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Everything posted by RobinM

  1. Teddy had a growth in his mouth too over a year ago. The docs weren't concerned so I had it removed when he had his dental. It was benign. I will keep good thoughts for your pup.
  2. The flagyl has made all the difference in the world. Just after 1 day, poops are getting much less frequent (from 5-6 to 1 or 2, normal) and they are starting to form. YAY.
  3. OMG Scott. Just seeing this. I am so so sorry.
  4. How are you guys doing this weekend? How is she eating? Continued loving thoughts and prayers your way.
  5. Still the same. Spoke to vet. She thinks it's the heat even though we are air conditioned. THeir body temps are much higher etc. She said as longs they are acting "normal" and they are, I can give flagyl 250mg BID. So, that's what we are up to.
  6. Interestingly, Chloe had her 3 years rabies on tuesday, head tremors on thursday. hummmm.
  7. My back lawns "burnt" beyond belief from urine, no UTIs though! My past dog did the same thing. Urine on grass = burnt. It's just a fact of life! It has nothing to do with UTIs or hounds. Just dogs in general.
  8. Polli decided she wanted to eat. I did not want to give her the regular kibble and whatever so I gave her some white rice and boiled chicken. She ate about a cup and that's it for tonight. She has not been out to poop since about 7 which is greyt considering how it was today. It's a good thing I was home today. Tomorrow I will speak to vet and take it from there. If she hadn't wanted to eat, I would have let it go but when she is looking for food, that is significant for her. They haven't been anywhere, I have no chemicals in my yard. I just can't imagine. All I can say is that it's ALWAYS something. Nice sig, my friend. Beautiful.
  9. My vet ( the real one!) was not overly concerned either. I just hate so much when I look over at her and she is having them. She has no clue but it bothers me to no end. Thanks, what you wrote jurishound makes me feel a lot better.
  10. I voted no and think it's a waste of money. When DH and I went through all the fine print and saw it would pay very little.
  11. She was just hanging out in a bed. She can walk around, eat, play etc. I have never seem it while sleeping, but I am not discounting that she has not had them when she is sleeping from time to time. I just have never seen it.
  12. I am so sorry. Hugs to you both.
  13. Yes, Gigi's tremors look a lot like my Chloe's. i have never noticed it when she is asleep, only awake. It really upsets me to see it. It's NOT from Frontline.
  14. All four of my hounds have yucky poop. Polli has the big D since yesterday and we came home to a MESS on the bedroom carpet (which is a shag type of course!!!) Yesterday she seemed like herself, ate a TON of cookie and had kibble mixed with chicken and rice for dinner. She did OK. Today she had to have gone out 10 or more times to poop. It's liquid. She is drinking but not eating. We noticed Teddy's poop is liquid and Beau & Chloe's is very soft. Polli eats completely different food from the others so it's not a food issue. I have call in to the vet when she gets in tomorrow. I will try and feed Polli just rice and chicken tonight if she will eat. I gave her a pedcid but I don't want to give her anything else until I speak to the vet. Today she looks bummed out. Everyone else is acting "normal".
  15. When I first adopted Chloe, she had had "head tremors" at the kennel shortly after she had been diagnosed with hypothyroid and she started the soloxine. When we adjusted her meds at home, she had had one or two as well. As time went by, she didn't have any but we did notice that when there was high stress going on, she would have them. One time, I was really scared and brought her to the vet but it had stopped. Her pupils were diated and would not retract. She was scared to death so the doctor wasn't sure if it was neurological or she was so stressed about being there. (this was also the bottom of the totem pole vet after hours) I've also noticed that as the spring rolls around, she will have a few. She had one about half hour ago. So far they have not lasted more than 5-6 minutes. My vet had told me if they last longer than 5 minutes of so, we should bring her in, but other than that there was nothing we could do but watch her. This is what she is experiencing. When it is happening, she is alert, happy, receptive, will take a cookie, will come when called, etc. The only thing is her head is shaking. I get so scared when it happens. When I had first posted about this, almost 2 years ago, there were one or 2 people who had dogs who had this. I know there are a lot of new pups on GT so I figured, I'd see if anyone else experiences this with their hound.
  16. This is just unebelievable. I am so so sorry.
  17. So adorable. I am so sorry.
  18. Jan- I am so sorry for your loss. I know there are no words.
  19. This is the 1st place I went to after logging on. Jeez.
  20. Just do it and she will get used to it. I am not able to do Beaus, but Teddy and Chloe open their mouth and stick out their tongue when I do it. (it's really cute!) And Ms. Polli, I have to do every single night! They get used to it.
  21. I cant' even begin to imagine how frightened you are. BUT you have to know that all lameness is NOT cancer. At the present time, my Beau is tripoding. No one knows why. At any given time one or more of my 4 are limping. She is safe and probably sleeping right now. She does not process things the way you and I do. (THANK GOD FOR THAT) Update just as soon as you can and know that we are ALL praying for your sweet girl. Let the chant begin.... Cricket WILL be OK...Cricket WILL be OK...Cricket WILL be OK... Cricket WILL be OK...Cricket WILL be OK... Cricket WILL be OK...Cricket WILL be OK...Cricket WILL be OK... Cricket WILL be OK...Cricket WILL be OK...Cricket WILL be OK... Hugs to you Linda,
  22. Specks mom can help you. She is in NYC, I think. Hopefully, she will see this. I'm on LI. You can call A&A vets and ask them for a NYC referral. They are the greyhoungd groups vet here on LI. 516-437-7222
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