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Everything posted by greytpups

  1. I'm so sorry for your loss
  2. Hoping it's nothing serious...sending lots of healing thoughts and white light for your baby.
  3. I think this would be a greyt photo for the CG calendar
  4. Happy Thanksgiving...enjoy your extra time.
  5. Inquiring minds want to know How do you get 6 out the door in winter with coats, etc. It takes at least 5 minutes to get me and two greys dressed to go outside in the winter. Jan
  6. Please give my condolences to your friend...it's so heartbreaking reading these...I's so sorry
  7. Welcome from Ontario How to post a picture
  8. Thanks for taking the time to post this...this is a lot like what happened...of course without the breathing problem...but he is still doing a fair bit of hacking. However, I've checked him over and there aren't any bite marks. Right now he's almost back to normal so I hope whatever it is has passed. I'll keep an eye on the hacking and if it still continues tomorrow, we'll go to our vet. He has improved 99% though from the last couple of days. I'm so not ready to lose him...he's only 6 and he's the sweetest dog, well-behaved pup ever
  9. Yesterday, he didn't even get up when DH got home from work...Ben usually is jumping around and making happy sounds when daddy comes home. And we almost had to drag him outside last night so we could all go to bed. Ben seems to be OK today. He ate most of his breakfast with a little bit of coaxing and baby food mixed in. He went for a walk this morning and has been acting pretty normal...not sure what was wrong but I don't begrudge paying the e-vet bill (just over $500). I would feel worse if something was wrong and I didn't do anything about it. Hopefully, he'll continue to be OK. I've been to the vet's office too often these last couple of weeks. Bailey had her toe removed (bit bloody) and then Ben was sick. Yesterday both dogs threw up and Ben peed on the floor. DH shampooed the carpets this morning
  10. Welcome from Waterloo, Ontario...Josey is beautiful!
  11. Yesterday DH got home first and when he came in the house, Ben was just standing there panting heavily and shaking. When I got home I wondered if something had scared him...that's how he reacts to hot air balloons. However, it was dark, cold and rainy so I wasn't sure what it could be. But he wasn't his happy tail-wagging self. Nor would he eat ice cream or tripe. I fell asleep and DH came up and woke me up and said he thought we should take Ben to the e-vet. He was panting heavily, wouldn't lie down and seemed to try to hack something up. He was also shaking. Although, he wasn't retching exactly, bloat was clearly on my mind. However, the x-rays were clear, blood tests were normal, but he had a temp of 40C (104F) and was still panting and standing up. This is a dog who is rarely on his feet if there is a pillow nearby. We were there for about 3 hours and he finally laid down and fell asleep. He was dehydrated so he was given fluids (IV) and then we went home. This morning he did not want to go for a walk and this guy loves to go on a walk no matter what the weather. He wouldn't eat his breakfast though, and he did not eaten his dinner last night either. He also had a big pee on the carpet...he never pees in the house. He's lethargic...I keep checking to make sure he's breathing. Something's wrong and I'm really worried about him. Any ideas?? thanks Jan
  12. How sad for both of you...hopefully you'll both learn to cope and all will be ok soon.
  13. I'm so sorry...how heartbreaking
  14. Lots of healing thoughts...please don't let it be serious.
  15. Gentle healing thoughts for sweet Hobbes...poor baby...hopefully it isn't anything serious.
  16. What a kind hearted soul you have...you family is simply amazing. I am so touched by each story and the love you have for them. Thank you for sharing...and welcome from Ontario, Canada from someone who loves the name Maple. Jan
  17. Congrats...she is very pretty...I can see how hard it would have been to let her go elsewhere.
  18. greytpups


    Oh Robin, I'm so sorry to hear this...
  19. Sending lots of healing thoughts and wishes for a speedy recovery...and lots of happy years together
  20. How sad ...and to lose two so close together
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