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How To Stop Peeing In Crate

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He was trained to not potty on leash...


Never heard that one before.


She races greyhounds as well and she said that the only time the dogs are on a leash are when they are on about to race. They are put in a pen to use to potty.


Are you leaving him crated and letting your lab run loose?


Yes, the lab is not crated any longer. He hasn’t been crated for many years. He is 11 and completely house trained.


Payton, The Greyhound (Palm City Pelton) and Toby, The Lab
Annabella and Julietta, The Cats
At the Bridge - Abby, The GSD

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Guest SugarFire

Yes. I just give my channel some dumb random nonsense name so it isn't likely to turn up in anyone's searches.


Interesting... I'll have to try it when I get home today with my kitty! :)

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How does he get along with the lab? Are they buddies or does the lab annoy the greyhound...or vice versa, considering your lab's age? Is your grey completely cat safe? I always feel bad when one dog is confined and another has free roam.



Michelle...forever missing her girls, Holly 5/22/99-9/13/10 and Bailey 8/1/93-7/11/05

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How does he get along with the lab? Are they buddies or does the lab annoy the greyhound...or vice versa, considering your lab's age? Is your grey completely cat safe? I always feel bad when one dog is confined and another has free roam.


They get along ok. They seem to ignore each other for the most part. Payton is scared of the cats so he leaves them alone, but I keep the cats in my bedroom while no one is home. I don't want to take any chances.


I think I will get a baby gate and maybe gate him in the kitchen. He stays out at night, but I can't let him roam the house yet while no one is home, at least not all day. He is fine for a couple of hours.


Payton, The Greyhound (Palm City Pelton) and Toby, The Lab
Annabella and Julietta, The Cats
At the Bridge - Abby, The GSD

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Guest Greyt_dog_lover

They do use the bathroom on leash very often before a race. Watch a race sometime live and you will see between 2-4 on average each race going to the bathroom on the way to the box. They are kept in the Jinny pit for hours before race time, so many do have to go to the bathroom when they are on the way to the boxes.

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I always feel bad when one dog is confined and another has free roam.

I've done this for years in various iterations with my dogs/fosters and no one cares.


Jen, CPDT-KA with Zuri, lab in a greyhound suit, Violet, formerly known as Faith, Skye, the permanent puppy, Cisco, resident cat, and my baby girl Neyla, forever in my heart

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They do use the bathroom on leash very often before a race. Watch a race sometime live and you will see between 2-4 on average each race going to the bathroom on the way to the box. They are kept in the Jinny pit for hours before race time, so many do have to go to the bathroom when they are on the way to the boxes.

The only race I have ever seen is on YouTube so I'm clueless. I am just repeating what I was told. ;D


We went out an extra time this morning and although he acted like he didn't need to pee, he eventually peed again and it was a lot again. He didn't have an accident today but I get off early on Fridays so I got home a couple of hours early.


Payton, The Greyhound (Palm City Pelton) and Toby, The Lab
Annabella and Julietta, The Cats
At the Bridge - Abby, The GSD

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Guest LunaTheGreyt

I've done this for years in various iterations with my dogs/fosters and no one cares.


Agreed. Luna stays in her crate all day while James (standard poodle) has free range. She doesn't seem to care at all, and it prevents her from peeing on my rugs (only remaining manifestation of her anxiety, it seems).


Hopefully emptying him out fully & limiting water intake will help. Luna usually pees 2-3 times before I leave for work, but I have to walk her for up to 20 minutes to get her to do so.

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Guest Lochshumans

Loch did this and it was because his sister had run of the house while he was sitting in his crate all day. I walk/jog with both of them for an hour in the morning before work, so I knew it wasn't related to empty bladder or bowels. As soon as we stopped crating him, the accidents stopped. He is not the type of grey that ever liked his crate and when he saw his sister NOT in one, he knew that's what he wanted too. He wears his muzzle during the day as he has a tendencies to eat remote controls and many other plastic things throughout the house. He now can do a 9-10 hour day if he has to (not that we let that happen often) but we don't have to worry if DH or I have to stop at the store or stay late at work.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just a quick update- it seems like he just needed any extra trip outside in the morning, although, he acts like he doesn’t. He has not had an accident in the house since I posted this (knock on wood).


Also, a few days after I posted this, my husband ended up sleeping in one morning. He said that after I left for work, Payton cried and whined for an hour. So I started leaving him out of his crate.


Question, he is starting to use the potty while on his leash, so we can walk now. However, after his walk, he drinks a ton of water. Would he be able to hold it all day after drinking that much water right before I leave?


Thanks for everyone's help!


Payton, The Greyhound (Palm City Pelton) and Toby, The Lab
Annabella and Julietta, The Cats
At the Bridge - Abby, The GSD

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