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Limping When First Getting Up


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My boy, Star, who is almost 5, has started limping pretty severely on a front leg, but pretty much only when he first gets up and starts walking around. This happens especially if he's been active earlier in the day or evening - running in the yard, taking long walks with me, etc. Once he's been up and walking around a bit, the limp goes away. He still runs in the yard regularly at full speed, so it doesn't seem to be affecting his activity level (once he's been up and about for a little while, he is quiet when he first gets up when it's obviously bothering him.)


This has been going on for about a week now. I'm trying to keep him quiet to see if that helps. If it continues much longer, we'll visit the vet. Anyone had experience with something similar?



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Ryder limps after over exertion. (Like weekend warrior style, running at a park like a crazy dog after months of "sedentary" activity). Muscles just aren't used to it. Without fail whenever we visit a park he injures himself, so we just don't go anymore. He's leash walked anyway since we don't have a backyard to run in. Just as well I guess. For what it's worth Ryder is now 6 and we first noticed this problem when he was 3.5/4. He did have an x-ray of his hind leg which showed nothing, thankfully.


We've been seeing a chiropractor which has helped him immensely. Usually his limping is from over exertion and very common after getting up after lying down. Make sure you investigate the limp to figure out the right course of action. It could be something (simple or major) or nothing at all.


What worries me is you said very severely....is he holding up his paw? Is his leg weight bearing? You mention he can "walk it off" so I'm assuming it's not THAT severe......

Edited by XTRAWLD

Proudly owned by:
10 year old "Ryder" CR Redman Gotcha May 2010
12.5 year old Angel "Kasey" Goodbye Kasey Gotcha July 2005-Aug 1, 2015

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Oh no! Not something wrong with the beautiful Star.


I don't think I can help much, but wanted to say that.


Knowing you, you've already looked for the usual stuff and checked his paw for injury or a burgeoning corn and his leg for any heat, swelling and soreness. I hope he has just twisted something that stiffens up overnight and it resolves very quickly.


Otherwise, we do share an excellent vet . . .

Caesar (Black Caesarfire) and Olly (Oregon) the Galgo


Still missing: Nell (spaniel mix) 1982-1997, Boudicca (JRT) 1986- 2004, and the greys P's Catwalk 2001-2008, Murphy Peabody (we failed fostering) 1998-2010 and Pilgrim (Blazing Leia) 2003-2016,

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Thanks for the quick responses to this. I appreciate it.


XTRWLD - by severely, I mean he puts weight on it but really, really limps when he does. He doesn't hold the leg up, but as soon as he puts any weight on it he limps very markedly. He does walk it off, so it's not as severe as it could be.


Saffron - yes - I've checked for injury to the paw and for a corn, and am watching closely for swelling and heat (none of which have appeared).


Thanks so much for these suggestions. Star is an active boy. His mantra is why walk when you can run, but I'm really hoping he just pulled something in one of his laps around the yard and just needs some time to heal.

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Arthritis or tendonitis could be a possibility too. I'm thinking my boy (who started limping yesterday after a run in the snow) might have some tendonitis as he limps much more markedly after he gets up from sleeping for a while and then seems to improve a bit, though his limp does not go away. I just had a vet visit with him this morning. Hope Star is feeling better soon.

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Opal did that just a few months ago. Severe limp after getting up but she could warm up almost completely out of it. It was tendonitis. But still see the vet because mine said that if we weren't progressive with treating tendonitis, calcium can actually build up in the tendons. You'd end up with a permanent limp.

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Guest zombrie

Get a TBD test, Pat. That would be the first thing I would do. When my dogs have had TBD's they've all had a limp when they first got up and once they move around it's fine. A couple days on meds and the limp is gone.

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