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What Does 'really Hungry' Look Like?

Guest Cutedogname

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Guest Cutedogname

My new girl is acting very frustrated, walking around the house picking at all the possible sources of food, tearing things up in front of me (her bed, my bag, sheets). She has been fed twice today (IAMS green bag) in an amount good for her weight according to the bag plus she has almost completely picked out a kong with more kibble in it but still just seems to be genuinely hungry.

She's not sitting there moping at me with hungry eyes, rather she is almost blocking me from leaving when I come back from the kitchen, and then just pacing around trying to get any food from anywhere - acting very agitated.

As I was writing this, she has now gone and urinated on our bed (I thought we were winning with that)

Vet said she was fine, she seems like a very healthy dog and her urine shows no issues.


It's been drummed into me not to feed these dogs too much so they don't get overweight but she really seems hungry!? She normally just chills out after dinner. (It was about 10.00pm here in Australia when this started).


How do I know whether she's actually hungry? What strategies can I put in place to help her out when she's acting so agitated?

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Our hound also starts pacing and hoovering the floor when he gets hungry. He eats a total of 4 cups a day so we feed him 2 cups in the morning, 1 1/2 cups in the evening, and 1/2 cup for a little midnight snack (around 11pm) before bedtime. If we don't, he turns into a hungry hippo and gets the tummy gurgles in the morning.


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Check for parasites.


Also, while that behavior does sound hungry, she could also be bored - try giving her a long brisk walk and see if that helps. Dogs by nature are scavengers, so hunting around for food is a pretty natural activity. Of my two greyhounds, my older boy has a super high metabolism, did not read the greyhound manual about being a relaxed type of dog and is very, very busy. When he is bored, he'll hunt for food, tear things up, bark and do all sorts of things for attention. Walking him usually helps :)


You can also use food toys for her - check online for Nina Ottonson toys or other puzzle type games. Both ours love playing these games. They get small food rewards and have a great time.

Meredith with Heyokha (HUS Me Teddy) and Crow (Mike Milbury). Missing Turbo (Sendahl Boss), Pancho, JoJo, and "Fat Stacks" Juana, the psycho kitty. Canku wakan kin manipi.

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The blocking you from leaving the kitchen could have been her telling you she had to go out. :dunno


How much do you feed her? What kind of food? And what times of day?


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The blocking you from leaving the kitchen could have been her telling you she had to go out. :dunno


How much do you feed her? What kind of food? And what times of day?


Second this, especially if she peed on the bed right after blocking your way. I had a sandwich once and had just sat down when my pup came up and stared at me. Assuming he wanted the sandwich, I said "Go lay down". Instead, he turned around, walked halfway across the room, and peed A LOT.

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Guest Cutedogname

Thanks for your replies! Sorry I can't manage to quote from my ipad but here are some answers.


We wormed and flea treated her last week


We walk her 3 times a day for 30+ minutes each time so 1.5 hrs at least each day (she toilets while on walk and honestly I didn't think she would need so much walking but that's what it is right now). These times are usually 7/7.30am, 5pm, 9.30/10.30pm. (She is alone between about 9.30 and 4.30 right now).


She had walked about 2 hrs earlier and urinated - so I wasn't expecting her to need to go again.


She had been fed after her second walk of the day.


I can't post pictures, but she is 25.8kg (56lbs) and we feed her ~250-300g (8-9oz) IAMS (recommended according to bag) each day plus since I am training her I use high value treats and remove some food to compensate.


The vet said she was a good weight for her size but could put on another 1kg (2lbs). I thought since I was training her that the treats could just substitute for more food eventually.


I think that's all. Thanks again!

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You know, every dog is different and their bladder schedules often line up with their feeding schedules. It could be she was pacing because she had to pee! You ignored her, so she peed on her bed.


It took me a long time to recognize my first Greyhound's "I have to go out" sign because he would just pick up a toy and start walking around. It never occured to him that maybe he should, oh, I don't know, go to the DOOR and let me know! But Greyhounds aren't used to having to tell you anything--they're used to a very set routine.


My dog always had to go, quite badly, within an hour of eating.


You might have to adapt YOUR schedule for walking with her actual need to go.


And dog food bag amounts are typically way too high. Their primary goal seems to be to sell more dog food. But wait. Are you saying you feed your 56 pound dog one cup per day? Hmmm. My boy weighs 64 pounds, and I feed him 1 cup twice a day. Which is exactly what my last hound got as well, as he was also a small male. You should probably be giving her one cup twice a day. I know in your part of the world it's common to only feed once a day, but it seems easier to deal with a dog who gets fed twice a day (and would YOU only want to eat once?).


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Ryder paces when he has to pee. He has no other signal, I just have to notice. He does drink like a fish, always has and always after we come back from a walk - necessitating another one in an hours time.


Good luck!

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My oldest needs to go out immediately after dinner. I can let him out immediately before dinner, he can pee copiously, but he still needs to go out immediately after dinner for another pee. He doesn't then need to go out again for (these cold days) about 16-18 hours because he prefers being in bed.


Is your vet greyhound savvy? And how petit is she? One of my girls is a good weight at your gurl's weight, the other carries an extra 6 kilos easily and is fit.


Finally, the peeing might also be food related if your dog has an intolerance to something in the food. Just a thought.

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