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Everything posted by RobinM

  1. She kissed me. Ah- all is right with the world. She looked at me with those deep soulful eyes and planted one right on my mouth. She is also eating her dried chicken tenders to make up for the days she missed. She also had a little bit more food. I think several small meals might be better than her one large one she used to get. She hasn't had any pain meds since 6:15 this morning- tramadol and she doesn't seem to need it. She just went potty outide (no poop yet but she just started eating solids less than 12 hours ago) and I changed her gauze, saw the wound and by that time she was shaky on her feet so we carried her back in the house. One of the worries are the other maniacs who could so easliy knock her over. That is why we changed her bandage outside.
  2. I don't know, I've been wondering the same thing about Beau now that his Momma was just diagnosed with cancer.
  3. Continued good thoughts snet Riley's way.
  4. What seems to be happening a lot is she is still turning 10 times before she finds the perfect place to plop down with the "SIGH". her footing of course is not what it was and she is doing it on a mattress which is not as flat as supportive as the floor but this is where she want to be. I just cant believe the sequence of events. I sit her and just shake my head in disbelief. Oh and Btw- I understand why everyone said to try and rest before she came home. It's just like having a newborn baby with needs you are trying to figure out.
  5. We all went to sleep about midnight and at 1:30 Polli was restless. She started eating her Zuke cookies that we have here in bed with us. She had about 3 so I got some chicky and rice. A lot of complaining, whiney sounding. We have never herard that from her. Beau, her son is a constant whiner but Polli, never before. Over the course of the last hour, she had about 1/2 cup rice and 1/2 cup chicky and then I added some tripe.She ate a little bit of that. Then she had more Zukes. Now, she has something in her tummy. She has also drank a lot of water so we got her out but she did not pee so we came back up. this time we had to carry her both ways. So now I will try to get back to sleep, With cookie crumbs, rice, chicky and tripe all over my bed and I woundn't have it any other way. Nite.
  6. even though she just had the surgery 48 hours ago? I was told to give as needed ( I wanted her to have an easy night) everu 6-8 hours over the next week and then wean off. (weaning wasn't an absolute necessity, she said if i wanted to)
  7. What an ordeal to take a pee pee. We asked her if she wanted to go out. I took out her leash and she got up. (unbelievable) then she just stood there and almost looked like she reconsidered and wanted to go lay back down so DH carried her out the door and down the 5 steps to the backyard. We walked, she bounced around the back and finally peed.. big time. Then she bounced back and went to the steps and stood there. I took the first step and this miracle of mine, went up the 5 steps. I praised her and cried. She prompty took the cookie I gave her (we ALWAYS give cookies after an outside pee/poop) and she took it but dropped it. Oh well. I offered her chicken and rice, purina one and tons of cookies. Nothing. So i will leave it alone now. She was really panting after that ordeal. It was time for her tramadol and she is resting comfortably right next to me right now. DH is out on a walkie.
  8. Nothing since tuesday night. We have her favorite cookies in bed with us and I will try some chicky and rice soon, but usually if she is not eating cookies, she's not eating. We will do a potty break in half hour, then tramadol and we will try some food again. If not, after a good night sleep with mommy and daddy surrounding her, I'm sure tomorrow she will eat. love, hope believe.
  9. Yes, we are all for one and one for all. Where one of us is, we all are! They were quite insane when Polli came home but just checked her out and then got distracted by a cookie I gave them. Here we all are now. Beau is on the bed behind DH, Teddy and Chloe. DH and Polli are lying together. It's interesting the others are not bothering to get on the bed when that's what they were doing before she came home. Thank you. I have greyt kids.
  10. I am so sorry to hear this. How old is Roo?
  11. Her last shot of morphine was this morning about 8AM. Now she it's just deramaxx, tramadol and baytril. The vet didn't say anything about stitches coming out. I will call on Monday about that. When I called a little while ago, she said I could give her valium if she needed it, (she did settle down) and she did say that if we wanted to carry her up and down the stairs, we could go up so that her routine stays as normal as possible. If we do that we will have to take our bed apart as it is 32 inches off the floor and I know that jumping is not something she wants her to do right now. Polli and I are cuddled up on the bed on the floor in the den right now. She will start to move and get whimpery/whiney.
  12. She is whimpering and other than when she fractured her leg Wednesday, I have never heard this. I called the vet already and she was able to hear it. She said it sounds more like agitation. Not only does she have this whole adjustment, she is not in her usual place which is upstairs, not down here. So, I am just sitting her with her. stroking her, telling her how much so many people love her. She in return is panting and crying. room set up for Polli in our den.
  13. A candle for Polli- We leave in 45 minutes to get her. I am scared. My stomach is doing flip flops. I have the fear she is going to be so super pissed at us for not being there for her. Abadonment issue here. http://www.gratefulness.org/candles/messag...amp;cid=6905513
  14. I ordered the harness and joined that site as well as Circle of Greys. We took 2 mattresses from a trundle bed in the extra bedroom to make it a king size and put it in our den so other than the 5 steps to get in and out of the house, Polli will have one level. We aleady had 4 beds in the den where we will all sleep but now we will add some of the beds that we have in our bedroom as well. Upstairs will be off limits which will be weird for all of us, but that is the least of things.
  15. Polli has a crateful of cookies but has not touched a thing. But, she is doing well, is hydrated from the IVs and was syringed fed last eveing which I'm sure when over real well with her! I spoke to the Tech at 9:45 PM. 12 Am and 5AM and the vet called me @ 9AM. She is walking, peeing outside her run and appears comfortable. We will be there with bells on our toes to pick her up @ 4PM when the office closes (except for emergencys) as they want an empty waiting room and the doctor wants us to have as much time as we need to ask questions. So, in less than 8 hours, my sweet baby girl will be home, right where she belongs. We couldn't more more greyful for the love, prayers and support from ALL of YOUR that has gotten Polli though round one. Thank you doesn't quite seem enough.
  16. You can look at it as she is without a leg or you can look at it as she is without Cancer. It's up to you. My beautiful, beautiful girl had her leg amputated yesterday and started her chemo today. I never thought I could love her more, but I do. You will surprise yourself, I'm sure. It's still your baby who will need you more than ever.
  17. Oh, I am praying that it's nothing serious.
  18. Just saw this (I've been wound tight with my Polli for the past few days) and I am happy those yucky teeth are out. MyPolli had 17, yes SEVENTEEN teeth removed last year. I brush every night and she still has stinky breath.(what i wouldn;t do to be kissed right now by that stinky breath!!!) Continued prayers for your baby.
  19. yes, yesterday. She had her 1st chemo today. It's been a whirlwind. http://forum.greytalk.com/index.php?showto...2581&st=100
  20. Vet just called while we were walking the others. I explained to her how I was feeling which she said was normal. I'm normal. (?) I realize that I am overtired and overwhelmed but after speaking to her, she put things in perspective for me. She is kind, real, soft and very very human. She empathizes like she really cares. We ae so blessed to have her. she is doing better than they could have hoped for except for the eating. They gave her a high calorie syringe full of something and she ate a few bites. Later tonight the Tech that's spending the night with her will sit and try again and OH YES.... this is major.... At 6PM tonight was the 1st time Polli needed pain meds since early this morning. God Bless my baby doll.
  21. She's resting from all he activity yesterday. Give it to Monday. if not better by then, have the vet take a look OR if for any reason, things look worse, bring her in sooner. I'm sure she over exerted yesterday. She will be fine.
  22. Yes, Polli had her 1st dose of Chemo today. Polli is my PITA eater, but she is my PITA eater and I love her, very much. Dinner time here is one meal a day for Polli, priming the pump with cookies then bites of food. A singing of chicky songs or mommy song will help too. She only eats on a towel, no bowel and she likes us there when she eats. We are not there. I picture her looking at the people there thinking to herself, WHERE THE HELL ARE MY PEOPLE. They are going to hear about this. Oh Polly girl. You and me both were blindsided by this, BIG TIME. Hang tough, my litte one. Tomorrow is a day away.
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