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Greyhound stopping on leash...near dog park.

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Hi all, so I adopted a one-year-old gorgeous/tall greyhound/Irish wolfhound cross named Enzo (see pic for adorableness) about three weeks ago. He is overall wonderful, especially on the leash, but just this week he started stopping on our regular walks.

There is a spot on our normal walk routine where we go left for our normal walks and right to walk to the dog park. I have this week off of work so we’ve gone to the dog park a few times (usually we only go once or twice a week). Now when we arrive at that spot, he stops and wants us to go right. I don’t pull on his leash and generally wait it out/move his front feet for him/coax him with chicken and praise and eventually he turns left. He also did it yesterday AT the dog park when I put a leash on him to leave and then he did just outside of the dog park after we left. 

I’ve heard of greyhounds freezing out of fear or stress but he only does it when we are at this particular dog park intersection/at the dog park so I know it’s him wanting to go play (he loves other dogs and people). Does anyone have experience with this? If I stand my ground and stay calm will he eventually quit doing this? 


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Can you  vary the walk and avoid that intersection for a bit?

Greyhounds are contrary animals. At one stage Grace would only turn right out of the driveway, she grew out of it after a couple of months. She will go up the pathway between the houses to get onto the local park but only on the morning walk not in the evenings. If we go for an extra walk during the day it's got to be in the car.

Grace (Ardera Coleen) b. 18 June 2014 - Gotcha Day 10 June 2018 - Going grey gracefully
Guinness (Antigua Rum) b. 3 September 2017 - Gotcha Day 18 March 2022 - A gentleman most of the time


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Mine halts when he wants to go a particular way too, or if there is something interesting going on because he is very nosey. We have four ways of dealing with it: a quick loud ‘come on’ with a tug of the lead as HeyRunDog with Grace, wait it out for a bit, walk him in a big circle plus/minus using our bodies to guide him round to my direction, and when all else fails, bribery! We show him a treat and encourage him to walk in the direction we want him to go in, and that usually starts him off again.

Oh - there is an option five too, which is just go the way he wants to go (my boy is spoilt and gets his way an awful lot). I’m a lot firmer with him if he’s making a nuisance of himself to other people by being stubborn(e.g. trying to climb in their car), and I found that using a harness helps a lot with controlling him.

Your guy is gorgeous and he looks like a big cuddle monster!

Buddy Molly 🌈 5/11/10-10/10/23

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