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Greyhounds And Fencing

Guest antiqueal

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I wouldn't put up a fence like this simply because a greyhound once got it's collar caught on a fence and strangled himself. Although our greyhounds don't wear their martingales outside in the yard unless I'm taking photos, I'll never forget this tragedy.

Jan with precious pups Emmy (Stormin J Flag) and Simon (Nitro Si) and Abbey Field.  Missing my angels: Bailey Buffetbobleclair 11/11/98-17/12/09; Ben Task Rapid Wave 5/5/02-2/11/15; Brooke Glo's Destroyer 7/09/06-21/06/16 and Katie Crazykatiebug 12/11/06 -21/08/21. My blog about grief The reality is that you will grieve forever. You will not get over the loss of a loved one; you will learn to live with it. You will rebuild yourself around the loss you have suffered. You will be whole again but you will never be the same. Nor should you be the same, nor would you want to. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross

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Guest Dancer

Not really on topic but related... I have one of those 12 inch wire boarders/edging to keep my boys out of my garden - and it works!!! They tried stepping over it when I first put it in, but their paws touched the wire (yuck! :( )... they never challenged the wire, for several months.


Eventually I did have a dog visit our home and just jumped over the wire boarder ( of course!)…one of my boys caught on to that one and now jumps the 12 inch fence…he is soooo brave! lol

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I thought most rescue wanted/required a fence for greyhounds with a height of at least 6 ft? I have neighbors that have non-greyhounds and the dogs have jumped over the 4-5ft fences.

Kristen mom to-

Sp FancyPants (Fanny)- 4.20.12 Adopted 3.8.14

Rico's Maggie (Maggie)- 12.3.12 Adopted 1.21.15

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Guest Greekgrey

I'm surprised at the cost of the fence options. We refenced our yard last fall. 450' of Kentucky split rail with coated wire 4 feet tall, two gates. Total $4500. Maybe fence here is less than other areas.

Our grey, Vicki, doesn't even notice the fence. The only thing we have had go over the fence was a wild turkey.

The group we adopted through said they require at least 4 ft high if you have any children.

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a 6' privacy fence & turning our yard into a private paradise is a dream of mine. The cost would be outrageous tho. DH and I have discussed that IF we buy this house, we will start out with something cheaper, yet easily removable (can't remember what it is called atm. My old neighbor had that type of fencing. Semi permanent).


DH wasn't too keen at first about fencing the yard in. He can see fencing in a good chunk for Sammi to be able to run around. He just couldn't understand why I'd want to fence it all in. I wasn't always like that either. But nowadays, where someone can walk onto your property without your permission or knowledge, use something & get hurt on your property without your permission or knowledge, and then sue YOU?! Or the teen delinquents sneaking their beer, cigs, & drugs in the back corner of your property without your knowledge or permission, getting caught and YOU are blamed? Screw that. My property, my stuff. Keep yourself and your brats off of my lawn. :P



... unless, of course, I am hosting a BBQ! Then come on over! But use the front gate ;)



ETA~ Sammi used to be able to clear 5' easy peasy. Tho, she'd have to really be motivated, I think, to still do so. As in... I am on the other side of said obstruction. She'd be fine with a 4' chain link, but then again, she wouldn't be out there unsupervised.

Edited by Gryffenne
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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest FinnsMama

I am with , my 8 ft privacy fence makes my suburban backyard feel like a private paradise. It blew down last spring and ii had to rely on a 4 ft chainlink temporary fence until I could get it replaced. Finn would look at that section with that far away look greyhounds get when they seem to be thinking of an all out run for it, so I never let him out there without a leash and me on tht other end.


Btw the fence that blew down had been standing over 10 years so I had no problem having another one put up. It was just a freak storm.

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I thought most rescue wanted/required a fence for greyhounds with a height of at least 6 ft? I have neighbors that have non-greyhounds and the dogs have jumped over the 4-5ft fences.



Depends on the rescue. Brambleberry doesn't insist on 6 foot. Sharon assesses each property according to the dog she's adopting out, I think. Our fencing is 5 foot at its lowest, but we have an older tripod and a senior of twelve. I think a lot is to do with whether they can see through it or not, as well. I've never had a dog attempt to climb or jump this.


it's like this fence, with a slightly different baseboard on two sides. On the third side is a 13 foot conifer hedge backed by four foot chain link (which they can't see because the trees are so thick) and the house makes up the fourth side.


The plural of anecdote is not data

Brambleberry Greyhounds My Etsy Shop

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We would love to make our fence 8 foot tall, but only because of our Ibizans. I know quite a few Ibizans that have cleared 7 foot from a standstill, easy peasy. The cost and type of fencing can be prohibitive, for sure. O.o



I wouldn't put up a fence like this simply because a greyhound once got it's collar caught on a fence and strangled himself. Although our greyhounds don't wear their martingales outside in the yard unless I'm taking photos, I'll never forget this tragedy.


I know a dog who broke his neck running full speed and slamming into a privacy fence. Accidents can happen with any kind of fence. :(

Edited by GreytHoundPoet
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Depends on the rescue. Brambleberry doesn't insist on 6 foot. Sharon assesses each property according to the dog she's adopting out, I think. Our fencing is 5 foot at its lowest, but we have an older tripod and a senior of twelve. I think a lot is to do with whether they can see through it or not, as well. I've never had a dog attempt to climb or jump this.


it's like this fence, with a slightly different baseboard on two sides. On the third side is a 13 foot conifer hedge backed by four foot chain link (which they can't see because the trees are so thick) and the house makes up the fourth side.

Yep. Every rescue is different.


While we don't, at the moment, have a fenced in yard, what we DO have going for us is the fact that every single one of the 3 exits out of this house require 2 doors to go through. (I pointed this out to DH when he asked about the process of adopting a grey)

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest antiqueal

After too many weeks of waiting, we finally have a half acre of grass and treed area for Ciara. If you live near Knoxville, TN and have a friendly dog, contact me for a play date. Ciara loves to show other dogs the best racing route in the backyard.

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