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Frustrating Rash On Belly (Advice, Please!)

Guest carriej

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Guest carriej

Hi Folks,


Chance has a very frustrating rash on his belly. Here's an old picture of it, but it looks pretty much the same. A bit bigger, and he has all the hair chewed off around it.




Here is what we have done so far.


Theraderm - worked, but came back.

Panalog - worked, but came back.


Did another skin scraping.. elevated bacteria levels.


Now, we are trying 14 days of Cephalex 500mg 1.5 tabs twice a day along with bactroban ointment. We started this Wednesday.


I was so excited, it was going away! It dried up and kind of got shiny with new skin.


Now it's back again. What gives? Anyone see anything like this?

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Has he seen a veterinary dermatologist?


My girl had a problem on her leg and skin scrapings showed bacteria, but that was mostly from her chewing/licking it. (It would get better very briefly with various antibiotics but it never completely cleared up. And it itched tremendously, judging from her chewing and learning to scratch the affected front leg with her back foot.) Her problem was a fungal infection below the surface--never showed on scrapings--and it was diagnosed only with a biopsy.

Kathy and Q (CRT Qadeer from Fuzzy's Cannon and CRT Bonnie) and
Jane (WW's Aunt Jane from Trent Lee and Aunt M); photos to come.

Missing Silver (5.19.2005-10.27.2016), Tigger (4.5.2007-3.18.2016),
darling Sam (5.10.2000-8.8.2013), Jacey-Kasey (5.19.2003-8.22.2011), and Oreo (1997-3.30.2006)

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Guest carriej

I live in the boonies. I don't even think a veterinary dermatologist exists anywhere in my province, or even in Atlantic Canada when I did a search. How would a fungal infection be treated? I could mention it to my vet and see what she says; but she seemed to be pretty stumped by it and thought maybe he was peeing himself (which he isn't - at all)

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Usually you need to give 3 weeks of antibiotics (cephalexin is a greyt choice). Ointment like you're using is appropriate for a bacterial infection (I like mupriocin).

Are you bathing with a medicated shampoo?? Is he itchy anywhere else or do you think it's localised? Just might be contact dermatitis.

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Guest carriej

We had a terrible winter, and he has some dry skin so he scratches a bit but I wouldn't say he's really itchy or anything.


We are not bathing with medicated shampoo, but we did pick up some special dog shampoo to help sooth dry itchy skin.


It's localized in one area, and I don't think it's contact dermatitis because he roaches 24/7 and when he's not roaching it's the exposed side up (as you can see in the picture). so I have no idea what it would be from. He has literally had it for months, and whatever it is, is soooo itchy for him. He does not leave the thing alone. He started to the past few days, but today he was at it again :(

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Sounds like your dog has a need for a corticosteroid injection (dexamethasone) to help break the itch/scratch cycle. I would also recommend bathing with a shampoo containing chlorhexadine --Ketachlor would be a greyt shampoo. We usually say to bathe twice weekly for 3-4 baths then weekly.

When I adopted my last boy he had the same lesion. Bathing, topicals and antibiotics finally resolved the rash but, it took awhile.

He's a terribly allergic dog--I did bring him to a dermatologist recently and he had intradermal testing performed-turns out he's allergic to just about everything under the sun--including me-human dander!! We just started the allergy serum-fingers crossed it will help.

Definitely, try to find the Ketachor-you will find its a big help. (Or something similar)


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Guest carriej

I will have a look at that.


Do you think it would be an allergy? Vet didn't seem to think so, but at this point I just want this stupid rash gone. It looks so bad and it's so itchy for him.

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Probably not an allergy, I think, because of its limited location.




Diagnosing the fungal infection on my girl required the vet taking a biopsy (I think they called it a punch biopsy--took a plug of skin and other tissue from a couple of different areas on her leg). She was a cooperative girl, and this didn't require general anesthesia or anything like that. The tissue was sent to a lab and cultured to see what grew--then what would kill whatever grew. She wound up taking ketoconazole (antifungal) pills and cephalexin (antibiotic). Very quickly--within a week of starting the ketoconazole, I think--it was obvious that this was working. After everything appeared cleared up, we did one more fill of the ketaconazole, just to be sure. The rash has been gone for more than a year now. The fungal infection was just a form of ringworm, but because it was below the surface of her skin, it didn't show in skin scrapings.


Can you and your vet consult with the nearest veterinary school? Someone there might be able to talk your vet through the biopsy part, and then a lab would handle the cultures.

Kathy and Q (CRT Qadeer from Fuzzy's Cannon and CRT Bonnie) and
Jane (WW's Aunt Jane from Trent Lee and Aunt M); photos to come.

Missing Silver (5.19.2005-10.27.2016), Tigger (4.5.2007-3.18.2016),
darling Sam (5.10.2000-8.8.2013), Jacey-Kasey (5.19.2003-8.22.2011), and Oreo (1997-3.30.2006)

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After you have exhausted all of the treatments your vet recommended and the symptoms persist than, yes, the next step would be to biopsy the area and send the sample out to a derm pathologist. Even if you don't have access to a veterinary dermatologist your vet does--he/she can post the pic of the rash and questions to vin.

(Btw-Ketachlor is antibacterial and anti fungal)

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Guest LazyBlaze

Obviously go with your vet's recommendations, but if all else fails I've found neem oil to be great at clearing up little persistent skin problems. It's antifungal and antibacterial. Smells a bit funky though, like garlic and peanuts.

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As already suggested, I would have your vet do a consult with a veterinary school in the area to get some more suggestions (different meds, biopsy). Also, on the slim chance that it might be an allergy, I would also rewash all the dog linens with an "natural detergent" and not use any fabric softener.

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Guest carriej

Thanks, we do have a Veterinary school in Atlantic Canada. It looks a bit better today... The vet office is closed this week but on Monday I will call and we will go from there.

Is there a lot of bleeding with a punch biopsy, does it require stitches? I had a human biopsy done once on my leg and I thought I was going to bleed to death lol, and it needed stitches that's why I ask.

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When they perform dermal biopsies they usually are tiny little punch biopsies--typically requiring a single stitch. One thing to consider though is starting amicar after the procedure to prevent gh post operative bleeding. Don't get ahead of yourself--this just might resolve without further treatment. (pssss-medicated shampoo)

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Guest carriej

Still hunting for solutions.


One more week of script.


I also noticed Chance kind of has flaky skin but is a bit oily at the same time. Like his fur feels icky. I think I'm going to switch his food. He's on an excellent food right now; but I'm wondering if he's allergic to chicken.

So much paranoia wondering what the heck this is :(

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See what your vet thinks of Apoquel, and if it may be the solution for Chance.

It is a new class of allergy medications for dogs. Check out this link: https://www.zoetisus.com/products/pages/apoqueldvm/index.aspx


Here's my experience: It is a Miracle.


Heisman has been suffering with itchy skin and paws since we adopted him, nearly six years ago. Sometimes, his condition was worse than other times. We tried everything. Ointments, pills, shots. But nothing we tried gave him any permanent relief.


As soon as this drug became available a few months ago, Heisman became our vet's first Apoquel patient. Within 24 hours, we saw vast improvement. Now, his skin looks normal and he is not itchy. His paws used to be bright red, and he'd lick and bite them constantly. Now his feet are no longer raging pink, and the hair has grown back. We can pet him now without his skin crawling. But most importantly, his quality of life is much better.


Best wishes for finding relief for Chance. If you find that Apoquel works (or doesn't work) for him, would you let me know? Thanks.

Edited by Greydawg

Cheryl - "Mom" to RUNNER (Gunnah, born 6/15/2012) and FARGO (Ridin Shotgun, born 8/21/2015). Missing my Grey-Angels HEISMAN (RX Heisman) (3/29/2005-2/1/2016) and ALEX (Bevenly) (4/15/2005-6/7/2018).

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You no longer get Apoquel----backordered now until June 2015 :-(

NOOOOO What about for tiny dogs????? Mousie has been on half tab once a day because she thinks her head itches (long story, looking in to a second opinion) and this is the only thing that keeps her from carving sores in her chin and the bridge of her nose. EEK

Angie, Pewter, and Storm-puppy

Forever missing Misty-Mousie (9/9/99 - 10/5/15)
Fort Wayne, Indiana

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NOOOOO What about for tiny dogs????? Mousie has been on half tab once a day because she thinks her head itches (long story, looking in to a second opinion) and this is the only thing that keeps her from carving sores in her chin and the bridge of her nose. EEK

Bummer right??? I was able to pressure our sales rep into giving me some tablets which she had with her at the time--really helps my boy but, my supply is becoming dangerously low. Initially they claimed they would start to deliver and fulfill ordered this June but, have since sent out notices that now they will not be shipping until June 2015!! Fingers crossed they will be able to up the promised shipping date. If your vet still has stock grab what ya can!

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Guest carriej

So frustrated. Chance's script is done and the rash is still blooming.


I am so mad :(


It looks worse than before. I'm getting kind of nervous that it's something nasty.

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