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New Greyhound reactive to our blind Greyhound

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We have just adopted new 3yo bitch, she was just desexed the week we got her, has been racing, presents as anxious by nature, affectionate with people to the point of in your face loveable. We had a family of 2 Greyhounds and Aussie Bulldog September we lost our first male Greyhound with a brain tumour then 5 weeks after we lost our Aussie girl to snake bite, as a family we are devistated but the male greyhound we still have was fretting, he would look in the cars and cry or just stand in the yard and cry. He is blind abnd the Aussie Bulldog would look after him. We decided to get a female greyhound to help him out. She is small, quiet so far but with pain and settling into home life she has been very reactive with our boy, growling and snapping with muzzle on, with treats around him etc this is settling, she is now in the house instead of out in studio for recuperation after surgery and saftey. She can be around him and has really improved in general with growling at him but last night she jumped on the couch and pushed him off before he could sit near me. She was told no and put in passage behind gate, left for a bit then i gave her a reassuring pat but left her there last night, more respectful of him this morning but still resourse guarding with the couch. Finally my question, is the process of saying no and removing if bad and possitive treats for good behaviour and focusing on good behaviour enough or just wrong ? Thanks in advance 

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It is not uncommon for any dog including greyhounds to resource guard the couch or a toy or a bed etc. and removing couch prevalages together with rewarding the correct behavour is the way to go.

It is still early days yet and I think your new adoptee is finding her feet and testing the bounderies including how far she can dominate your male hound, and although you might get a truce between the two, I would be careful about leaving the two of them together unsupervised.

Grace (Ardera Coleen) b. 18 June 2014 - Gotcha Day 10 June 2018 - Going grey gracefully
Guinness (Antigua Rum) b. 3 September 2017 - Gotcha Day 18 March 2022 - A gentleman most of the time


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Starting to see some improvements in the yard etc, she is a clever girl so I am hoping this works to her advantage, they are under constant supervision believe me, if I need to do something and I cant watch them I seperate them, it's like working in a creche 24/7 lol Tonight will be the first night she will sleep in our room. Thank you for reply and support 😊

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