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Posts posted by greytpups

  1. I'm so sorry, I haven't been on GT much this week so I missed this. Words seem so inadequate but I wanted you to know I too hoped she would beat it, but it just wasn't to be. Many people have said this, but nobody could have loved her or done more for her than you and Rich.


    Hopefully the day will come when your grief turns into happy memories. She was a beautiful girl, a courageous pup, and I like many others followed your journey with her with hope followed by a tremendous sadness and heavy heart.



  2. Sending along lots of healing thoughts to Polli and prayers that this is just a temporary thing. You guys are in my thoughts a lot since you've been going through so much.


    People have recommended Chiro treatments for Bailey's limp and I've always declined. I have heard too many stories about dogs that get manipulated and their conditions worsens because of misdiagnosis. I always go with my gut. Hopefully, you'll be able to find options that work for her.



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