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We moved house about four weeks ago. The previous owners had a dog. Since we moved, Brandi seems to have regressed in terms of house training and has been peeing inside every couple of days.


At the old place we had periodic problems which were related to submissive urination, some SA and UTIs. However, she was holding it regularly for 6-9 hours without issues otherwise. Here, she has been peeing if left alone for 2 hours. It happens generally in the morning, but yesterday it occurred in the afternoon an then again last night. Her schedule, diet and company have all remained the same.


I'll be talking to a vet today abut her, and making an appointment for her tomorrow again (to be told again that there's nothing wrong). I'll be hoping for another round of antibiotics but beyond that, any suggestions, encouragement, words of wisdom?

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New environment, old problem returns. Do your alone training again, and whatever you might have done to help her the last time.


Also, since the previous owners had a dog, you might consider a deep cleaning of your flooring in case some leftover pee smells are triggering her urge to mark/pee.

Chris - Mom to: Felicity (DeLand), and Andi (Braska Pandora)

52592535884_69debcd9b4.jpgsiggy by Chris Harper, on Flickr

Angels: Libby (Everlast), Dorie (Dog Gone Holly), Dude (TNJ VooDoo), Copper (Kid's Copper), Cash (GSI Payncash), Toni (LPH Cry Baby), Whiskey (KT's Phys Ed), Atom, Lilly

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Guest herbsofmine

My first greyhound, Missy, would regress every time we moved, and unfortunately for us, we moved about four times in the three years I had her. She was awesome once she adjusted, she was able to be left for 8-9 hours with no issues. Hopefully things will get better--it's frustrating for both of you!!

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Guest kkaiser104

Teddi's SA got really bad after our move. Hoping for an "easy fix" like a UTI, but if it is SA there are a lot of easy things to help. For Teddi, we just had to break the anxiety cycle by using benadryl to calm him. I absolutely hate using medication unless absolutely necessary, even on myself, but it was needed. 50mg of benadryl in the morning 30 minutes before I left and he would be snoozing when I left. He wasn't physically or mentally able to get upset to the point of peeing in the house or making a mess. Then when the benadryl wore off he would be calm, and never got to the extreme high of anxiety. Now he's doing much better, though he'll be getting his littermate in a few weeks.

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Thanks for this guys! The frustrating thing is that the last time we sorted the SA it was by getting Paige. After that, she could be left on her own for several hours without an issue. We still have Paige and I'm not sure how sustainable adding dogs to sort out issues is in the long term........

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My parents always describe the horror that was their first home, and that the previous owner had apparently LET the dog just go in the house. Chronically. So the first thing that they had to do was pull up the carpets, which were grody and mildewed and rotted underneath from the continual peeing/elimination.

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You have gotten good advice. I would also start over like this is her first time in a home and you are teaching her to be house broken. Potty parties and structured more often turnouts and all that good stuff! I feel for you. Goose would regress at various times for reasons I never figured out. He was tested 6 ways to Sunday and turned out to have a tiny bladder (to match his tiny brain, lol) that was also out of position or something. My luck, I had a greyhound with IG plumbing! He was never alone either. I finally got a dog door. Not the ideal solution, but it worked.


Gotta get this fixed so your handsome guy can come home! Gotta get it fixed anyway, I know, too.


Cindy with Miss Fancypants, Paris Bueller, Zeke, and Angus 
Dante (Dg's Boyd), Zoe (In a While), Brady (Devilish Effect), Goose (BG Shotgun), Maverick (BG ShoMe), Maggie (All Trades Jax), Sherman (LNB Herman Bad) and Indy (BYB whippet) forever in my heart
The flame that burns the brightest, burns the fastest and leaves the biggest shadow

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So the vet today turned up nothing. Apparently I have a greyhound in the pink of health with consistently alkaline urine. So today we took blood as he was muttering something about kidney disease which is rare, asymptomatic, probably highly unlikely, but just to make sure. Meanwhile I spent the afternoon and evening with one of the vets at a greyhound race meeting and got to see what goes on behind the scenes. Apart from being incredibly interesting, and seeing some amazing dogs, AND seeing a friend's dog win their race unexpectedly, I was able to pick her brain. She asked about whether the urine had a low specific gravity, which I don't know and which I'll ask about tomorrow. She also muttered something about a kidney disease which is, again, asymptomatic but which has the low specific gravity as one of its early signs. However, the vet was comfortable with Brandi's concentration (in her urine, NOT generally) so I don't think that's it either. Alternatively it could just be an ongoing infection, but the greyhound vet also suggested I get a pack of urine sticks and track her urine results for a couple of weeks at home to get a more complete picture. I think this is a really good idea especially as these episodes have been kind of cyclical.


Once all of this has been ruled out, we'll start on potty training again and I'm going to seriously think about crate training as well.


There will be a family visit to see Hermon this weekend we hope so DH can meet the other man of the house :-)

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