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Merry Christmas Homer

Guest homersdad

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Guest homersdad

As the holidays near I am really missing my boy Homer, who crossed the bridge unexpectedly a short 2 months ago. My wife and I adopted Homer in early February of this year. We had just returned from a vacation in Florida where our other Grey, Jasmine, spent two fun filled weeks playing with my parents labs by the beach. Soon upon our return home we noticed she was lonely and we made the decision to find her a friend. We met Homer and they got along so well we adopted him as Jasmines little brother. This was supposed to be Homey's first holiday season in his forever home. The fact that he never got to curl up in front of the Christmas tree or open up a Christmas present is really upsetting. We were going to get him a new blanket coat and some fun squeaky toys, and of course some bones and treats. He was so loving and affectionate, he would have loved Christmas. Although he was kind of a clumsy goofball too, so he probably would have knocked over the tree! I feel like he got robbed. He should be here with us this year and many more.


I guess the hole in my chest hasn't closed yet, and the holidays are making it harder. I just miss him so much, and wish he was still with us. I picture him running in the snow covered fields at the bridge with his buddy Dale who recently joined him at the bridge. I hope they are warm and comfortable and don't miss their parents too much. I don't want them to be alone on Christmas.


I don't know if I'm looking for advice or just needed to tell somebody how I feel. Either way, thank you for listening and Merry Christmas. Most importantly, Merry Christmas Hamer and Dale, I love you and hope you have a greyt time and get some greyt gifts. Say merry Christmas to all the other pets at the bridge for me and your mom.


Love Dad

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I'm so sorry. :grouphugf_yellow

...............Chase (FTH Smooth Talker), Morgan (Cata), Reggie (Gable Caney), Rufus
(Reward RJ). Fosters check in, but they don't check out.
Forever loved -- Cosmo (System Br Mynoel), March 11, 2002 - October 8, 2009.
Miss Cosmo was a lady. And a lady always knows when to leave.

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Just wanted to say Merry Christmas to Homer, and to you, and if I may, to my own bridge girl, Emily. I know where you're coming from, and my heart goes out to you.


**& Angels Emily, Beatrice, Okie, Rhemus ,Vixen, and Rose-always in my heart**

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Guest trevdog

:grouphug I'm so sorry for your loss. I know he knew love in your family, even though it was for such a short time, it's never enough.

This time of year can be rather melancholy for those of us who have lost beloved family members. I have a picture of Trevor with Santa in an ornament frame that is the first thing I hung on the tree this year. I know he is still watching over us as I'm sure yours are too.

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Guest DogGone

I am so sorry - but I am sure that Homer and all his friends at the Bridge will have turkey and gravy with all the trimings for Christmas. And there will be stuffies and biscuits. They won't need coats because it is always lovely there. And he will be thinking about you and knowing how much he is loved (and how much he loves you). I hope that he meets up with my Cisco, Merlin and Cousteau :grouphug

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I am so sorry. Merry Christmas Homer and Dale...Give Angel Sophia a sloppy wet kiss for us. I know that Santa won't forget to visit the Bridge. :f_redf_yellow


Patti-Mommy of Lady Sophia 7-28-92 - 8-3-04... LaceyLaine 8-2-94-12-5-07...

Flash Gordon 7-14-99 - 8-29-09... BrookLynne...Pavé Maria... and 18 Bridge Kids.




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I'm so sorry about Homer. His loss was a real blow, and so unlooked-for.


Soon, we'll be raising awareness about the disease that cut his life so short, and funds to help treat other dogs, with his CafePress store. It's almost ready, and here's a look at the artwork: the beautiful happy face that captured Homer's parents' hearts




Hugs to you and your wife.


My Inspirations: Grey Pogo, borzoi Katie, Meep the cat, AND MY BELOVED DH!!!
Missing Rowdy, Coco, Brilly, Happy and Wabi.

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Here's the link for Homer's Store.


Homer's loving parents hope we can help others in their sad situation with this shop.


(And, the merchandise is pretty nice, too!)


Thank you for looking.


My Inspirations: Grey Pogo, borzoi Katie, Meep the cat, AND MY BELOVED DH!!!
Missing Rowdy, Coco, Brilly, Happy and Wabi.

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Guest adriahna

Warmest wishes to you this Christmas. Homer is celebrating the holiday with so many new friends at the bridge - don't worry. And know that he waits for you with his tail wagging. :f_red

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Guest TheTripps

With all the heart tugging stories we read and follow here on GT, this is the one that made me cry. I remember what it is like to lose one who is so dear and so much a part of your heart that it feels like the hole will never be filled in. We take comfort in knowing all our Bridge Angels are with friends and are in no more pain. May the peace of the season fill your heart and hold you fast in the new year.

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Guest auntiesara

Angel Rosie will tell Homer all about Christmas and all the human food she ate on that special day and how she destroyed her new squeakies in 5 minutes. The holidays are very hard but we have to try our best for the surviving siblings-they worry when we cry too much...



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I'm so sorry for your loss, Im sure my Winnie will help him celebrate Christmas and show him where all the goodies are kept!

Kim, mom to Reno (Slatex Reno), sister to Daffy (Bally's Flack), Ashley and Sue (racing names unknown), and Bridge kids Strider (7/28/94-4/16/05), RW's Dallas (12/17/98- 06/26/2010), Odd Taylor (aka Lizzie), JC's Curfew (4/6/2005- 4/22/2010), Winnie(Pooh Bear)my heart dog, and Rocky the beagle

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Homer, you find Howie and you have fun watching all of us over the holiday season. I hurt so bad for and with you for I miss Howie so much also.It's just that they take a big chunk of our hearts with them when they go,but those memories are tucked deep inside the rest. God Bless you,and remember we're all one big family here."Somewhere Over The Rainbow" we're going to meet n greet one last time. Oh what a beautiful day that will be!!!Until then, just wish upon a star and Homer will give you a sign,I'm sure. It's the magic of Christmas. :bighug:bighug:gh_run

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Merry Christmas Gary, know that you loved your puppers with all your heart & that place will heal...I'm positive there is another pupper out there waiting for you.

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