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Diana (Kinda) Bit Me In Her Sleep!

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Good idea! While I'm at it I'm gluing DH's nostrils together! :thumbs-up Of course, then I'll have to hide the glue before somebody glues my flailing elbows to my sides!


:rofl :rofl

Probably shouldn't use the hot glue either...

Wendy and The Whole Wherd. American by birth, Southern by choice.
"Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!"
****OxyFresh Vendor ID is 180672239.****

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I've had a dog with sleep aggression, space aggression, you name it. Worked through most of it, lived smart for the rest of it. I know a good bit about that.


That was Sobe. This is DIANA. Who I'd drop into a daycare center full of kids on crack playing with fireworks, and never worry about. She's slept with us forever. Last night - I guess I rolled over - and she bit me in the face! What a bark-yelp noise (she NEVER makes noise)! No damage done - one tiny puncture on my nose (looks like a pimple). And - I'm certain she was still fast asleep. She laid her head right back down, wriggled a bit, and snored. While I sat there with my with my mouth open.


It's not sleep aggression - I'm not kicking her out of the bed. I think I might've hurt her when I flopped over. When my back hurts - I flop a lot I've been told - She sleeps really close when DH is at work at night (head on his pillow), and I think I put an elbow into her leg.


It's not a question, really. I was just quite surprised! I do think that she sleeps deeper, and more, than she used to when she was younger. I'll try to get her to sleep near the bottom of the bed so neither of us mangles the other in our sleep.


I've given so much advice on here about dogs and furniture - that I feel quite foolish about this.


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It happens. :( Glad no real harm was done. Glue her lips together at bedtime from now on. ;):lol

Wendy and The Whole Wherd. American by birth, Southern by choice.
"Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!"
****OxyFresh Vendor ID is 180672239.****

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Guest chickenpotpie

My husband has whacked me in his sleep a few times. I haven't kicked him out of bed (yet).

:hehe yeah, I got whacked and told to stop snoring....and it was HIM doing it! You bet I hit his arse back!

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It happens. :( Glad no real harm was done. Glue her lips together at bedtime from now on. ;):lol

Good idea! While I'm at it I'm gluing DH's nostrils together! :thumbs-up Of course, then I'll have to hide the glue before somebody glues my flailing elbows to my sides!

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I might be tempted to banish her to the foot of the bed if not entirely, not because it was her fault but because I don't like being bit in the face! You must have hurt her when you rolled onto her, so it's totally understandable.


Actually I'm surprised DBF hasn't kicked ME out of bed yet as I sometimes wake up from nightmares screaming which freaks him out (understandably). The one time, I woke up screaming and scared the heck out of him. So HE yelled in surprise. Which scared the heck out of me all over again (still in a panic and half asleep) so I punched him repeatedly (screaming the whole time) until I realized he wasn't a murderer who had broken into the house. He still lets me sleep in the bed. ;)

Kristie and the Apex Agility Greyhounds: Kili (ATChC AgMCh Lakilanni Where Eagles Fly RN IP MSCDC MTRDC ExS Bronze ExJ Bronze ) and Kenna (Lakilanni Kiss The Sky RN MADC MJDC AGDC AGEx AGExJ). Waiting at the Bridge: Retired racer Summit (Bbf Dropout) May 5, 2005-Jan 30, 2019

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Guest iconsmum

I'm giggling too because it's sort of a do-as-I-say- not-as-I-do thing here too. I make darn sure that I don 't roll toward the left, ever, because I can see the same thing happening here maybe. He's not aggressive per se in bed but he's had his moments in earlier days. I'd never tell my students it's ok but, well, ya know...umm.... :))

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Well.... since "the incident" Diana has slept near the foot of the bed with me - by her own choice - absolutely no suggestion by me (even though I WAS going to encourage her to stay on her end of the bed). When it's just her and DH in bed (during the day) she's right up top, head on his shoulder.


I'm thinking she posted on the grey's version of GT about "the incident" (I assume she uses the computer while I'm at work to post about her unruly humans) and was advised to keep away from the crazy, sleep-reactive woman that hurt her in her sleep. Apparently some humans are unpredictable when sleeping, and she was told to keep out of my flop-space for her own safety.


I just hope the other greys aren't advising her to banish me to the couch!


:rofl :rofl

Probably shouldn't use the hot glue either...

Well of course not - that would be wrong! We do have standards, you know!

My husband has whacked me in his sleep a few times. I haven't kicked him out of bed (yet).

I geez I forgot - my DH almost PUNCHED me in his sleep when he was having a nightmare and I woke him up once. He actually sat up and swung at me! I ducked and yelled and he woke up and asked what I was screaching about. He had NO clue. I guess it's the same kind of thing.

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