tent and hosed them down frequently, it was just too hot for them.
  7. It's routine here from March - April till Oct- Nov. Religiously.
  8. No blood in poop. The D had an burnt orangist tint to it, but no blood. DH wasn't sure so he erred on the side of caution. New ACUPUNTURE vet update- for those of you who saw my thread in soap box about what happened on Tuesday at the original acupunture vet's office, you know why there is a new one. http://forum.greytalk.com/index.php?showtopic=202848 Anyway, personally, he was a doll. VERY PERSONAL. Clinically, he wasn't half as thorough as the 1st one but seemed to know what he was doing. He is 3 miles away vs. 16 miles. $700 a session VS $123.00 session and appointments are easy to get after work as opposed to taking time off of work to accomodate the other one's schedule! So, we are scheduled for next week. Stay tuned for round 2 of acupunture.
  9. I am sending mega loads of prayers your way.
  10. Yes, I do believe it was just a bit too much heat. Thank you for asking. Teddy has an appointment with the NEW vet for more acupuncture this evening.
  11. Thank you for taking the time to post this. Robin
  12. OMG, I am so sorry, I was totally not expecting this as the outcome. I am so sorry.
  13. When I got Chloe she had never had a full panel just the thryroid. it was low. .02. They put her on soloxine and she was a new dog. When I brought her home, I waited about 6 weeks and then very, very slowly took her off. I waited 6 weeks after her last weaned pill to do a full panel. It was still very very low. Her "symtoms" reappeared within a week after her last pill. It was horrible. But I had to wait it out to get the full panel done. Once back on the meds, she was indeed a new pup. 3 weeks seems plenty of time to see a change reflecting dosage.
  14. What a beautiful girl. Her memory is here for all of us to share with you. Hugs to you today.
  15. No, no mucus, and yes they are drinking and eating, just not the way they normally do.
  16. I did better from someone on GT. let me know if you want the contact info by PM.
  17. That seems normal to me. My boys get this from time to time.
  18. This started after we attended our picnic on Sunday which was very, very hot. We kept them in the shade and hosed them down constantly. But, since then, Teddy our food hound has been picking at his food and left breakfast completely yesterday. He had D while we were at work yesterday on the living room floor. He turned his nose up at dinner last night. I tried some chicken, rice and kibble. That he ate. He woke us up in the middle of the night to go out. He pooped again. This morning in the back he pooped again. Semi solid. BUT on the walk with DH, he pooped yet again and when DH went to pick it up, it looked like there might be some blood in it. He wasn't sure. It was dark red. He said he wasn't sure it was blood or stomach bile. Either way, he collected it and it's in my fridge. Teddy has an acupuntcure appointment this morning. I am hoping they will do the lab work there and not make me take it to "the vet". Any thoughts? Chloe is "off too". Not eating the way she normally does. These 2 are my chow hounds. I've always said IF they ever picked or refused food, I'd be really concerned. Could they have picked up a virus at the picnic?
  19. Teddy has the big D, due to the heat, I am sure. We went to our groups picnic yesterday and even though I had him in the shade, hosed him down frequently and kept an eye on him, the heat got to us all. So, if he still has D in the morning, I'd like to give him an immodium to carry him through the day. He is 85 pounds. I have the CVS brand = immodium. it's 2mg each caplet. How much? ETA-nevermind-- going holistic
  20. Tears of joy and prayers for baby girl #2.
  21. I'd bring him to the vet so he can be probably treated.
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