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Everything posted by JerseyGirlInOz

  1. Oh, Hilda, there are no words. I'm just heartbroken for you
  2. Oh, Pat... so many losses, so close together---there are just no words to convey how sorry I am
  3. Judy, it has always been obvious to me how much you loved your hounds---and I'm sure they knew it too!!! I'm still so sad about Renie---my heart breaks for you, losing Jack so soon after. I'm am so, so sorry .
  4. Cross-post from a member of my Australian Greyhound Yahoo Group: "I received the devestating news today that my cat Vet, Carole, has lost her Husband, home and animals in the Kinglake fires on Saturday."
  5. The count is expected to rise significantly. There are many areas that are completely cut off, and entire towns are completely gone. It was over 115 degrees with near gale-force winds on Saturday, creating firestorms of horrific magnitudes and speeds. So many people were caught completely off guard. And the worst part? Many of the fires were deliberately lit.
  6. His time with you was way too short Your siggy picture of him is so moving, it makes me teary every time I see it. Just beautiful...
  7. Oh, she was so beautiful!!! I'm so sorry she had to leave you
  8. Falling into the deep end of the pool is a rite of passage with any greys that live with me... I'm so sorry for your loss
  9. Amen. Beautifully said. Ditto. I am so very sorry for your loss...
  10. Such a beautiful boy. I am so sorry
  11. Sending hugs and healing thoughts to Angel, Piaget, and all the other houndies who are not feeling well!
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