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Posts posted by greytpups

  1. Bailey's appears to have stopped limping...and she is ready to run. I'm hoping it was a soft tissue injury and the anti-inflammatories have helped it heal. I've been trying to keep her quiet but my little girlekins really wants to go for a run...for those who know her, you know how much she loves to run and we haven't been to NCR for a couple of weeks...maybe on the weekend if she continues to improve.


    And yes...I have stopped worrying...both vets viewed her X-rays and both concluded they were clear. Thank you once again for your well wishes...I think limping is every grey's owner's worst nightmare. We just hate to seem them in pain.

  2. Glad to hear the xrays are clear. Let us know how she makes out this week. I forget if you have Bailey on joint supplement - could she be feeling sore from arthritis?


    The vet said she did have some arthritis in her elbow but he didn't think it be the cause of her limping. Good news though...no limp today. I am going to start her on glucosomine too.

  3. I picked Bailey up today...poor thing was so groggy she could hardly stand...one of the few times I have seen her actually sit. And she didn't want anything to eat...what happened to my little hoover :lol


    Well, good news is the X-rays were clear...bad news is she's still limping. I'm going to try a chiro consult/tx next. I keep thinking what if they missed something like they did on Carrier. Unfortunately, our vet doesn't have electronic x-rays so i can't forward them on.


    But I'm very relieved she came out of the anaesthesia OK. The vet thinks it's a soft tissue injury of some kind and we're keeping her on the anti-inflammatories for another week. I want her healthy because we'll be away on vacation for almost 3 weeks and we usually do a lot of walking.


    btw, I was up in the middle of the night and DH asked me what I was doing...I told him i was doing what I do best...worrying. He said OK and went back to sleep :colgate Apparently I worry too much...betcha never would have guessed that :P


    Thanks for your warm wishes, support and prayers...it really means a lot to me.

  4. Thanks everyone...she's still limping so we'll see what the X-rays show...hopefully, nothing...then we'll try chiropractic care if appropriate. I can't believe how worried I am. I took a few more pics this weekend (had to use the Bailey blind) and hugged her a lot. I'm just not ready to lose her...I know I shouldn't think that way...but I am really worried...gotta go...tears are forming again.


    I thought I lost these photos but I discovered them recently...here's a picture of her when we adopted her 4 years ago on Sept.11/04.



    Here's a picture of us on August 16/08...I don't have many photos of her and I...



    I got this on the weekend...had to use the Bailey blind but it was worth it. :wub:


  5. Bailey went to the vet this morning again because she's been limping and the anti-inflammatories have not been helping. She has to go back on Monday for X-rays...they have to anesthetize her...DH called and now I have a big pit in my stomach...tears are forming...gotta go...be positive...please send positive thoughts that it's nothing and my little scrappy girlekins has just overdone it.

    Thank you :(



  6. Liz, I am so sorry...no one should have to endure what you have this year with your pups and daughter...how are Larry and the kids? Give Dante some hugs and scritches. Hopefully your big goofy boy is helping you through this pain.

  7. Bailey did this in the winter...I think she ripped it on a piece of ice...I took her to the vet and he put something on it (anti-biotic cream?) to help heal it and then bandaged it up. He stressed not to get it wet because you want to make sure bacteria does not grow if the bandage gets wet. In fact he called us at home that night to remind us again. He also did not stitch it because he said they will likely come out and the webbing isn't particularly useful now.


    I can't remember how long the bandage was on...it was almost healed once we removed it, then we soaked it in epsom salts 3 x day until it was fully healed. Bailey did cut it once since but it healed quickly and she's never had a problem.


    Also the bandage covered her whole paw and part way up her leg to prevent swelling and bacteria from getting in.

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