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Harassment from other dogs off leash

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Our boy has been with us for 4 weeks now and is doing great. He does still show some aggression towards other dogs if they surprise him so we're working on this with a trainer. 


Today on his walk, we had a golden retreiver with no owner in sight come bounding up to us and buzzing around us for a full 5 minutes. This is on a car free, wide path but almost all dogs I see here are on lead. It totally freaked our dog out and even when barking aggressively this dog wouldn't leave us alone. Eventually he ran off when his owner appeared in the distance and called him.  I know dogs are unpredictable but our lad was on leash, with a muzzle and a vest stating he's anxious around other dogs so just feel a bit annoyed. This is in UK FWIW. 


I'm getting a feel for 'dog etiquette' and feel like dogs that can't be controlled shouldn't be left to run amok. Not sure what I'm asking here really, just annoyed at the irresponsible owner. Need some calm, dog free walks for a few days to settle him I think.

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I feel for you.  I have had similar experience in the neighborhood trails. People’s dogs come running up behind us barking while the owners are acting like it is our fault there dog is chasing us.

My favorite OMG thing to hear is “it is ok my dog (that is chasing yours) is friendly”.  LOL that is so not the issue.  One reason I carry an extra leash with me for those extra friendly dogs.  That way I can keep them from jumping all over my dog while there unresponsible owner comes to get them.

I hope you find a time and or place where that is unlikely to happen.  Thanks for letting me vent from the states too.

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As mentioned, it’s not really the dog at fault but the owner. It’s really frustrating, and more so when, also mentioned, you get told that it’s ok because the other dog is friendly. Unfortunately another dog approaching off lead, with no recall, will make you tense up if you’re already nervous, and your dog will probably pick up on this, perpetuating the issue. I have resorted to doing very little other than stating loudly that my dog can be snappy if he’s approached by another dog and leave it at that. I try and distract him, we try to walk on together but it doesn’t always work.

If you find a solution please let me know!

Buddy Molly 🌈 5/11/10-10/10/23

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I've had a similar experience but the owner was in sight talking to her friend and taking no notice that her dog's enthusiasm was starting to upset Grace. In a very loud voice I asked "Would you control your dog". She didn't half give me a look but called her dog and put his lead on.

Usually I put myself between the "friendly" dog and Grace and make a fuss of it and grab it's collar. That makes the owner realise it's time to control their dog especially with the stories of dog nappers in the press. It also helps that I'm 6ft 2in and 18 stone. :D

Grace (Ardera Coleen) b. 18 June 2014 - Gotcha Day 10 June 2018 - Going grey gracefully
Guinness (Antigua Rum) b. 3 September 2017 - Gotcha Day 18 March 2022 - A gentleman most of the time


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I was just coming here for a similar rant! 

Just back in from our morning walk (also in UK) and had an altercation with a small off-lead floof.  I had seen it coming in the opposite direction from us down the same path and shortened my (muzzled) boy's lead.  Owner held it at the side of the path and we passed by with no issues, then my boy went back to his favourite activity of snuffling in the long grass at the side of the path.  I took my eye off him for maybe a couple of seconds then suddenly discovered the floof was back and my boy was holding it down with his massive paw and had his muzzled snoot right up close.  Pulled him away quick-smart and the owner grabbed the floof with seemingly no harm done, thankfully.

What I'm most annoyed with is the floof-owner's comment of "it's okay, I've got one of those dogs too".  After we walked away and I thought about it, she obviously didn't mean a greyhound as no greyhound owner in their right mind would let their floof run up to a muzzled hound.  There are so many of these designer floofs in our area, all quite young and with no recall and yet it's my on-lead, muzzled dog that gets the bad reputation.  Just angry and upset now. :angry:

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21 hours ago, duckduckgoose said:

There are so many of these designer floofs in our area, all quite young and with no recall and yet it's my on-lead, muzzled dog that gets the bad reputation.  Just angry and upset now. 

Being a greyhound owner is a bit like driving. You start off thinking you know how everyone behaves and quickly learn they haven't got a clue and you learn to second guess what might happen, and just like driving, it's the larger that will get blamed so it has to avoid the situation to start with. I know, I'm a retired bus driver.

Grace (Ardera Coleen) b. 18 June 2014 - Gotcha Day 10 June 2018 - Going grey gracefully
Guinness (Antigua Rum) b. 3 September 2017 - Gotcha Day 18 March 2022 - A gentleman most of the time


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