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Everything posted by RobinM

  1. I don't know if I should give her a valium so she (And I) can relax? I feel guilty doing that and I don't want to make it that she gets used to having valium. I gave her one last night at 1 AM,
  2. Now that she is feeling a little bit better, she won't sit still and I guess she is having a hard time finding a spot to feel comfortable in. for the last 2 hours she has gone from bed to bed to the mattress on the floor to bed to bed and she won't sit down for more than 5 minutes. She is panting. At first i thought maybe she had to go out but she doesn't want to and all of a sudden, she refuses to go out back (we carry her down but she tripped on the steps coming in so the backyard is evil now) So it's almost 1:30 AM and I haven't slept in several days now. I'd like to but she won't settle down. I don't want to frug her with valium. She is not due for any pain meds. i'm tired. and now she is up again. i can not go to sleep and have her wander around. She could get hurt.
  3. Tom- We WILL celebrate many anniversarys together with Polli and Ember. Prayers for a successful and speedy recovery. Please see my thread about Neoplasene.
  4. We are doing a "search" on Neoplasene and each and every article is good. There is a Dr. in upstate NY who will do free 15 minute telephone consults. Her name Dr. Michelle Yasson, she has been a holistic vet since '87. 845-338-3300 and let the staff know that you heard about her free consult from her "blog". http://holvet.blogspot.com
  5. When Dh took Beau for acupunture this evening, he told the vet what's going on with Polli and asked him if Polli would be a candidate for acupunture. The answer was it might help if she has pain but because acupunture increases blood flow and you don't want increased blood flow for cancer patients in the event there are any cancer cells still there. However, there is something called neoplasene which is holistic. It has many studies with fantastic results. It is for killing the micro cells of cancer that might slip through chemo. The vet said it has been extremely successful. I need to ask my vet who is treating Polli (we have a different vet for the acpunture) if it is done after or during chemo. http://www.leonbergerhealth.com/Neoplasene...nd%20Cancer.htm
  6. What a little firecracker. She ate 3-4 zukes with peanut butter at 9AM. Then at 1:30 PM with DH she had 1 cup of kibble and 1/2 boiled chicken breast. She also had about 7 dried chicken tenders. At 8:30 PM I tried giving her 1/2 cup of kibble with wet food. She wound up eating a full cup and a full can. today's total= 2 cups, 1 full can and 1/2 chicken breast with about 15 dried chicken tenders. OMG! Then.... she went out front and peed and pooped. It doesn't get too much better than this! On a different note, she was up and down so many times today, trying out different beds, I have a feeling she will be in pain later. We have been keeping her pain meds on a regular basis. I saw your post on COG. I am so sorry. But yes, yes, yes, Polli, Ember, Darcy, Winslow and all our other GT friends and MORE will join us for a birthday / post amp bash. Count on it!
  7. Chemo schedule: 1st dose was last Friday- the day after amputaion. 2nd, 3, 4, & hopefully 5th if she is tolerating it OK 3 weeks intervels. ***I just got "the" call, it is Osteosarcoma as suspected.
  8. Just got another call from DH- apparently Polli doesn't want to be an invalid anymore. Those are his words. He got off of the mattress we are keeping on the floor and climbed into one of the dog beds on the floor. She also demanded to go out.... NOT BACK. She wants to go out front where the real walks happen with her pack. He took her on the front and side lawn so she could pee. Mucho Tears of joy.
  9. As I pulled into the parking lot at work, DH called me to tell me that Ms. Polli ate 1 cup of kibble mixed with ½ boiled chicken breast… and some cookies. She went out 2 times to pee pee and what we found she likes is to go out with her pack. Not alone (with us alone). To see her bouncing along keeping up with them is unbelievable. I know we are nowhere near out of the woods but man to see a ray of light, just brings me to happy tears and I thank GOD for anything good that happens for my Polli wolli do da. (yes another song!)
  10. I was so concerned about her not peeing yesterday from 1pm - 11pm I guess because I work in Urology and I know how dangerous urinary retention is and as you all know when things are really sucky, the vet is closed. She peed at 8AM It was a realitively quiet night. no food, lots of water. She hasn't eaten a thing and unfortuntately, she doesn't like the standard standby: yogert, ice cream etc. I would give her anything she wanted if she only wanted something. We are on day 5. ETA-- she just had 4 zuke cookies dipped in peanut butter. Do they make peanut butter kibble? Or I could try to nuke the peanut butter, pour it over her kibble and let it harden. Now she is resting. I will be home with her till 12:30 then DH will come home.
  11. I'm sorry. I know that Morgan is a boy. Right now everyone is a SHE! RE: Polli. I have Polli on the brain.
  12. She peed and drank water at 11:15. I can not believe the things that are making me so happy. Now, Maybe, just maybe she will want to eat a little. I fell aslpeep for about 20 minutes. We will try and spend some time seeing if she is interested in eating. When we have gave valium in the past, she has eaten like I have never seen before. I think the opiates are making her not hungry. Good nite... Thank you all.
  13. How long after the surgery was she wearing the shirt? Polli is wearing the sweater/danskin thing and it is so da*m binding that that was one reason she was freaking last night so I cut it. I told the vet and she said, that's fine. But I think I cut it too much, it's a mess. She's a mess, I'm a mess, the whole thing is a mess. so before i screw anything else up, I want to make sure this is OK. Did Morgan wear a tight binding thingy? If so, how long before the tee went on. Polli does not have staples, she has disolvable sticthes, BTW.
  14. I would like to change the sweater (it's like a danskin and very binding) to a tee shirt tomorrow for Polli. Maybe I am just so tired, I can't think straight, but I can not figure out how the tee should be. The head opening goes over her head, front leg goes through the arm. The other opening just hangs or if I use a large tee shirt, I can tie it off? Is that it?
  15. I'm getting crazier. Polli hasn't peed since 1pm today. We have taken her out 2 times and she just stands there looking at us. The 2nd time we brought the rest of the pack so she would want to follow them. DH took her, I had them and she was not interested. No pee. No poop. She has not eaten today and only has had a few sips of water. No eating, drinking or peeing or pooping today. NOT GOOD and I am trying not to get upset my it's kind of difficult.
  16. I am just stting her shaking my head reading this. How I prayed that you and Argos would be spared. My Polli was just diagnosed as well. I wish I could say something, anything to make it better for the both of you. Whatever decision you make will be the right one for your family. I am so sorry.
  17. Thank you. You get it, that's for sure. Today, she was kept her on her meds every 6 hours. I decided to give her a 10mg valium before I left for work (12PM) and Dh had afternoon shift. So far today she is much mellower (thank GOD for valium) and quiet. Good news bad news. She hasn't had a thing to eat yet but she normally doesn't until later. She hasn't pooped yet either and that's a result of the opiates, i am sure. I plan on calling the vet just ot be on the safe side. Dh got a little more sleep than I did, it didn't make sence for both of us to stay up with her, but we are hoping she eats tonight and is comfortable enough to sleep through the night. Tomorrow or the next day we will take off the binding sweater and put on a tee shirt, I hope that makes her feel better. I love this baby girl. There are just no words. I am rambling.
  18. i heard about the nerontin. I wasn't disimissing that or anything else for that matter. I want her comfortable no matter what type of pain she has. Have I said this yet? I CAN NOT BELIEVE THIS.
  19. I am so sorry for your loss. He will be greytly missed.
  20. I was. Sometimes I feel all cried out. Then they flow again. With the lack of sleep, it's not taking much to ruffle my feathers. I'm waiting, just waiting for my insane neighbor to start with my about something.
  21. they can usually have water, just limited. I try to avoid it after 6AM.
  22. Make sure he is dringking water. If he is not, bring him in. Also, clear pedialite is good to have in the house. My vet is not a pepto fan, I never really asked why. I would give a bland diet of boiled chicky and rice with the immodium. if by tomorrow, it;s not any better, i'd bring him in. Big D and vomiting is serious and it is the bodys way of getting rid of something that is not good. Hope Monty is back to feeling good soon. It really IS always something isn;t it?
  23. Oh G-D What a night. After a rather uneventful day and many cookies eaten, we took Polli out for her last Potty about 10 PM with the full knowlege we would take her again in the middle of the night if need be. She tripped up the steps and after the 2nd try, she did it but as soon as she got back into the house on the mattress on the floor, she was panting. Really panting. So, I gave her pain meds as it had been 7 hours. That did not help. At 11 Pm I gave her 5 mg of valium. THAT did not help. At 12:30 we gave her 5 more mg of valium. NOTHING. (For furture reference, when she is that stressed out I needed to do 10 mg at once). The absolute worse thing was the screaming that was happening. A long heartfelt GSOD that lasted many seconds at a time and this went on throughout the night. Neither Polli or I got any sleep till 6AM. I fell asleep with the bed vibrating from the panting. DH was up at this point. I called the vet at 8 and she said that unfortunately it sounded pretty normal. She told me not to go 6 hours without pain meds ( I had gone as long as 9 since she didn't apprear to be in pain) because once the pain is out of control, it's hard to get back under. As far as the screaming, she said she did not believe it was "Phamton Pain" as I heard on other websites it could be. She said she is home and she is frustrated and full of anxiety that she is not able to do the things she should be able to do now that she is home and there is a large incsiion. Had this been a human, they'd be in the hospital a week with morphine drips. So, I will do exactly as she says and pray that today and tonight Polli starts feeling better. i know that when there is surgery invloved, it can get worse before it gets better. I know that day "3" is one of the worst days and that was yesterday so here's praying that we are now on our way. Thank you for continued prayers and concerns for Polli. I told her how many people from all over the world love her and have total faith that she will be fine.
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