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Prison Protocol For Treating Hookworms?

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Time4ANap, you give us hope! Thank you for your thorough reply.  We are indeed on Dr. Ng's staggered 14 day AM-Drontal Plus regimen. Just started a few weeks ago after 6 mos of ineffective treatement using more conventional drugs.  Our grey clearly has drug-resistant hooks.  The prison protocol seems so harsh and overload on medications that must have some detrimental effect, especially when given together every two weeks. Double the dose of Dr. Ng's regimen! We, too, have dealt with horrible and scary bloody stools (mostly blood, bright red, recurring) and bloody vomit, lack of appetite and lethargy (we ruled out other causes and hookworms are the culprits). We'll keep at the current protocol until those buggars are all gone. They have been tormenting our pup for 7 months and we are desperate to clear her system of them.  I know she will be like another dog, happier and healthier all around. We see glimmers of this when she is on the metronidazole and is in between nasty episodes.  Like another dog!  So, I am very  happy to hear of your success stories with this same regimen.  Thank goodness! I hope our grey responds similarly.  These parasites have been difficult for her health and for us, feeling helpless to help her feel better!  Thanks again.  You too, MaryJane! Your experiences are immensely helpful to us. Much appreciated.

Edited by LunaGirl
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2 hours ago, LunaGirl said:

Time4ANap, you give us hope! Thank you for your thorough reply.  We are indeed on Dr. Ng's staggered 14 day AM-Drontal Plus regimen. Just started a few weeks ago after 6 mos of ineffective treatement using more conventional drugs.  Our grey clearly has drug-resistant hooks.  The prison protocol seems so harsh and overload on medications that must have some detrimental effect, especially when given together every two weeks. Double the dose of Dr. Ng's regimen! We, too, have dealt with horrible and scary bloody stools (mostly blood, bright red, recurring) and bloody vomit, lack of appetite and lethargy (we ruled out other causes and hookworms are the culprits). We'll keep at the current protocol until those buggars are all gone. They have been tormenting our pup for 7 months and we are desperate to clear her system of them.  I know she will be like another dog, happier and healthier all around. We see glimmers of this when she is on the metronidazole and is in between nasty episodes.  Like another dog!  So, I am very  happy to hear of your success stories with this same regimen.  Thank goodness! I hope our grey responds similarly.  These parasites have been difficult for her health and for us, feeling helpless to help her feel better!  Thanks again.  You too, MaryJane! Your experiences are immensely helpful to us. Much appreciated.

It is scary and there were a few times with Petunia, whose worms were the worst, that I wondered if the worm treatment was doing more harm than good, but I also knew the worms were so aggressive that they would eventually bleed her to death if we didn't get them under control. There were one or two times where it was clear that she needed a break and we added an extra week or two into the mix, so it's important to write down the dates you give treatment so you can keep track properly, especially if you stray from the regular schedule.  Just to be clear, we only gave one thing at a time and waited to give the next. So, Drontal Plus on the 1st, and the Topical treatment on the 15th. At 11 years old when we started, we felt that giving both together was just too much for each girl. This is probably why it took a long time, but it still worked with great results. 

Check into the RX vitamin products to help soothe your pup's tummy during this treatment.  We have actually left both dogs on these products as they seem to do well on them (Petunia has occasionally tummy issues anyway, so I'm sure these are helping that). RXBiotic, and RXZyme. You can get them on Amazon and contrary to the name, no RX is required.   We add the products to the food in every meal and just dissolved the powder with the water we normally add to the food.  These were recommended by our vet who practices a combination of traditional and holistic medicine. Our vet is all about whatever works for the dog, so has given us some great insight but also lets us make adjustments where we think they are needed based on what we see daily. 

It's a battle but the results are very much worth it. Keep us updated on your progress. 

Edited by Time4ANap
added clarification

Camp Broodie. The current home of Mark Kay Mark Jack and Gracie Kiowa Safe Joan.  Always missing my boy Rocket Hi Noon Rocket,  Allie  Phoenix Dynamite, Kate Miss Kate, Starz Under Da Starz, Petunia MW Neptunia, Diva Astar Dashindiva, and LaVida I've Got Life


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all i know is Lettuce had horrible reactions to Drontal Plus. lethargic the first time(3-5days) the second time fever of unknown origin and her spleen and kidneys were inflamed. the e vet said it looked like a toxin-(no chocolate or grapes near her we were traveling). the e vet said it couldn't be the drontal plus- same w/ bayer. but i find it a little too coincidental. a GH in our rescue group also had a really bad reaction to hookworm  protocol. the group did not publish the drugs- just the reaction and cost at the e.vet.

i'm keeping Lettuce on a monthly- 3 day worming using  safe-guard goat wormer. our last stool check was negative. an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.  it did take years to finally clear my salukis of hooks. heart worm meds did it! interceptor to be exact.

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Petunia has remained hookworm-free since our last check, so about 6 months. 

Kate is hookworm-free for the first time after a full year. 

Both were on a modified version of Dr. Ng's modified protocol due to their ages.  In both cases, it took each girl a year to get rid of those nasty things, and some months were not pretty after treatment. 



Camp Broodie. The current home of Mark Kay Mark Jack and Gracie Kiowa Safe Joan.  Always missing my boy Rocket Hi Noon Rocket,  Allie  Phoenix Dynamite, Kate Miss Kate, Starz Under Da Starz, Petunia MW Neptunia, Diva Astar Dashindiva, and LaVida I've Got Life


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