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Pooping excessively at night

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Last night we heard a lot of whining. We went down because it sounded bad and we found a poop on the floor. Went out for a pee, he didn't want to come out but eventually did, and peed a lot. Whining all night long, and we ignored it as he'd done his business. Came down this morning and found another poop on the floor.

Both times the poop was actually pretty solid, but both were quite big. He pooped on his walk as normal and not much changed from his regular diet and schedule. He's never whined like this before and only a few times done a poop at night but hardly whimpered about it.

I'm guessing this one was more to do with a health issue. Does anyone have ideas or suggestions, anything we can do differently? I'm going to cut back completely on treats, feed a bit less, and walk at night just before bed for a few days.

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You're on the right track with feeding less and walking at night.

When I got my Wiki she was pooping like a horse. The food she was on had a lot of fiber, including beet pulp, and it was just too much for her. I changed her to a lower fiber food and it got better.

Lila Football
Jerilyn, missing Lila (Good Looking), new Mistress to Wiki (PJ Wicked).



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Agree with Jerilyn. We had to introduce a walk just before bed to combat pooping at night but only after we’d had Buddy for over two years! He hardly had any accidents up to that point. We did know what the trigger was with Buddy though - we had to start walking him a bit later last summer because of the heat, so he just got in the habit of a toilet break later on.

Also we give him carrots in his food to help firm his poops up but the fibre adds bulk. It’s a bit of a balancing act so it sounds like you are doing the right thing.

Buddy Molly 🌈 5/11/10-10/10/23

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