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Combatting Flesa--Time To Change Flea Med?

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I haven't had any flea problems in over 20 years but now have had them for a couple months, despite using K9 Advantix monthly. I assume the flea problems started because 1) I was in a rental unit for 2 months (Oct 7-Dec 1) while my home was under total renovation (all floors, ceilings, walls, kitchen) and Sheba picked them up there, 2) the fleas were always in my home and the renovation and Sheba and me being out of the house brought them out big time, 3) fleas have become immune to K9 Advantix, or 4) a combination of the three.


I've been washing throw rugs and bedding and spraying Sheba and the rugs and bedding frequently. I've been delaying setting off indoor foggers and spraying the yard (no grass, just river rock and patio stones) in the hopes the washing and spraying will take care of things, but I still don't have it under control. So far, I'm not being attacked by the fleas.


Should I change flea med brands? Change to what?


I'm using Vet's Best Natural Health Care flea spray. What's the best flea spray for Sheba and rugs/bedding?


I have Hot Shot indoor foggers (with Nylar, whatever that is) and Cutter outdoor yard spray that I haven't used yet.


Suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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If you're not opposed to an oral flea preventative, I recommend Comfortis. You should give it right after a meal because it can cause nausea, and it's a pretty big pill so not the easiest to administer (apparently it doesn't taste like a treat!), but it is very effective. I have never seen a flea on Sweep in the year she's been on it.


Rachel with Doolin Doodle Dooooo, boss cat Tootie, and feline squatters Crumpet and Fezziwig.
Missing gentlemen kitties MudHenry, and Richard and our gorgeous, gutsy girlhounds
 Sweep and Willa:heart

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I agree with Comfortis. Had fleas once and after dosing had a dead flea drop off my dog into my hand 30 minutes later! I usually use Frontline Plus which is usually effective except the one time.

Edited by june
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Someone told me Comfortis should Not be used on a seizure dog. Does anyone know anything about that?

The Safety Info in the package does say to discuss it with your vet before giving it to a dog with a history of seizures.


Rachel with Doolin Doodle Dooooo, boss cat Tootie, and feline squatters Crumpet and Fezziwig.
Missing gentlemen kitties MudHenry, and Richard and our gorgeous, gutsy girlhounds
 Sweep and Willa:heart

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I was cautioned by someone not to give Comfortis and the heartworm med (Heartguard Plus is what I use) at the same time but 10 days apart. Is that so?

I gave Comfortis and Heartguard Plus only 24 hrs apart for a few months with no ill effects. (The only reason I quit is because my vet stopped carrying Heartguard so we switched to Sentinel.) I am not an expert but from what I understand the amount of ivermectin in Heartguard is not high enough to pose an interaction threat when combined with Comfortis. My vet owns several greys and is extremely grey-savvy, so I trust her 100% on prescribing breed-appropriate drugs, though of course some meds might not agree with an individual dog. All that said, there's nothing wrong with an abundance of caution, so if you feel better spacing them out by 10 days, it can't hurt.


Rachel with Doolin Doodle Dooooo, boss cat Tootie, and feline squatters Crumpet and Fezziwig.
Missing gentlemen kitties MudHenry, and Richard and our gorgeous, gutsy girlhounds
 Sweep and Willa:heart

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If it were me - I'd bomb the house (with stuff from the vet - not Walmart) - treat animals - and wash everything. And - I'd bomb again in a month. If you're using Advantix and still have fleas - they're in your house. Change to Advantage or Frontline or something else others have suggested.


Fleas can stay in the crysalis stage dormant for months - then hatch. If you've had them for 2 months - eggs are everywhere. TOTAL warfare would be my approach.


Fleas don't always bite people. They don't bite me. They chew the heck out of my DD - and she's allergic to them.


Go global warfare on them - and wipe them OUT!

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  • 2 weeks later...

If it were me - I'd bomb the house (with stuff from the vet - not Walmart) - treat animals - and wash everything. And - I'd bomb again in a month. If you're using Advantix and still have fleas - they're in your house. Change to Advantage or Frontline or something else others have suggested.


Fleas can stay in the crysalis stage dormant for months - then hatch. If you've had them for 2 months - eggs are everywhere. TOTAL warfare would be my approach.


Fleas don't always bite people. They don't bite me. They chew the heck out of my DD - and she's allergic to them.


Go global warfare on them - and wipe them OUT!

I fogged/bombed the house last week--every room plus the garage. Much better for sure! I'll fog/bomb again soon to be sure. Dog not scratching anymore. Life is good. I'm also switching to Comfortis since K9 Advantx seemed to stop working.

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