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Everything posted by VinnieAndRexsMom

  1. Never happened to us in the last six dogs. I'd say she just had an accident, clean it up, an move on. At four months in your home, she is still fairly new. Did she do any chewing yesterday? Chewing = more water = more pee. Extra hot yesterday inside or out? She would drink more water then, too. Finally, was she nervous at the vet? One of my guys pants up a storm, drinks a bunch when he gets home, and pees more later.
  2. I am so sorry for your loss. Godspeed Cricket.
  3. Beautiful girl... Godspeed little one. Hugs to all those you left behind.
  4. VinnieAndRexsMom

    Tisha T

    I'm so sorry for your loss.
  5. Beautiful tribute to your beautiful boy. Godspeed Tanner. Hugs to you,
  6. So sorry, Mary I will miss your little Gidge.
  7. Oh, Hilda... I am so sorry. I had no idea Gogh had been diagnosed. Godspeed sweet, handsome boy.
  8. Beautiful boy. I am so very sorry for your loss.
  9. I'm so sorry for your loss.
  10. Remember Diane, Goods and Fudge? I used to tell my kids to be goods and fudgie when I left the house a lot. Yesterday and today I just told Cougs to be goods. Wow, that all seems a lifetime ago. Ellen, Eve and Baz will always hold a special place with me as well. Ellen used to write the most beautiful posts. I actually had the priviledge of meeting them on the one GUR I did. I'm sorry you didn't get to have your Vinnie boy with you as long as I did my Coachie. Life is certainly not fair. Thanks to all for the sweet posts. The support of this board is getting me through. Yes, Fudgie and Goods And Heather and Demps And others who I will remember later Ellen has been to visit family twice in Indiana, not far from me. We met up with E,E,&B once with Vinnie and Rex and once with Vinnie and Chase. I love her stories as well. In fact, she is the one who got me telling V&R stories. Ellen said it would help me heal. Good advice I am now passing on to you. Hugs,
  11. My favorite part Find peace, baby girl. I will miss Coachie, along with Vinnnie and Rex, Evie and Baz, and all the other greys that brought us all together for the first time. I am glad she is with your mom and dad. I bring ours home, too. And I never knew it until today, but Coach is exactly one day older than Vinnie: just one day. Hugs to you and Couger, Greyson and your DH,
  12. Yeah, I don't know what family it's in. Our regular vet suggested the patch this morning, we called her at home (but VERY unfortunately for us, she is right now on her way to Las Vegas for some veterinary conference for a week). We called the other vet (the one doing the biopsy) to ask about that, and they thought we should try Tramadol again first. They're going to have us start with a really small dose and see what we can work up to without getting the panting. Husband is on the way to pick that up now. Thanks for the contact info for OSU. I just sent them a very long email... I'm hoping someone will get back to us before Monday afternoon, but I don't know how realistic that is. This whole thing just kills me, because his mind is still perfect, and his appetite is still GREAT. I just brought him a turkey and cream cheese sandwich from Brueggers and he scarfed it right down from his bed. Every time I walk into the kitchen, he puts up his ears and watches me hopefully, but doesn't get up anymore to follow me like he always would. He wants to walk, and seems like he doesn't quite understand why he can't. But when he's lying down, he's just regular Tanner. We just did a full senior blood panel the first week in January. Wouldn't something have shown up on there if he has cancer?? Sorry if this is a dumb question -- I really have no knowledge of cancer at all (and hoped never to). Jen Vinnie's mind was still sharp, his body was in fine shape, except for his back leg, which had withered a little. It was the day before Mother's Day and three days before his 10th birthday. I had to send a beautiful , healthy looking dog to the bridge, and it nearly killed me. He was my heart. And then I saw a Vinnie on here who became an angel and he was just a baby. You can't concentrate on how he looks; it has to be how he feels. I know you know this. You are moving through all the emotions associated with just finding out your sweet boy has a tumor. And your questions are not dumb. You need to ask. It's part of the process. Hugs,
  13. I second Batmom. You know there are tumor cells, and the vet said he can't be a tripod. The only thing left would be keeping him comfortable, which you can do without adding the stress of a vet visit and the pain of a biopsy. Vinnie had a tumor in his spine. Even the narcotics wouldn't take away the pain. I feel/felt about Vinnie the way you feel about Tanner. For Vin, all I could do was keeep him comfortable. Probably not what you want to hear right now, and for that I am sorry. Hugs to you and Tanner,
  14. You need to talk to him. Even though they may not use words, they do sense feelings. Suggestions to help Couger: Maybe he needs Coachie's crate for comfort? Maybe you could drop a dog bed there if you don't want to set up her crate again. I know if something happened to Chase, Red would need to have access to/ be able to lie in Chase's crate to comfort himself. When we lost Rex, we took Vinnie with us more. More car trips, took him to breakfast at Sonic, took him to see Nana and DD#2, extra greenies and bully sticks to chew. When we lost Vinnie, we did the same things with Chase. For them, week 1 was trying to do the jobs the other boy did while he was here. Week 2 was missing the brother. Week three was depression, and at that time both boys let us know they didn't want to be an only dog.
  15. A beautiful tribute to your sweet girl. Godspeed Nadia.
  16. I'm lighting the old boy's candle to help light Coachie's way. I will ask Vinnie and Rex to meet ehr, so she isn't crossing the bridge alone. God Bless baby girl. Hugs to you, Tara.
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