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In Defence Of Dogs (Or Dog Sense)

Guest k9soul

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I recently finished reading this, and am curious if anyone here has read it and/or has any thoughts on it? I found it quite in depth and fascinating. It really delves into the origin of dogs and their evolution into the domestic dog in great detail, as well as going into different dog behavior and the meaning behind it. It thoroughly works to debunk dominance theory and alpha theory, as well as the harm that we are causing by breeding with more and more limited gene pools. Fascinating book that I am glad to have read.


Found this video about it that kind of touches on a lot of what he addresses in the book:



Edit: It turns out Dog Sense is the title of the American version. I first read an article about the UK title and that was the one I ended up ordering.

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I read Dog Sense and learned a great deal. Of course I did disagree with him here and there, but I still thought it was a great read. I'll check this out next. Thanks!

Colleen with Covey (Admirals Cove) and Rally (greyhound puppy)
Missing my beloved boy INU (CJ Whistlindixie) my sweetest princess SALEM (CJ Little Dixie) and my baby girl ZOE (LR's Tara)

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I read Dog Sense and learned a great deal. Of course I did disagree with him here and there, but I still thought it was a great read. I'll check this out next. Thanks!


I haven't read Dog Sense but there may be some loverlap between the two books from what I see on reviews. I will have to check it out!

Are those salukis in the video?


I think a couple of them are from what I see.

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Yes, I thought it was very good too. I believe 'Dog Sense' is the title of the American edition of 'In Defence of Dogs' - not a separate book.


He pops up being interviewed on the TV here in the UK from time to time and always seems a very sensible chap.


He's an expert on cat behaviour too and recently brought out 'Cat Sense', a study along the same lines: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Cat-Sense-Feline-Enigma-Revealed/dp/1846145945/ref=la_B004N3A20I_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1382797075&sr=1-1

Clare with Tiger (Snapper Gar, b. 18/05/2015), and remembering Ken (Boomtown Ken, 01/05/2011-21/02/2020) and Doc (Barefoot Doctor, 20/08/2001-15/04/2015).

"It is also to be noted of every species, that the handsomest of each move best ... and beasts of the most elegant form, always excel in speed; of this, the horse and greyhound are beautiful examples."----Wiliam Hogarth, The Analysis of Beauty, 1753.

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Yes, I thought it was very good too. I believe 'Dog Sense' is the title of the American edition of 'In Defence of Dogs' - not a separate book.


He pops up being interviewed on the TV here in the UK from time to time and always seems a very sensible chap.


He's an expert on cat behaviour too and recently brought out 'Cat Sense', a study along the same lines: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Cat-Sense-Feline-Enigma-Revealed/dp/1846145945/ref=la_B004N3A20I_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1382797075&sr=1-1


Thanks for clearing that up about Dog Sense. I wondered if that might be the case when I was looking at the description and they seemed so alike. Overall I found it very fascinating, though I did not feel it was totally fair to lump Victoria Stilwell in with Cesar Milan. She has a completely different philosophy, and Victoria works with a lot of experts and is constantly going to ongoing education seminars and so on.


The book is a bit "heavy" in places with academia but was still fascinating and enjoyable for me. There was one area he stated that stood out in my mind, about how the idea that the dog is always trying to gain control and dominance, and the way that dominance theory people say that we must always be working to show our "alpha status" really sucks the joy out of dog ownership.

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Guest Giselle

I read Dog Sense when he first started to publicize the book a few years ago. It's a good fast read, and it always helps to add to the chorus of treating dog behavior as a rigorous science :) We need more of these voices and less of... a certain TV "dog behaviorist"...

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It's next on my list, once I finish Stanely Coren's How Dogs Think.


You might also like Patricia McConnell's newest book, For the Love of a Dog.It covers a lot of the recent science on dog emotion. I find her a little superfluous for me at times, I really like the hard core science, but it's a really good book and everyone I know who has read it has really loved it. I admit, it did make me teary at times. :blush


Jen, CPDT-KA with Zuri, lab in a greyhound suit, Violet, formerly known as Faith, Skye, the permanent puppy, Cisco, resident cat, and my baby girl Neyla, forever in my heart

"The great thing about science is that you're free to disagree with it, but you'll be wrong."

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I really like Patricia McConnell, so I grabbed that one for my next read :)



Let me know what you think of it when you finish please. :)


Jen, CPDT-KA with Zuri, lab in a greyhound suit, Violet, formerly known as Faith, Skye, the permanent puppy, Cisco, resident cat, and my baby girl Neyla, forever in my heart

"The great thing about science is that you're free to disagree with it, but you'll be wrong."

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