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Posts posted by greytpups

  1. I don't know if this is worthwhile or not. I'm going to copy/paste an excerpt from an experience I had with my Kiowa that I have written about in the past. I'm wondering if your dog may have had a less severe episode of an allergic reaction to a bite of some kind. The symptoms you describe sound eerily familiar with the panting/shaking and the hacking like something was choking him.



    One night after I had him for about 9 mo I had a very terrifying experience. The evening had been normal, Kiowa had had a long walk, had eaten his dinner and had tossed a stuffy around for a bit. I was in another room when I heard him yelp. When I checked on him he seemed fine, I couldn't find anything wrong, but about 20 min later he started pacing and panting and shaking. I called the vet who told me K probably had gas and to give him an antacid. I went to the store to buy some and when I came back K was laying on the floor and wouldn't get up, wouldn't even move. I called the vet back and insisted he needed to be seen NOW. The vet was in the city about 35 miles away but said he would return to his clinic as soon as he could. Now keep in mind K weighed over 80lb and I only weigh about 100 myself. I couldn't pick him up so I pulled my car around to the front porch and drug K by his legs and pulled him into the car. When I arrived at the clinic we had to wait about another 20 min for the vet to arrive. By the time the vet got there K had stopped breathing. He was alive but couldn't breathe. The vet tried injections of benedryl and epinephrine but they had no effect. Kiowa started to thrash in my arms at that point because he was suffocating. The poor guy even bit me during his panic and I didn't even notice until one of the staff noticed the blood pouring out of my hand later. The vet grabbed a scalpel and performed a tracheotomy and put a tube into K's neck and blew into it. K was then able to breath on his own a minute or so later. During his time on the table we discovered a bruised and bloody mark on his inner thigh which lead us to suspect some kind of bite, most likely from a spider. K spent the night at the vet and came home the next day.




    Thanks for taking the time to post this...this is a lot like what happened...of course without the breathing problem...but he is still doing a fair bit of hacking. However, I've checked him over and there aren't any bite marks. Right now he's almost back to normal so I hope whatever it is has passed. I'll keep an eye on the hacking and if it still continues tomorrow, we'll go to our vet. He has improved 99% though from the last couple of days. I'm so not ready to lose him...he's only 6 and he's the sweetest dog, well-behaved pup ever :colgate

  2. Yesterday, he didn't even get up when DH got home from work...Ben usually is jumping around and making happy sounds when daddy comes home. And we almost had to drag him outside last night so we could all go to bed.


    Ben seems to be OK today. He ate most of his breakfast with a little bit of coaxing and baby food mixed in. He went for a walk this morning and has been acting pretty normal...not sure what was wrong but I don't begrudge paying the e-vet bill (just over $500). I would feel worse if something was wrong and I didn't do anything about it.


    Hopefully, he'll continue to be OK. I've been to the vet's office too often these last couple of weeks. Bailey had her toe removed (bit bloody) and then Ben was sick. Yesterday both dogs threw up and Ben peed on the floor. DH shampooed the carpets this morning :colgate

  3. Yesterday DH got home first and when he came in the house, Ben was just standing there panting heavily and shaking. When I got home I wondered if something had scared him...that's how he reacts to hot air balloons. However, it was dark, cold and rainy so I wasn't sure what it could be. But he wasn't his happy tail-wagging self. Nor would he eat ice cream or tripe.


    I fell asleep and DH came up and woke me up and said he thought we should take Ben to the e-vet. He was panting heavily, wouldn't lie down and seemed to try to hack something up. He was also shaking.


    Although, he wasn't retching exactly, bloat was clearly on my mind. However, the x-rays were clear, blood tests were normal, but he had a temp of 40C (104F) and was still panting and standing up. This is a dog who is rarely on his feet if there is a pillow nearby.


    We were there for about 3 hours and he finally laid down and fell asleep. He was dehydrated so he was given fluids (IV) and then we went home.


    This morning he did not want to go for a walk and this guy loves to go on a walk no matter what the weather. He wouldn't eat his breakfast though, and he did not eaten his dinner last night either. He also had a big pee on the carpet...he never pees in the house.


    He's lethargic...I keep checking to make sure he's breathing. Something's wrong and I'm really worried about him.


    Any ideas??





  4. Hugs, and don't feel guilty for going on vacation. The tumor is gone and I would think it won't come back that quickly now that it's been removed, so a couple of weeks probably isn't going to do any harm.


    No, that's the problem...they didn't remove all of it...so that's why I feel so guilty because I'm making her wait 3 more weeks before we get her toe amputated...and I'm worried. Geez I feel torn...and really selfish...and so guilty...I could go on and on but you get the idea.

  5. Bailey has been limping for about 3 weeks and on Tuesday our vet removed what I thought was a corn. DH was there and our vet told him not to tell me, but he sent it away for a biopsy because he thought it might be a tumour and he knew how much I would worry.


    Well, he just called and said it was a tumour and we should amputate her toe. I asked how quickly is it spreading because we are going on vacation with the pups from Oct 8 to Oct 27. He said to go and have a good time because he doesn't think it's growing that fast. DH still thinks we should go and I want to go because we really need a vacation. Of course, I feel guilty because I think what if it grows really fast, yada yada. The pathology report did not mention "malignant" and our vet said this guy was really thorough and he would mention if there was a chance of malignancy.


    I feel so selfish by going though...:(

  6. Bailey's been limping for the past 3 weeks and the vet removed a wart...we did X-rays, anti-inflamatories, etc. I went in on Monday and I was like a mommy bear...my baby hurts and we need to do something.


    X-rays were clears so he removed the wart...but he said it had quite a long core pressing on something? Do warts have cores? Initially, it was dismissed as nothing so i hope this heals and she feels better. Right now she can't put any weight on it but we go back today for a checkup...third visit this week.


    I have had plantar warts on the bottom of my feet and it they did have a core. They were quite painful, and needed to be treated several times. The first couple of times was not so bad but the last time I could barely walk out of the office. I think because it had shrunk and neighboring tissue was injured.


    Are corns and warts the same? I had always thought they were different.



    I'm not sure...second article refers to them as the same...both articles are similar



    "seed warts"


    Bailey still has stitches from Tuesday so she's still limping...too bad...I don't think she'll be healed before we go to Dewey.

  7. Bailey's been limping for the past 3 weeks and the vet removed a wart...we did X-rays, anti-inflamatories, etc. I went in on Monday and I was like a mommy bear...my baby hurts and we need to do something.


    X-rays were clears so he removed the wart...but he said it had quite a long core pressing on something? Do warts have cores? Initially, it was dismissed as nothing so i hope this heals and she feels better. Right now she can't put any weight on it but we go back today for a checkup...third visit this week.

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