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Will Vet Prescribe Deworming Meds W/out Appt?

Guest lynne893

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Guest lynne893

One of our greys has very tiny little white flecks (occasionally over the last week or two-- not every poop) in her poop, so based on what I've read here about worms looking like grains of rice, I figure it must be worms.


We're on a tight budget right now, so will our vet prescribe deworming meds over the phone without us having to go in and pay for appointment?


Thank you for your opinion!

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Little tiny specs can also just be undigested supplements from kibble, like specs of glucosamine. A fecal test is the best way to determine what you are dealing with. Worms that small usually aren't visible to the naked eye and need to be looked at under a microscope. That being said, I have never had a positive fecal test on Rocket, even though Panacur cleared up whatever was bothering his tummy.


You can buy Panacur and other dewormers over the counter and online. Prices at retail in our area are just a little bit higher than vet prices, but our vet is further away than the farm supply where I buy the meds. If you buy OTC dewormers, use only those that are the correct strength and dose for your dog. Do not use the products for Livestock, as they are much stronger and can be fatal to dogs and cats if not dosed and administered correctly.


OTC Panacur is marketed as Intervet Safeguard and is produced and packaged on the same pharmaceutical manufacturing line as the Panacur you get at the vet. You need to make sure you buy the correct amount and strength based on the hound's weight. There are some worms that Panacur will not be effective on, but there have been a few times that I suspected worms due to tummy issues and the foul smell of the stool, and a dose of Panacur took care of the issue.


If you are seeing bigger worms in the stool or have one waving at you like I did one night using the flashlight, then you may need a Drontal Plus treatment which you will need to get at the vet.


Either way, most vets will do a stool check and prescribe a dewormer without an appointment if you are a regular client. Here, the fecal test runs about 20 bucks, and the dewormer 35 (Panacur) to 65 (Drontal Plus) dollars depending on the med used. Again, this price will vary based on the weight of the dog and dosage of the med.


Good luck


Camp Broodie. The current home of Mark Kay Mark Jack and Gracie Kiowa Safe Joan.  Always missing my boy Rocket Hi Noon Rocket,  Allie  Phoenix Dynamite, Kate Miss Kate, Starz Under Da Starz, Petunia MW Neptunia, Diva Astar Dashindiva, and LaVida I've Got Life


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Take a piece of poop with the rice clearly showing. If they are really small and rare you can hold off on it. Sometimes it really is from the food. Wait until it "Waves" at you. If you leave it in the grass then see the rice it might be a bug.


Research purchasing the meds online somewhere without a Script. You might have to purchase more than you need but it doesn't go bad.

Edited by Tallgreydogmom


Then God sent the Greyhound to live among man and remember. And when the Day comes,

God will call the Greyhound to give Testament, and God will pass judgment on man.

(Persian Proverb)

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Guest lynne893

Thanks. I will hold off another week. The flecks are REALLY tiny. Other than that and sometimes-soft stools, she seems ok.


I should add that she's a poop-eater-- her own, our other grey's or a cat's poop that she finds along the street on our walks. She's nasty like that. But my vet told us a long time ago that the worms come from eating flea eggs, not from eating poop, so I don't have to worry about that, right?

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Guest AngelPup

What are you feeding her? Brady had tiny white flecks in his poop, and it was just undigested rice. I think the only worm than can be seen with the naked eye is tapeworm (segments) and you would KNOW if you saw them! They look like flat rice/pasta and MOVE! I adopted a puppy once that was infested with tapeworm.


Brady has trouble digesting rice, so we just stay away from it. If she hasn't had a stool sample done recently and your worried, than take a sample to the vet for testing.

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Guest OPointyDog

Our vet prescribed a dewormer based on my description of the tapeworms over the phone, but we're long-time patients there and he knows us well. The tapeworms looked like little wiggly grains of rice.

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