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Sometime during my nap today (3-4 PM) Ruby threw up all over her bed. It looks to me like she ate what she threw up since there are only some big brown stains on her bed, but 3 piles of them.

She seems to be fine otherwise and I don't know if I should feed her dinner or not ? I hate to starve her but she has never thrown up before. I am boiling some white rice now just in case.

What do you think ?


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Guest chickenpotpie

feed her. Mine has also done it and I figured whatever it was just didn't agree. to that end, I no longer give her uncooked cheese. (she's fine with stuff like cheezits but not cheese on its own)

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I was just getting ready to give her a little rice but she threw up again on the rug. It looked like her kibble from morning, undigested, with some bile. I put her outside and she lapped up quite a bit of water.

She doesn't get anything other than her normal kibble each day so I know it isn't something that disagreed with her tummy on a normal basis.

I have been feeling like something is a bit "off" ever since the 4th of July when her weird behavior started up. I am thinking a vet visit may be in order tomorrow. Am I just being a nervous pet owner ?

Should I give her something for her tummy ?

Would you still feed after she vomited again ?

Edited by Busderpuddle


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Guest chickenpotpie

If she's continuing to throw up, pedialyte and chicken broth. feed her a little bit to see how it goes. But if she continues to throw up its time for the vet.

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She didn't throw up all night but went to her crate last night about 7:30 and laid there all night. She seemed fine but her going in her crate like that before bedtime only happens when she is scared. I gave her some more plain rice this morning with a little warm water and she ate it. I have an appt. to see the vet today at 11:00. Unfortunately, my favorite vet is out until Friday. Praying my girl is OK.


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Just got home from seeing the new vet and he of course had no idea. He seemed more concerned with her anxiety issues than the vomiting. He looked back through her chart and is concerned that the anxiety might be caused by her thyroid, which we looked into a couple years ago and decided not to do anything. She has also lost 2 more lbs since January and is now down to 56 lbs, down from 62 when we got her. He said her tummy sounded and felt good and said to keep her on a bland diet for another day or two. We will get lab results tomorrow.


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